God said:
You ride in a passenger train unto Eternity. You ride through hill and dale. You ride through forests, and you ride through mountains, the tundra, all kinds of terrain. There is nowhere you have eluded. This includes all of Heaven. You are a stranger to nothing. Nothing is foreign to you. Nothing is misplaced. There is nowhere you have not traversed. There is no one you have not met. There is no one you don’t know.
However, the least you know about at the present is yourself. You seem to have seen yourself as a straggler, a bumbler, someone out of sorts who can’t seem to carry happiness around, at least not for long – someone who seems to throw a bottleneck into Life right and left.
About seems like such an inconsequential word, and, yet, you are not yet adequate to capture what you are about.
You are greater than the most beautiful woven table cloth. You are greater than any silk in the world. You are Greater than you begin to give yourself or Me credit for. You sit at the King’s table. You are the Great Table that the Universe sits on. You sit at the Table of Yourself, and you are greater than this.
At the outset, you are for sure Greater than your belief in yourself. This goes without saying, for you do not accept your worth. You blush and turn your face away.