GFP Newsletter - 9/9/2017

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Those who know, they never demand, because the moment you become knowing what do you know? - you know nothing.

Existence is so vast, so mysterious, how can you know it? All claims to knowledge are egoistic, and only one who is not egoistic, who becomes completely unself-conscious, who does not know who he is enters into the mysteries.


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What Thinking You’re Ugly Does To Your Well-Being (VIDEO)

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

To start, if you’ve ever looked down upon yourself or spoken the words “I’m so ugly” to yourself, you’re not alone. You could be someone who has an immense amount of self love and still have some self doubt occasionally, and that’s perfectly understandable. We live in a society that perpetuates the belief that beauty is only skin deep, and it can be difficult to ignore that message every moment of every day.

However, it’s when you start to believe those thoughts fuelled by hate rather than those focused on self love that it becomes a deeper issue. If you feel like your inner thoughts are filled with more body shaming and negativity than they are with positivity and self love, ask yourself: Why do I feel this way, and when did I start to let my outer appearance determine my self worth?

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Life Is Just a Passerby

God said:

In effect, you sift through your Life. You sift with a sieve, Beloveds. There is a moral to the story here. Life once lived falls through the cracks. It is bye-bye.

You cannot hold onto everything or anything. How can you be sure that sifting through Life is a way for you to comprehend Life? Life will teach you without your trying to sort it out. Life already has occurred, and now you are in a new starting-off place.

If the past is the past, well, then, let it go. Verily, only Life Itself can teach Itself. It isn’t that Life is insoluble. It’s just that Life goes off the screen in the moment that it surfaces and happens, or, rather seems to happen. Life hops right along. Life doesn’t stay still. Life on Earth is not meant to be memorable. Life is in one moment, and then Life is off and running in the next.

Hail to Life. Greet it. Then Life swims away on to New Adventures. You know what? Life does not stand still, and nor are you to stand still.

You may feel you are off to the races! Rather, you are transported to the Present. To the best of your ability, you digest what just has occurred, though, at the same moment there is no whipping a past moment into shape. It is not for you to conjugate Life. A moment ago is not your bread and butter. It is a passing shadow you glimpse out of the corner of your eye. You don’t want to make too much of Life and so impede Life as it occurs. Life gives you a ride. Life contains you. Hmm, Life swerves ahead, and it is already passed. May your Life go beyond its past.

GFP Newsletter - 9/8/2017

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If somebody says: I am a Realized man; and demands recognition continually, it is difficult. In the very demand the man proves his ignorance.

Hence the UPANISHADS say: The man who thinks he knows does not know.

Hence Socrates says: When I became a knower, I realized that I am the most ignorant one.


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Beyond Your Ken

God said:

In the whole world, you find yourself in the precise place you find yourself in. You live in a certain spot on the globe. You live on a certain street. You live at a certain numbered address. At this moment you are in a certain room in your house sitting in a certain chair, or you are perhaps shopping in a certain store in the Universe.

Isn’t this amazing? Of all the millions of people in the world, each person is somewhere specific. It must be that you are in an assigned place. It can’t be that you exist at random, no matter how it may seem so. Can it be you were just tossed up in the air and landed in the place you were meant to land in by chance and not certainty?

Tomorrow you could be somewhere else. Tomorrow you could be on a plane flying to a different destination for a visit with old friends or on a business trip in another place in the Universe. Can any of this be random, or is all of it planned by a Master Intelligence? Not planned as you know planned, not figured out, yet gloriously orchestrated. This is all beyond your ken.

Your Presence cannot be an accident. This has to have been all an appointment. Who made this appointment? Did you make it, or was it assigned to you, or both with mutual agreement or with none? How?

How uncanny or ordinary is all this?

You may live in a hut in the country or in a big palace in the city. Everyone on Earth is somewhere exactly at this moment and not somewhere else.

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(Video) The Secrets Of The Pineal Gland

by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

The pineal gland has drawn greater interest over the past decade or so, as people become increasingly curious about its true purpose, beyond what we might typically learn in Biology 101. Mystery surrounds this part of the brain, but thanks to ancient wisdom and some modern day experiments, we are coming closer to discovering its purpose, and realizing its significance to both our divinity and our origins.

Throughout History

Many ancient religions include symbolic representations of the pineal gland throughout their texts. It’s often represented as a pinecone, as it bears a resemblance to it, hence the name pine-al gland. Below you can see it appear as the Buddh’s hat, and it tops the pope’s staff, along with the Egyptian staff of Osiris. Truly, the symbol of the pinecone can be found across cultures and time periods, specifically in relationship to religious practices. Surely, this must represent something.

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White House Petition To Declare Elitist George Soros A “Terrorist” & Seize His Assets Is Gaining Momentum

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

For decades, George Soros has been funding different sides of conflicts and profiting off of division and separatism. Though his donations may seem heartfelt and sincere to some, if you look a little closer, you’ll find that many of the donations he makes have ulterior motives behind them, helping to secure his control over various political landscapes and in turn profit from them.

Soros has profited off of chaos all over the world, particularly in Europe, but now he’s doing it here in North America. However, his actions have not gone unnoticed. A recent petition launched on August 20, 2017 by “E.B.” on the White House petitions website is asking that the U.S. government declare George Soros a “terrorist” and seize all of his assets. What’s more, the petition is doing extremely well, which speaks to the level of awareness amongst U.S. citizens!


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