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Daily Message ~ Monday July 3, 2017

If you wish to make a change in your life, surrender into that new way of being and then start doing whatever you can do in each right now moment to support that change. Surrendering activates your team of helpers and opens you up to new potentials and possibilities. Making choices that support that change keep you in a state of cooperation and creation and also start to anchor the energy of what it is you desire. Both surrendering and taking whatever action may be available to you continue to support your intention.

As always, Dear Ones, it does not need to be grandiose. Your surrender simply needs to be consistent, which means staying in a space of open acceptance, faith, and trust until the universe can show you the next steps to take. Your action might be visualizing, meditating, making a vision board, educating yourself on a specific topic, or any other activity that allows you to experience the energy of your dream.

Embracing both surrender, and whatever action you are guided to take on your part, is the core of co-creation. Combine that with appreciation (which is your feedback tool and the steering wheel of your flow) and you will find yourself becoming very adept with the manifestation of your dreams. ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 7/2/2017

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Whatsoever you try to prove is really of your inner imbalance. You would like it if the other didn't exist. Then, then you could feel a balance.

But the other is. The other is - it haunts you. Atheists, theists, for-against people - it haunts them.

You have to balance yourself, then it simply drops. All problems drop when you are balanced. We cannot solve any problem, remember. Problems simply disappear when we are balanced. Problems are just symbolic indications - they are not the real disease. The real disease is the imbalance.


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A Divine Quest

God said:

You have heard the advice: “Don’t be on a fool’s errand.”

You may look at this guidance in several ways. One way is: What else is there in the temporal Life on Earth but a fool’s errand? HA HA!

All the running around you do and all the dreams you dream, and soon or late, dreams change their appearance, and, soon or late, you walk out of this worldly Life and wave a fond good-bye and enter the Highest Heavens which, I remind you -- you have never left.

To enter the Highest Heavens is everyone’s Destiny.

At the same time as this is true, you do not always feel confident in your Destiny. Regardless, you are on a Divine Quest. As you seek, so shall you find. I am wanting to clarify that in your seeking intimate and ultimate Truth, you are not a fool, and Life cannot quite be a fool’s errand, for your God’s Honest Truth will come to you.

That which you seek is your Self, beloveds. Whatever quest you may believe you are on, no matter how worthy-seeming or worthless-seeming, it is your Self you are seeking. To seek your Self – this is great privilege and happiness. As you come closer to your Holy Self, the greater the mastery you reveal. Closer to your Self are you as you continue in Life. Surely you will come to see your growth. Hail to you, Beautiful Soul of Mine.

Living Life on Earth is your project. Everyone has the same yet so different a project. Yes, there is this Infinite Oneness, and there is also the Wonder of Individuality.

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Daily Message ~ Sunday July 2, 2017

Compassion is a response to another in need of support that comes from your own divine essence. The more you are in touch with the divine truth of your own beingness, the more you are able to meet others with a compassionate response. For many human beings who have not yet discovered their own endless wellspring of love and connection to Source, it takes greater triggers for them to activate their own compassion. This is the purpose of disaster and other extreme events.

As the world continues to evolve and more and more people awaken to their true divine nature, compassion and love will become your natural go-to responses, and the way you wish to offer connection with others. You will not need extremes to remember your own truth and beingness, and will begin to walk the gentle compassionate path that comes from navigating from your own sacred heart. ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 7/1/2017

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Why are you holding if you cannot share? Why are you alive if you cannot love? What are you seeking if you cannot be ecstatic? And ecstasy comes through a balance: you simply possess a thing to share it, then possession is not ugly. Then you are simply waiting to share it.


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No más. No más. No More.

God said:

There are many shades of meaning to the concept of being courageous.

Be anointed and ready to be heroic when heroism is called for. Being heroic is often spoken of as saving someone’s Life. That’s good. There are many depths of meaning to saving lives.

Be heroic and save your own Life. Save your own Life from any more complaining. Courage is an aspect of absence from complaint. Never again complain. Don’t even let that tone of voice creep into your speech. If you hear yourself with a plaint, stop right in the middle. Go no further. NO, absolutely NO, no more feeling sorry for yourself. Voiced or not, nowhere are plaints to exist within you, a Child of Mine. You were not created for moaning and groaning. A good complainer, do not be.

Why not? Because complaint is a waste of Life. You might as well chew a slow poison. At this very moment, allow No Complaining to infringe upon you or the world. Be done with plaints right now. No more. Drop the whole subject.

Beloveds, you may sometimes even complain about eating too much, have you not! And you do this when there is someone else in the world who is hungry.

If you are someone else in this world who is hungry and you want more food to eat, don’t complain about not having enough food. Enjoy what you eat, and be done. Even in jest, complaining is going out of style once and for all. Be done with old sad songs.

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Scientists Now Believe the Universe Itself May Be Conscious

by Jake Anderson, The Anti-Media

You don’t have to look far to find outlandish theories on the nature of the cosmos and human consciousness. These days, notions once relegated to science fiction are finding their way into esoteric academic journals, and from there, into mainstream discourse. One example of this is the Simulation Argument, recently championed by Elon Musk; another is ‘time crystals,’ a tantalizing non-linear phase of matter. The newest symphony of mind jazz being broadcast across the Internet posits new ideas about the embattled theory of “panpsychism,” or the belief that mind is a fundamental property of the physical universe and is imbued into all states of matter.

A new paper, published by physicist Gregory Matloff, has brought the idea back into scientific discussions, promising experimental tests that could “validate or falsify” the concept of a ubiquitous “proto-consciousness field.” Matloff also pushes the controversial idea of volitional stars, suggesting there is actually evidence that stars control their own galactic paths.

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Why Artists Think Differently Compared To Other People


When asked to talk about images of places, painters are more likely to describe the depicted space as a two-dimensional image, while architects are more likely to focus on paths and the boundaries of the space.

"We found that painters, sculptors and architects consistently showed signs of their profession when talking about the spaces we showed them, and all three groups had more elaborate, detailed descriptions than people in unrelated professions," said senior author Dr Hugo Spiers (UCL Psychology & Language Sciences).

Artists’ portraits predominantly present subjects’ in a specific profile which aligns with their expectations and profession.


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