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Division or Inclusion

Today I will talk about lines of division.  Most have been created and perpetuated by those that seek power and control over others.  Division between religions, countries and people are all meant to keep you in your place.
Your ‘homework’ today is to examine how your own division lines serve you.  As The Universe moves toward Oneness, it is important to know that these lines are no longer necessary and can even be detrimental to peace, both within and without.  Instead of creating isolation…it is time, my beautiful child, to create inclusion and you are a necessary part of this process! ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 10/10/2017

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If you fight with yourself, there is no victory. Nobody is going to be defeated, nobody is going to win; the whole game is stupid. But one thing is certain - if you go on fighting with yourself, you are dissipating energy. The right cannot win, the left cannot win - you will be defeated in the end. It is suicidal, you are destroying yourself.

When you are one, you become a creator, when you are two, you become suicidal - you destroy yourself. And how do you become two? Whenever self-consciousness arises, you become two.

Whenever you look at others and feel; What do they think about me? - you become two.

That's why all that is beautiful cannot happen when you are two. A creator has to forget everything, he has to forget the whole world; only then something from Beyond descends.


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The Electrical Sparks Called Thoughts

God said:

What is disturbance but a thought? What is Joy but a thought?

Every day My Children set out on a Journey of Thoughts. It is as though the sentiments of thoughts take you on a journey near and far, as though your own thoughts may kidnap you.

You abscond with your thoughts. You run off with your ragtail thoughts. Of all the thoughts you can run off with, these are the ones you take with you, as if you have no choice, as if you are not a Free Being, as if you are a captive of your thoughts, as if you are railroaded by them. Yes, indeed, you are taken by your thoughts, or you run off with them. You run off with your chosen thought pals, or they take off with you. You’re not sure how it works.

Sometimes your thoughts rally you, and sometimes your thoughts invade you. Sometimes you are ravaged by your thoughts, as if they have all say over you, and you have no say over them.

And, yet, whose thoughts are yours except yours, even when you feel that your thoughts carry you in tow, that you are indentured to them, as if they take you captive and you have no choice at all.

Are your thoughts, even your deepest thoughts, vagabonds? Your thoughts race through your mind, and will not let you be. Some you cannot forget. Are your thoughts your consciousness? You have wondered. Are your thoughts the sum total of you? This thought may make you tremble.

Where do these so-called thoughts of yours come from? They slip in and attach to you, and, yet, your thoughts can change at any time. They do, or they don’t.

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Meditation Can ‘Turbo Charge’ the Brain by Synchronizing Two Key Regions, Latest Science

Christina Sarich, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Researchers from Boston University have figured out two areas of the brain which must be activated to ‘turbo charge” cognitive functioning.

Two brain regions – the medial frontal and lateral prefrontal cortices – control most executive function. It was found that by synchronizing these areas of our grey matter, participants in a study experienced better, faster brain functioning. De-synchronizing these areas resulted in the opposite – a slower brain.  However, if there more to the story of our brain’s left or right brain dominance?

Using high-definition transcranial alternating current stimulation (HD-tACS) to synchronize oscillations between the medial frontal and lateral prefrontal cortices, resulted in faster neurotransmitter firing.

The synchronization of these two areas of the brain also resulted in better communication abilities and more control over the participants’ emotional reactions.

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday October 10, 2017

Dear Ones, what if you consciously released the fear of success, and the fear of failure, and decided instead to create for yourselves the exact experiences you wish to have that would unfold perfectly for your comfort and satisfaction? So many of you are so focused on what could go wrong, that you forget to choose what can go right.

Trust in your own divine capability to create and the universe’s desire to serve and delight you. Flow. Give feedback through your gratitude. Sort the energies by your focus, understanding that where you place your attention is what you are offering your energetic blessing of continuation to.

