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Daily Message ~ Saturday July 1, 2017

Your holidays are so rejuvenative to you because they are days filled with expansion and joy. Because you are navigating the day through enjoyment and flow, you become much more present and expansive. What would happen if you started to infuse your day to day life with those same elements?

What would happen if you asked yourself, “What would bring me joy?” every single day and then made a point of adding that element into your routine? We will tell you. Your health would improve. Your mood would improve. You would become lighter and much more joyful. You would experience satisfaction much more consistently in your life. You would prepave your tomorrows to be far better matches to you through your presence and appreciation.

Living a life with sporadic enjoyment was never the plan for you, Dear Ones. Your interests are there to help you navigate your life expressions. So live. Experience. Follow the joy. That is what we wish more than anything else for you. ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 6/30/2017

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A situation is an existential phenomenon. Just talking, teaching, won't do, because talking and teaching goes to the head. And even if the head is convinced, nothing happens out of it. You know this very well. You are convinced of many things, but you just go on doing the contrary. You are convinced that anger is poisonous, but does that make any difference to you? Whether you say anger is poisonous or not, you go on being angry. You have been repenting continuously - again and again the same phenomenon, you feel completely helpless. The head knows anger is wrong, but nothing happens through it.

You know very well what is wrong but that doesn't transform your life. You know very well what is right but that doesn't come into your being. It remains something in the mind - a conviction, an argument, a rationalization. It remains knowledge, but it never becomes understanding. Understanding means that you have learned it through your whole being; you have learned it through an existential situation. It has not been given only through words. All the Masters have been doing that - they create situations. In a situation, you have to act. In a situation, your totality is called in, challenged.


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God’s Heart

God said:

You ride in a passenger train unto Eternity. You ride through hill and dale. You ride through forests, and you ride through mountains, the tundra, all kinds of terrain. There is nowhere you have eluded. This includes all of Heaven. You are a stranger to nothing. Nothing is foreign to you. Nothing is misplaced. There is nowhere you have not traversed. There is no one you have not met. There is no one you don’t know.

However, the least you know about at the present is yourself. You seem to have seen yourself as a straggler, a bumbler, someone out of sorts who can’t seem to carry happiness around, at least not for long – someone who seems to throw a bottleneck into Life right and left.

About seems like such an inconsequential word, and, yet, you are not yet adequate to capture what you are about.

You are greater than the most beautiful woven table cloth. You are greater than any silk in the world. You are Greater than you begin to give yourself or Me credit for. You sit at the King’s table. You are the Great Table that the Universe sits on. You sit at the Table of Yourself, and you are greater than this.

At the outset, you are for sure Greater than your belief in yourself. This goes without saying, for you do not accept your worth. You blush and turn your face away.

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Children Now Face Fines And Arrest If They Don’t Get a Permit To Mow Grass For Money

By Jay Syrmopoulos

Gardendale, AL — A regular summer right of passage for motivated teenagers across the United States in search of some extra spending money has always been cutting the neighbors’ grass. However, teens in Gardendale, Alabama, and many other cities across the United States, are about to get a rude lesson in how government overregulation stifles personal and financial growth.

Local officials and area law services have reportedly warned area teens that without a business license issued by the city, which costs $110, they are in violation of a city ordinance, thus violating the law, if they attempt to cut grass without a license.

It’s patently absurd that local teenagers can’t make a private agreement with a neighbor to mow a lawn without the government sanctioning the transaction by inserting themselves as the arbiter of who is allowed to legitimately cut grass.

Mowing grass in the summer is often one of the first jobs a motivated teenager will engage in during their summer break from school. But, with a business license costing $110 for a job that will likely be ongoing for a few short months in the summer, the cost will likely drive many ambitious entrepreneurial teens away from what would likely be a rewarding experience.

