GFP Newsletter - 8/5/2017

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Whenever you are miserable, just close the eyes and don't try to find some cause outside. Try to see from where this misery is coming. It is your own ego. If you continuously feel and understand, and the understanding that the ego is the cause becomes so deep-rooted, one day you will suddenly see that it has disappeared.

Nobody drops it - nobody can drop it. You simply see; it has simply disappeared, because the very understanding that ego causes all misery becomes the dropping. The very understanding is the disappearance of the ego.

And you are so clever in seeing the ego in others. Anybody can see someone else's ego. When it comes to your own, then the problem arises - because you don't know the territory, you have never travelled on it. The whole path towards the Divine, the Ultimate, has to pass through this territory of the ego. The false has to be understood as false. The source of misery has to be understood as the source of misery - then it simply drops. When you know it is poison, it drops. When you know it is fire, it drops. When you know this is the hell, it drops. And then you never say: I have dropped the ego. Then you simply laugh at the whole thing, the joke that you were the creator of all misery.


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Why You Are Here on Earth

God said:

What if everything in the world was the way you liked it? Have you considered this possibility?

When you open your eyes to the world and to the wild blue yonder, note all the blessings you are blessed with.

Consider all the things in the world that are exactly how you like them. How about those stars you like that sparkle above you? What about those eyes you look into today? What is this ground under your feet? What IS it? What if you loved the air you breathe? What if, with every breath, you love the Universe and you acknowledge that you are here alive on Earth loving the Universe?

What if you liked yourself?

When you look at it, you too are one of the Wonders of the World. You, who are Oneness, are also unique. You are incredibly unique. Of all the population of the world, there is no one else just like you. And you are unlimited.

How many words can there be in a language? There is no top, no limit. Every language has room at the top for more words. I wanted to say: No two words are the same. Cancel that because there are more than two words the same in whatever language. The words the same, yet perhaps the meanings different.

When it comes to human Beings, there is no other just like you. No other exactly like you. No other. Only you.

Of course, there are resemblances in all human Beings. Each of you is your own Soul even as you are One with Me and all else in the Kingdom.

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Its Freedom Time: Only Those With A Slave Mind Can Be Held Down

BLuke Miller Truth Theory

It is time to be free people! Here is why:

The are some very significant events that have been happening globally over the last few years, with things really ramping up over the last few months. Globally places that have consistently been oppressed are standing up and freeing themselves from their slave masters.

A lot of it looks like a mess, and truth be told it is- pharmaceutical companies are killing more people than they are saving. War is being sold for peace. Wage slavery is being put forward for freedom. Bankers are stealing our money. News companies are misinforming the public. Lawyers have become criminal. Public education for the most part is indoctrination. Political leaders cannot be trusted. Our food has become poison. Our water a commodity. Air is barely breathable. Sexuality has become taboo. Violence is okay, as long as they don’t look like us, and we have become more compartmentalised than ever.

Our environment is for sale. Even if the price is life itself. Slavery is still happening. Even in the developed world. Everything is for sale- including love or the illusion of love. People are dieing because of skin pigmentation and those of other skin pigmentation don’t know or don’t care. Beneficial natural substances are illegal. Addictive chemicals are freely available. Shelter is owned mostly by a very small group of people and the rest of us slave away to try to gain the stability of shelter.

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Neuroscience Shows How Gut Bacteria Impact Emotions

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer
Waking Times

It is becoming widely known that gut bacteria influence much more than our digestive process. The bacteria living in the digestive system impact our general health. Furthermore, scientists are now discovering that this influence goes beyond physical health. A study out of the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) discovered evidence that gut microbes affect our emotions. Specifically, they impact how we respond to fear.

Study Proves Brain and Gut Microbe Interactions

In their study, UCLA researchers examined fecal samples of 40 women to identify their gut microbiome. In addition, these women were hooked up to an MRI scanner and then shown images designed to provoke an emotional response. The study identified two types of gut bacteria that potentially impact the brain areas associated with mood and general behavior.

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Mexico City Just Passed A Landmark Dolphin Captivity Ban

By: Good News Network  

Mexico City is finally taking a stance on dolphin abuse.

A bill recently passed by the Legislative Assembly of Mexico City has banned the captivity of dolphins for entertainment, performances, therapy, and research.

