God said:
What if everything in the world was the way you liked it? Have you considered this possibility?
When you open your eyes to the world and to the wild blue yonder, note all the blessings you are blessed with.
Consider all the things in the world that are exactly how you like them. How about those stars you like that sparkle above you? What about those eyes you look into today? What is this ground under your feet? What IS it? What if you loved the air you breathe? What if, with every breath, you love the Universe and you acknowledge that you are here alive on Earth loving the Universe?
What if you liked yourself?
When you look at it, you too are one of the Wonders of the World. You, who are Oneness, are also unique. You are incredibly unique. Of all the population of the world, there is no one else just like you. And you are unlimited.
How many words can there be in a language? There is no top, no limit. Every language has room at the top for more words. I wanted to say: No two words are the same. Cancel that because there are more than two words the same in whatever language. The words the same, yet perhaps the meanings different.
When it comes to human Beings, there is no other just like you. No other exactly like you. No other. Only you.
Of course, there are resemblances in all human Beings. Each of you is your own Soul even as you are One with Me and all else in the Kingdom.