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Inspired by a Near-Death Experience, This Man is Cloning the World's Tallest Trees to Save Them

Vic Bishop, Staff Writer
Waking Times

We seem to have created a culture where destroying nature is both profitable and the cool thing to do, so when an individual or group of people take on the challenge of honoring and preserving our natural world, we can be surprised to find there is hope after all.

The tallest, largest and oldest beings in all the world are the Giant Redwood trees of Western North America, Sequoia sempervirens. They can grow up to 350 feet tall and live to be an estimated 4000 years old, yet the western gold rush of the 1800’s triggered the destruction of some 95% of these magnificent trees, and the race is on to save the rest.

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The Hemp Deception and the Stolen Future of the American People

Ryan Cristián, Guest
Waking Times

“Surely no member of the vegetable kingdom has ever been more misunderstood than hemp. For too many years, emotion-not reason-has guided our policy toward this crop. And nowhere have emotions run hotter than in the debate over the distinction between industrial hemp and marijuana. – David P. West Ph.D, North American Industrial Hemp Council.

When discussing an issue of such political relevance, some might think that emotions and personal feelings would be left at the door, yet those individuals clearly do not understand American politics. This particular topic has a long and devious history of waters being muddied by those who stand to gain the most by keeping those waters unclear.

Since the first use of the word “Marihuana” and its purposeful muddling with the idea of hemp in the early nineteen hundreds, the average American is only recently beginning to distinguish between the two, even today. Americans have been conditioned since that time to see, first and foremost, that marijuana is bad for you, or flat-out wrong, and that hemp is the same as marijuana. That is one of history’s biggest misconceptions.


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AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey


This is a very powerful and important Full Moon!   A Sagittarius Full Moon encourages us to have fun, quest for knowledge and expand our visions. A  Sagittarius Full moon also represents the Truth Seeker…..and at this time in History….that is a very important energy to be out there!     Sagittarius also represents the law.  International Law in particular.  This Sagittarius Full Moon is truth seeking and very dynamic.  Sitting with the Moon is Saturn and Saturn rules the Government and responsibility on all levels.  We are being asked to gather up and look at all the information (Sagittarius Moon and Gemini Sun) that we can find…..so that we can quest for the truth…..as we continue moving forward!  Truth, with this Sagittarius Full Moon…is the ultimate goal!   This Full Moon suggests a shift in perspective and a questing for Truth!  Making this a very active…high energy… Full Moon! 

This Sagittarius Full Moon is also called a Micro-Moon because it is sitting on the Lunar Apogee…. which is the  farthest place from the Earth in the Moon’s orbit….making it appear as the smallest Full Moon of 2017!   The point of Lunar Apogee is also (to us Astrologers) referred to as “Black Moon Lilith”.  Black Moon Lilith was said to have been the first woman that God created...but she became way too powerful and was cast aside for a more subservient version (Eve)….Lilith, became very angry and became associated with the destructive feminine.

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The Power To Change

Your Earth-plane existence is and always will be dictated by what you draw in and allow. If you choose to be put down, trodden up and otherwise disrespected, it is yours. If, on the other hand, you choose to be respected and admired for who you are (not WHAT you have), that experience will be yours.
A challenge for you today: take time and really LOOK at what you experience in an average day. What would you change? With that held firmly in mind, move one thought toward the positive. You have, and always have had, the power to change everything. ~ Creator


GFP Newsletter - 6/8/2017

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Remember this: while you are with me remember that only through situations will you grow, not through teachings. Whatsoever I say will not be of much help; whatsoever I create around you will be the real thing. Talking simply helps you to hang around me, that's all. I go on talking to you; that is just like giving sweets to children, so they hang around.


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Friends in the World

God said:

A friend in the world is someone who wishes you well, yet friends do not always stay by your side, nor do you always stay by another’s side.

Some friends just fade away. It happens. It was never an intent, yet two friends lose touch. It does not have to happen, yet it happens. This is one Wheel of Life. It is a dance. Two come close. They hold hands. And then they step away and twirl in other directions. There is no law against this.

Whether you want to stay a buddy or not, remain a friend who wishes a former friend well. It is not for you to wish hurt to any other in your peeve. It can only be yourself who makes yourself angry. It is you who breathes negativity into your lungs.

You are also privy to making mistakes. It is one thing to be thoughtless. It is another thing to wishfully deliberately desire to dismiss another’s heart because your feelings have been hurt. You will show them. You may feel that it serves them right. How dare they treat you so lightly.

Remember uppermost: Do no harm. Be not hurtful. Uplift the world. Be well-intentioned.

A friend can offend you without being aware, even thinking he is being a good friend, and you can take it amiss. This has happened more than once. You are not to be hard-hearted.

When you find yourself wanting to retaliate, there is no justification. A hardened heart is not any kind of saving grace. It does not do you honor. Be careful about being high and mighty. You are not lord over any other.

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18 Health Benefits of Fish Oil, According to Science

by Jen Reviews

Many people speak highly of the benefits of fish oil supplementation. Fish oil contains a high concentration of omega-3 fatty acids - the good fats that are necessary to help your body function properly.

Omega-3 fatty acid deficiency has ranked among the top ten leading causes of death in the United States. This statistic is surprising considering obesity - an excess of fat - is one of the other leading causes of disease. This shows the stark contrast to different types of fats. Fish oil’s got what you need.

Human beings evolved typically consuming a balance of omega-6 fats and omega-3 fats. The typical western diet finds this ratio extremely imbalanced. People consume up to 20 times more omega-6 fats than omega-3s, which can promote inflammation in the human body.

What Types Of Omega-3 Fats Does The Body Need?

There are several omega-3 fatty acids that are more important and prominent than others. The two most commonly cited and consumed essential fatty acids (considered essential because the body cannot synthesize them on its own) are

  • Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) is a very important in the maintenance of the cardiovascular system. It helps improve your blood’s ability to clot. EPA also reduces inflammation in the intestines and other areas of your body.

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New Studies Confirm the Effectiveness of Ibogaine in Stopping Opioid Addiction - Waking Times

Dylan Charles, Editor
Waking Times

The opioid crisis in America has reached epidemic levels and overdose deaths continue to rise. While the destructive effects of heroin and pharmaceutical opioids ravage communities and destroy families, the federal government is considering harsh new mandatory sentences for opioid crimes, demonstrating a heart-breaking disconnect from reality when it comes to disrupting dependence on these insanely addictive and deadly drugs.


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