The bipartisan legislation, which was hailed as a “landmark ban” by the international animal protection organization In Defense of Animals, took effect earlier this week.

The law was passed in light of the organization’s “Ten Worst Tanks” list of abusive cetacean facilities. Mexico City’s Six Flags park, which is renowned for housing the late ora from Free Willy, is ranked at number 6 internationally.

Though the fate of the two dolphins and two sea lions currently at the park is still unknown, In Defense of Animals is encouraging their retirement to an aquatic sanctuary for rehabilitation.

“This landmark ban will spare generations of animals from cruelty and sends a clear message that the public increasingly rejects dolphin captivity,” said Dr. Toni Frohoff, Cetacean Scientist for In Defense of Animals. “We thank Mexico City officials for recognizing our Ten Worst Tanks list and acting swiftly to end the abuse. We urge Six Flags to retire the dolphins at a seaside sanctuary where they may recover.”

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Trouble for Big Pharma as Nearly 50% of People Report Quitting Pills for CBD

by Carey Wedler, The Anti-Media

According to a recent survey conducted by cannabis market research firm the Brightfield Group and HelloMD, an online medical cannabis community, nearly half of CBD (cannabidiol) users give up prescription drugs and over the counter medications in favor of the non-psychoactive substance.

The survey of over 2,400 respondents found forty-two percent of CBD users — whether they used marijuana-derived CBD or hemp-derived CBD — “have left their traditional medications behind altogether and now use cannabis instead.”

The survey summarized that roughly “66% of CBD users indicated that CBD products are either ‘more effective’ or ‘much more effective’ in relieving their medical conditions than are over-the-counter (OTC) products.”

Further, “[a]pproximately 52% of this consumer group indicated that their CBD products are either ‘more effective’ or ‘much more effective’ in relieving medical conditions than are prescription medications.

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Daily Message ~ Saturday August 5, 2017

Surrender is the grease to your flow. The more you can stay in a state of full surrender, the easier it is to move you to your perfect solutions, matches and creations.

So have fun with it! Imagine that surrender helps you have the most joyful, adventure-filled ride in the flow. Steer that flow with your gratitude and appreciation and start to see that surrender is not an arduous task, but rather something that is fun, exciting, and delightful.

When it becomes your preferred mode of operation, you will allow yourself to reap the many rewards it offers, and truly experience the magic and joy of co-creating with a universe that adores you and only wishes to serve you. ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 8/4/2017

will's picture

There are millions who think that they are very humble. They bow down very low, but watch them - they are the subtlest egoists. Now humility is their source of food. They say: I am humble, and then they look at you and they wait for you to appreciate them. 'You are really humble.' They would like you to say: In fact, you are the most humble man in the world; nobody is as humble as you are. Then see the smile that comes on their faces.

What is ego? Ego is a hierarchy that says: No one is like me. It can feed on humbleness - 'Nobody is like me, I am the most humble man.'


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The Language is Love

God said:

Yes, what I say matters. Intrinsically, what I vibrate matters more. What I vibrate and what I say are always one and the same.

You also speak, and you also vibrate. What you say and what you vibrate, may they also be the same. Your words and your vibration are to match. Now We speak of honesty and integrity. Be well-versed in these.

The same words you speak in Truth also vibrate at an equal frequency. The vibration is strong. When the words and True Meaning do not line up -- as in a fib, fabrication, exaggeration, excuse, or a straight-out lie – the vibration is weakened. When you speak less than your Truth, for whatever reason, you know what I mean, for you have experienced the hollowness of ungrounded unsubstantiated errant words.

Language is used in the world. Words are written and spoken in order to convey meaning. On the other hand, you receive vibrations with or without conscious grasp. You vibrate to vibrations regardless. You feel them, sense them, intuit them. You don’t need intellect in order to be embraced by higher vibration or disturbed by lower. Your intellect may not always accept what you sense. You may talk yourself out of what you pick up or, not wanting to deal with any discrepancy, you may glide past it as if it weren’t there.

On the level of feeling, you can know everything even when it is not clear to you. You can grasp quantum mechanics on a level deeper than thought. Somewhere within you, you are familiar with a great deal on a deeper level whether you consciously grasp this or not.


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