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Whose Thoughts are Yours Anyway?

God said:

Once upon a time, as you thought you knew Life, Life couldn’t go fast enough. You eagerly awaited growing up, and you had the feeling that Life was a Vast Field spread out before you, a Gold Mine to tap into, perhaps a Sparkling Map that would open itself before you, or a Golden World that held its arms wide open to embrace as you danced about in it.

There was a time when Life was right before you and endlessly before you. It seemed forever. It is possible to say that you had a Sense of Invincibility. Where did that go to? Where is Invincibility stored? Did it fall off the edge of the world? Or has the world ever existed really with you in it?

Now you may find more years to look back on and a tendency perhaps to think of Life as suddenly petering out and, as if all the past didn’t take long at all. In fact, it was a blink of an eye. The past went away somewhere.

You may have come to a vague sense of the non-existence of time, sort of as if time and all your years in it were a comet that zoomed so fast before you that you may wonder if Life might have skipped over you without your knowledge.

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The Meaning of Life According to Terence McKenna - Waking Times

Dylan Charles, Editor
Waking Times

The transformation from sleep-walking in the matrix to wide awake in the vast splendor of the universe is often triggered by a low point in life, a dark night of the soul, if you will. This is when the gift of being human is lost among the ever-present morass of confusion, chaos, madness and suffering. What carries us out of this morass is inspiration, which so often comes in the form of wisdom offered by our philosophers and sages, those among us who’ve taken the hero’s journey and have returned with a prize.

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New Study Reveals Cannabis May Make Chemotherapy More Effective - TruthTheory

By Amanda Froelich Truth Theory

The implications of this finding are huge.

Despite over 100 studies confirming that cannabis oil effectively treats cancer, the plant is still classified as a Schedule 1 drug at a Federal level in the United States and is prohibited elsewhere around the world. Based on new research, this is likely to change, as it has been revealed that cannabinoids — the active chemicals in cannabis — make chemotherapy more effective.

According to Science Daily, groundbreaking research conducted by St. George’s University in London has confirmed that cannabinoids are effective in killing leukemia cells. The data shows that cannabinoids are especially effective when paired when chemotherapy treatments.

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5 Facts About Climate Change Shared By An Actual Climate Scientist

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

We at Collective Evolution are by no means “climate change deniers.” The climate has always changed, and will continue to change over time due to multiple factors and natural processes. But there is something fishy going on, and the undeniable fact still remains that most mainstream science is plagued with economic and political agendas, and is used to push policy and global elitist agendas.

We must stop destroying our environment, polluting and not taking care of it. The problem is people have made exposing globalist agendas synonymous with denying climate change, and this can’t be further from the truth.

It’s similar to the current vaccine controversy, in the sense that scientists who question the science put out by computer models, which is used to justify various policy decisions, are ridiculed by the mainstream. It’s claimed that “97 percent of scientists” agree on the current climate change narrative, but there seems to be no hard evidence to back up that statement, and with so many of the world’s top scientists in the field speaking up against “climate alarmism,” sometimes it seems to be the other way around.

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Wildlife Center Helps Turtle Walk Again By Using Electro-Acupuncture

by Amanda Froelich, True Activist

This turtle had no motor control and her back legs due to an injury. After one week of electro-acupuncture, she was able to walk again.

Never underestimate the power of alternative medicine modalities. When a 10-year-old gopher tortoise was found along the side of the road in Florida, she had a deep crack in her shell that left her with no motor control in her back legs. To some, she seemed like a lost case. To the staff of the South Florida Wildlife Center (SFWC), however, she was a prime candidate for an innovative treatment: acupuncture.

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Has the 40-Year Plan to Stop the Leakage at Fukushima Already Failed? - Waking Times

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer
Waking Times 

Six years plus after the catastrophic earthquake and tsunami that led to a partial meltdown of the Fukushima nuclear plant on March 11, 2011, a near total media blackout on this issue is signal that a colossal cover-up is taking place, as few major media organizations are giving this story its proper due. Japan seems more concerned with stopping information leaks about the disaster than with stopping the contamination of radioactive materials into the soil, groundwater, and Pacific Ocean.

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Daily Message ~ Monday June 12, 2017

If you are just getting by, living from pay check to pay check, always just meeting what your needs are, you may be surprised to hear us say that is a sign that the law of attraction is working perfectly for you. Your goal, which is firmly set on the meeting of your immediate needs, is being met by the universe.

If you are frustrated by always just getting by, please know it is not that the universe isn’t loving and supporting you, or meeting your efforts. It is simply a matter of focus.

Dear Ones, if you are wishing to experience more ease in your lives, we encourage you to create beyond. Yes, be aware of your needs and obligations, but place your focus on the greater abundance that is available to you that exists beyond merely scraping by. Don’t be afraid to expand!

When you focus into creating beyond your immediate needs, you hold the energy and focus that those immediate needs are already taken care of. You leave room for the universe to show you new potentials, to surprise you with things you didn’t know were possible – new solutions and possibilities that can create far greater joy and comfort for you.

You make room for expansion and discovery, which is exactly what your soul always yearns to do, which is why it gets uncomfortable in the constrained space of just getting by. Know your discomfort is always a sign that there are greater potentials for you, and allow yourself to start to play in the endless possibilities beyond the energies of what is already known. ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 6/11/2017

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I have heard that one preacher was talking to his congregation, and he was saying: You don't know what is going to happen in hell - there will be fire, there will be cold, freezing days. Your body will shake and your teeth will clatter. One man raised a hand and he said: But I have got no teeth. So he said: You don't worry. False teeth will be provided.

They make every arrangement for you in hell. The ego, the BRAHMIN, the head is always condemning everybody; everybody is ordinary - only you are extraordinary. Only you are going to be saved, nobody else. That's why Christians go on preaching, 'Come and follow Jesus. Only those who follow Jesus will be saved - everybody else is lost.' That's what Mohammedans go on saying, and Hindus go on saying. There seems to be a very deep politics in existence: if you follow somebody and if you go to this church, you will be saved; if you follow somebody else and go to another church, you will be destroyed. And the same is the claim of the other church also. And God must be in a puzzle! What to do?

This whole condemnation comes from the head, the ego. A very subtle ego colors whatsoever you say and believe: your convictions, your philosophy, everything is colored by the ego. And Zen is a simple life.


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We Ride together in an Unseen Chariot across the Horizon

God said:

Your True identity is not your name. Your True identity is not your badge. Your True Identity is not your occupation. Your True Identity is not your college degree. Your True Identity is your mother’s son. Not even that. Your True identity is not your wealth nor your poverty. The Truth of your Identity is not your race or color or any of these other extraneous matters. The Truth of Who you are is not your ego. Your Truth is far greater than any of these. Let go of the importance of the small stuff. The small stuff means little next to your True Identity. Pshaw.

If you look like a movie star, there is nothing more to make of it but that you look like a movie star. If you are a movie star, you long have known that this is strictly not your identity. It is a hill of beans.

If you think you are a horse, a horse is not your identity. You know it is not. If you can know that a horse is not your identity, you can know that other world identities are also not Who you are.

That you are a King or Queen is not your identity. These are titles. Certainly, for all practical purposes, you might as well claim your titles. The titles fell on you. Pick them up.

In these days Kings and Queens do not believe in themselves as the cheering crowds appeared to believe in them in times past.


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