Replace the fear-based, constricting question, “What could go wrong?” with the potential-filled expanding question, “What could go right?” Know without a doubt that you are all more than ready, with your deep sensitivities and tender hearts, to create beautifully, mindfully, and purposefully. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Clearing and Cleansing

Many of you carry around loads of things from your past, both emotional and physical.  In this joyous time of clearing, you are invited to look at what you really need.  Take a moment, look at each item and ask yourself these questions:
It was important to me.  Is it important to me now?
Do I have an attachment to this?  Why?  Do I need this attachment now?
Why have I kept this?  Is it a reminder, a sentiment or a burden?
This clearing and cleansing, my dear one, will be necessary to move you to your next level.  Are you up to the challenge? ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 10/9/2017

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At the periphery everything is divided, and not only divided, but in conflict. It is as if I am fighting both my hands - right fights the left, left fights the right. What will happen? Is there any possibility of either hand being victorious? - no possibility, because both hands are mine The right cannot win because it is mine; the left cannot be defeated - it is mine.

Behind both hands I am one, so there is no possibility of any victory. And all victories will be just dreams, pretensions. I can fool myself, I can put my right hand on top of my left and say: Now the right has won. I can change the situation in a single moment; I can put the left on top of the right and say: The left has won. This is what you have been doing continuously.


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According To Science, Japanese “Forest Bathing” Can Improve Your Health

By Fattima Mahdi Truth Theory

In 1982, forest bathing became part of the national public health program in Japan. Forest bathing is a “Shinrin-yoku’’ therapy that encourages you to take in the forest atmosphere. This therapy has become a cornerstone of preventive health care and healing in Japanese medicine.

Forest bathing doesn’t require you to do any exercise. No working out, no jogging or hiking, just quiet contemplation surrounded by trees. Forest bathing is about relaxing.

Japan have spent many years studying the physical and psychological effects of forest bathing. From 2004 to 2012, they spent $4 million dollars conducting scientific research into the benefits of forest bathing. According to the findings, this Japanese practice has been proven to lower heart rate, boost immune system, reduce stress hormone production and improve your overall wellbeing.

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Gold Mines Exist

God said:

I, God, hear what you might call your thoughts. You seem to think them. I hear you forage for Me. I hear you say:

“Beloved God, I personally have been absent from You. I go my own way under the umbrella of time, God. Am I too busy for You? Hah!

“I have also felt that sometimes You would like me to be more Self-Reliant, less personal, sort of less reliant on You, more independent of You, something like that. Are You wanting me to come of age? Well, God, are You?”

Well, dear One, dear Godling, you are everything to Me. Yes, I want to nestle closely with you, and I want you to be your own Sun in the world. I’m not across from you at the table. We are reciprocal. We sail the Seas together. We are never apart. We do converse. There is no in between Us. It isn’t exactly that you dance solo from Me in the first place.

You feel Me now, don’t you? You feel Me surging through your blood stream, don’t you? I am, in one sense, the only vitamin there is for you to take. Take several doses of Me a day.

Now I see you smile at Me and I hear you say:

“Yes, God, I feel You. I feel Your embrace, and You take me above the world far into what seems like oblivion, a Land of Love where Love is not really noticed, yet there is nothing else but Love and no need for it to be separated and noticed.

“I also feel You, God, as down to Earth. I feel Your hand massaging my heart. Your hand goes in gently. You smooth my Heart. Steadily You squeeze and release. How I love to feel Your Presence, God, your Ever-Present Presence.

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Brave New World - Doctors and Researchers Make the Case for Preemptive Antidepressants

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Should people without depression take medication to prevent it? This is the latest question to come out of modern psychiatry, and is explored in detail in a recent article by a major news outlet. In short, they are presenting an admittedly controversial idea, the suggestion that certain people who are statistically at a high risk of developing symptoms of depression be treated preemptively with antidepressants.

Looking at a research report out of Nebraska, the article notes that patients suffering from head and neck cancers are predisposed to becoming clinically depressed during treatment, and that in a study, patients given antidepressants were less likely to get depressed.

“In medicine, this approach is often referred to as prophylaxis, or a treatment used to prevent disease.


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