God said:
A friend in the world is someone who wishes you well, yet friends do not always stay by your side, nor do you always stay by another’s side.
Some friends just fade away. It happens. It was never an intent, yet two friends lose touch. It does not have to happen, yet it happens. This is one Wheel of Life. It is a dance. Two come close. They hold hands. And then they step away and twirl in other directions. There is no law against this.
Whether you want to stay a buddy or not, remain a friend who wishes a former friend well. It is not for you to wish hurt to any other in your peeve. It can only be yourself who makes yourself angry. It is you who breathes negativity into your lungs.
You are also privy to making mistakes. It is one thing to be thoughtless. It is another thing to wishfully deliberately desire to dismiss another’s heart because your feelings have been hurt. You will show them. You may feel that it serves them right. How dare they treat you so lightly.
Remember uppermost: Do no harm. Be not hurtful. Uplift the world. Be well-intentioned.
A friend can offend you without being aware, even thinking he is being a good friend, and you can take it amiss. This has happened more than once. You are not to be hard-hearted.
When you find yourself wanting to retaliate, there is no justification. A hardened heart is not any kind of saving grace. It does not do you honor. Be careful about being high and mighty. You are not lord over any other.