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Mainstream Scientist Exposes the Dangerous Reality of Chemtrails and Geoengineering - Waking Times

Phillip Schneider, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Over the past few years, the issue of geoengineering has been popularized. Mainstream media, academia, and government almost unanimously support the idea of geoengineering as a perceived solution to climate change while suppressing the evidence that it has actually been in use for some time without our consent. On the other hand, there is a growing number of people who are slowly beginning to understand the reality surrounding chemtrail geoengineering, and opposition is slowly growing.

In a bold move against the establishment, Kate Marvel, a mainstream scientist who specializes in “climate change,” spoke out at a Ted Talk against the onset of climate engineering with chemtrails, also known as Solar Radiation Management or “SRM.”

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Daily Message ~ Friday August 4, 2017

We encourage you to embrace being the creators and pioneers of your life expression. It is important to have clarity on what your dreams and desires truly are. This gives you a pure and undiluted energetic emanation which can then lead the way to your next great adventure and expression of self.

How do you know you have clarity on what you wish to experience? A helpful question can be, “What would I do if I did not know any other people in the world?” Many human beings have a tendency to temper their dreams for fear of judgment or wanting to please others.

If the answer to that question differs from what you have been focusing on thus far, you may wish to delve deeper into what your truest desires are. You can then find a new dream that far better honours you as well as how you wish to show up for others.

Remember, Dear Ones, if you do try something and you do not like it, you can always try again. That is the beauty of being in the realm of experience. ~Archangel Gabriel


GFP Newsletter - 8/3/2017

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There is no need to drop the ego. You cannot drop it. If you try to drop it, you will attain to a certain subtle ego again which says: I have become humble. Don't try to be humble.

That's again ego in hiding - but it is not dead.

Don't try to be humble. Nobody can try humility. And nobody can create humility through any effort of his own - no. When the ego is no more, a humbleness comes to you. It is not a creation. It is a shadow of the real center. And a really humble man is neither humble nor egoistic. He is simply simple. He's not even aware that he is humble. If you are aware that you are humble, the ego is there.


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How to Beckon Troubles to Leave

God said:

As you well know by now, you want to divest yourself of your troubles. You don’t want to highlight your scourges. No matter how dire and how huge, you already know that there is no profit in keeping on about your troubles. You would give up commentaries on the difficulties you experience if only you could let go of them.

I am telling you how. You already know how to dwell on complaints. You fell into that. I do not tell you to kid yourself that all is hunky-dory. I, God, say to release the thorns in your side.

When a situation concerns a loved one’s leaving Earth, this is on a different scale. When it is a loved one, you want to keep that which you have to let go of. You know you have to let go. You have to reach a new balance. By comparison, when it’s a case of a loved one, it’s a whole new world.

Now We speak of lesser difficulties that weigh on you and that you don’t want.

Certainly, you are not a Pollyanna who seems to pretend her difficulties away, yet, bless Pollyanna, for she knew enough to divert her attention from difficulties.

Okay, if you want to know a secret on how to let difficulties go, begin by not regurgitating them. Certainly, you deplore difficulties. You don’t love them. You don’t like them. You can’t stand them. They get in your way. They are stumbling blocks. They catch in your craw. You might say you would give anything to not have difficulties.

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Daily Message ~ Thursday August 3, 2017

In older times, if someone wished to embrace a spiritual path it often involved cloistering themselves. The belief was that you needed to separate yourself from society in order to devote yourself to your practice.

As so many of you are old souls, you have had many, many experiences with that practice. So when you started your enlightenment process on earth, it felt natural to seclude yourself in order to focus on that process. That is what your soul had done, time and again, over the course of your many lifetimes.

As you are stepping into the second phase of your incarnation, that need to cloister yourself is being left behind. You are now ready to embody your energetics beautifully while being in the world, in a state of connection with others.

While the time of solitude served you well, the great joy will be in moving beyond that self imposed seclusion into experiencing yourself authentically no matter what the circumstances because your attainment is not dependent on any external factors.

More and more you will be able to hold your balance, regardless of where people are on their own personal paths, or what dramas may be playing out around you. You will simply be the light, bringing your energy wherever you go, being of active service through your beingness, and that, Dear Ones, is a magnificent thing to behold and the next natural phase of your evolution. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Now is the time for listening, my love.  There will be many things attempting to grab your attention, to drag your energy away from your center and to distract you from these very important moments.  Please remember, this is not done out of malice, they just do not know.  Bless each of them, their efforts and send them on their way.  Now is the time for listening, my love.  The Universe is speaking! ~ Creator


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Hempcrete Could Change The Way We Build Everything

by Joe Martino, Collective Evolution

First off, what is Hempcrete? As the name suggests, hempcrete is a building material that incorporates hemp into its mixture. Versatile and hardy, it can be used for wall insulation, flooring, walls, roofing, and more, and is fireproof, waterproof, and rot-proof, provided it’s used aboveground. Derived from the shiv or inside stem of the hemp plant, it’s then mixed with a lime base binder to create the final, negative carbon footprint product. Hempcrete is much more versatile and pliable than concrete, making it an easier material to work with. In fact, earthquakes cannot crack these structures, as they are three times more resistant to damage than regular concrete.

Hempcrete also requires less energy to produce, since lime doesn’t need to be heated to the same degree as industrial concrete. What’s more, because it contains cellulose, Hempcrete also sequesters carbon. Through its growing life cycle, it takes in large amounts of carbon, which are then built into the home or building being constructed. Carbon is thus stored rather than released into the atmosphere, and as a result, a home can save about 20,000lbs of carbon when being built out of Hempcrete.

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How Much Wealth Does the Vatican Control? - Waking Times

Isaac Davis, Staff Writer
Waking Times 

One of the world’s 7 remaining absolute monarchies, Vatican City in the heart of Rome, Italy, is a peculiar city within a city, and one of the wealthiest establishments on earth. If you’ve ever been to the Vatican, which is actually a sovereign nation, you’ve seen the unbelievable wealth owned by the Catholic Church, but how much is the Vatican really worth?

The Rothschild family is believed to hold some five times more than the combined wealth of the world’s 8 top private billionaires, but when it comes to the Vatican, it’s much more difficult to assess its overall wealth. In fact, it’s actually practically impossible to pin down the Vatican’s wealth, as the sum total depends greatly on how you add up their assets and affiliations with churches around the world, and also on who you ask.

For example, a 1987 investigation into the Vatican’s finances by Forbes magazine, claims that the Vatican was nearly broke, spending almost twice as much annually as it brought in.

GFP Newsletter - 8/2/2017

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Start looking for the ego, not in others, that is not your business, but in yourself. Whenever you feel miserable, immediately close your eyes and try to find out from where the misery is coming and you will always find it is the false center which has clashed with someone.

You expected something, and it didn't happen. You expected something, and just the contrary happened - your ego is shaken, you are in misery. Just look, whenever you are miserable, try to find out why.

Causes are not outside you. The basic cause is within you - but you always look outside, you always ask: Who is making me miserable? Who is the cause of my anger? Who is the cause of my anguish? And if you look outside, you will miss. Just close the eyes and always look within. The source of all misery, anger, anguish, is hidden in you, your ego. And if you find the source, it will be easy to move beyond it. If you can see that it is your own ego that gives you trouble, you will like to drop it - because nobody can carry the source of misery if he understands it.



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