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I Recently Had A Conversation With God Here Are 15 Things I Was Told

BLuke Miller Truth Theory

I recently had a deep spiritual experience which you can read about here in which I felt many of life’s big questions were answered. There was no thought involved, it was as if the answers flowed through me and were given to me, not thought up by me. I don’t claim to hold any ultimate truth and your intuition is your biggest gift for filtering out information that does not resonate with you- but this is my experience of a conversation with God (the first point defines God):

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You are vaster than the universe! - John Smallman

As you are all very well aware, enormous changes are occurring all across the world as the awakening process gathers further momentum and the Tsunami of Love intensifies, calling all of humanity to awaken.  It is time for you to awaken, it is essential that you awaken, and as you do you can and will delight in the experiential knowing that you are indeed One, One with each other, and One with your divine Source, Mother/Father/God.  Untold joy will fill your hearts as all fear, hatred, bitterness, resentment, self-disparagement, and any sense of “worthlessness,” or of “not being good enough,” just falls away and dissolves in the infinitely powerful “solvent” – Love.

The awareness that there is only Love, that anything else is unreal, illusory, while accepted by many intellectually has not been felt in their hearts.  That is now changing.  Over the last few years – not decades, let alone hundreds of years – more and more of you have been intending to be only loving with whatever has been arising in your personal lives, and that most powerful intent is driving the implementation of many of the changes that need to be planned and put into effect.

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Daily Message ~ Friday June 30, 2017

It is very common for enlightening human beings to take the high road or the more spiritual response to any situation. This is wonderful and a beautiful sign of growth, if it is done in such a way that does not ignore your human response.

How many times have you ignored how you feel to be “more spiritual”? We love that you are taking a mindful approach! But we also urge you to honour ALL of your feelings. Any parts of you that have missed your attention will continue to rise up in their need for your care and love.

It is never too late to go give yourself what you needed at any given time. For example, if you ignored some very understandable anger over being treated unfairly, go into meditation back to that time and allow that emotion to be labeled, expressed, and ultimately released.

Don’t forget to give your human self love and reassurance that they are still good and evolving even though they had that response. Any emotion you have judged and deemed not spiritual enough still deserves your acknowledgment as a human being, rather than being shunned which will only perpetuate separation within yourself.

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The Light Outside The Darkness

On occasion dark moments will enter your life.  That darkness will feel and seem all encompassing, never-ending and may engulf everything.  Like a flashlight beam in reverse, you sometimes forget that outside that darkness, the light continues to shine.  If you are in one of those moments, The Universe is there to remind you that the light has, and always will be, there.  It all depends on where you choose to put your focus. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 6/29/2017

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If you are relaxed, there is no need to meditate, because meditation is medicinal - it is medicine. If you are healthy there is no need for it. And I have not come across a single human being who is not in need of meditation. That means the whole of humanity is sick; the whole earth is a great hospital.

Try to look at it. And when I say try to look at it, look at it within yourself. Don't look to the right and to the left. I am talking to you; just see the whole point. And if you can see the whole point of your split being, nothing is to be done. Simply drop helping this split to continue. By and by, move from the extremes to the middle. Hence, Buddha called his path 'The Middle Way,' madhyam nikaya. Hence, Lao Tzu says his path is 'The Golden Mean.'


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Our Story of Entwinement by Heart

God said:

From My heart arises your heart. To your heart flows Mine.

This is the Whole Story I bequeath to you, yet My children need to hear so many verses, and again and again. You want chapter after chapter. A condensation is not enough. You want the ins and outs and sub-chapters. You want everything tied together, perhaps with little ribbons.

Of course, what you really want is Revelation. You want to learn Our Story by Heart. You want to see the Story laid out before you. You so want to get the Story right, the Story of Our Entwinement.

I tell you directly that you always knew Our Story. You knew it long ago. Our Story has cascaded to you again and again. You never want to miss a word. You fear that the Story of You and of Me will fade. You want to prevent this from happening at all costs. You want to be sure you know all the words. You want to be sure you have it right. You want reassurance daily.

Of course, Beloveds, all Our Stories are written. Do you or do you not have My DNA? We have walked far together again and again.

Knowing Me means that there can be no loss of knowing Me, yet you are not sure that you and I are united forever more. I tell you that We are One Unitedness. I tell you again and again. We are permanent. We are Infinite. You have all of Me, and yet you crave more of Me.


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