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How People From All Over The World Define Beauty. (Video)

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

You know the saying “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”?

While fundamentally profound and positive in meaning, when you pick it apart, it can suddenly dampen the mood.

Beauty may, indeed, be in the eye of the beholder, but the majority of today’s beholders are influenced by societal standards, taught to think beauty takes only one form. For decades, new waves of media have changed what we perceive as beautiful. One minute it’s very thin, the next very strong. Dark skin or light skin, curly hair or straight hair, lots of makeup or no makeup, this fashion over that fashion… it’s difficult to keep up, and that’s why you shouldn’t.

Beauty may be a preference, but there are so many layers holding us back from seeing REAL beauty.

And then there is the idea of how culture plays a part. Culture is its own beast, for better or for worse, and it often defines how we see beauty. From country to country, different standards determine what we find beautiful. With this in mind, Blaine, a producer from Cut, traveled around the world asking people to define beauty.

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Be Not a Gangster in Terms of Life, Beloveds

God said:

Beloveds, analyzing is not always in your best interest. Remember heart over mind. It is in your heart that Life occurs. Any appraisal is an afterthought. Your appraisal – your surgery, if you will -- is often not in your best interest.

Live Life and move on to the next bend in the road.

Life is not something to calculate in retrospect. If you spend time in your canoe paddling backwards – where does that take you?

Dear Ones, most of My Children on Earth carry the idea that Life is obligated to serve you, the individual, in the manner in which you would like. You want what you want. Naturally, you do, yet be wary of the concepts of anticipation and expectation.

Expectation can be bossy. Anticipation paints a picture you would like and admire. Expectation is pushy. Expectation demands. Expectation is a gangster’s approach. The gangster signals: “My way, or else!”

Expectation gives a determined course, as if it is yours by right. The gangster is often taking money and Life as if they are up for grabs. He exhorts them. He threatens: “Your money or your Life.”

In Life, it happens that some of My Children, when they don’t get their way, threaten Life or even Me, God. It takes moxie to make such a bluff. What hold do you think you hold over Me, dear misguided ones? In your distress at certain circumstances, you offer ultimatums! Let’s face facts. With what can you threaten Me?

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Coordinated Insanity Over Climate Change

by Julian Rose

The new President of France, Emile Macron, announced on 2nd June, that all Europeans must now come together to “Make our Planet Great Again”. This, in response to the news that the American President, Donald Trump, confirmed that the United States is pulling out of the Paris climate accord – in order to make “America Great again.”

So let me make a shrewd guess at what Emile Macron wants us to understand with his particular take on 'making the planet great again.' And I would add, all other signatories to the climate change accord, along with him.

They are all supposedly dedicated and committed supporters of the supposition that an excess of CO2 (primarily) is warming the Earth to a dangerous degree, and must be prevented from doing so further via actions which greatly reduce carbon emissions in everyday life. Right?

OK, so all you wise and earth-caring politicians, if you really believe in your own rhetoric, will you answer a few questions from a curious observer? These same questions also apply to many others who share Mr Macron's views.

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Daily Message ~ Sunday June 4, 2017

Dear Ones, your world is in a time that is ripe for change. The shift that is being made is from old 3D models of power into authentic power, or empowerment. This is why you are seeing displays of power that seem outrageous and amplified. These acts not only get people's attention, they also get people thinking about what power is, and what it isn't.

Your world will change when people meld empathy with authentic power and lead from there. Each of you are invited, right now, to explore your own empowerment and how you can best embody your own version of power, for that is how you will continue to drive the shift and become powerful teachers by example.

When themes come to the forefront of your consciousness on the planet, it means that they are there to be examined, evaluated, and transformed, for with awareness comes true opportunity for change. ~Archangel Gabriel


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Exactly What You Want

The Universe has been designed to give you exactly what you need exactly when you need it.  It may not necessarily by what you want in that moment but…there it is, looking you straight in the face with all its glory!  (Smiling) These experiences are giving you the opportunity to change in ways you never expected.  Embrace or release, the choice has always been yours. ~ Creator


GFP Newsletter - 6/3/2017

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Whenever your mind moves to the extreme, just pull it back to the middle. Either the mind wants to be active or it wants to be inactive, because with the extreme the mind can exist. In the middle, exactly in the middle, when activity and inactivity cancel each other, negate each other - mind disappears.


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Science Unravels the Mystery of Everyday Telepathy - Waking Times

Buck Rogers, Staff Writer
Waking Times

There is a rift between the world as we see it and the world as it really is. Science and spirit are our primary tools for closing this gap in our understanding, and at the edge of this rift has always been psychic phenomenon like telepathy, premonition and the familiar sixth sense.

Many people experience these phenomenon with regularity, yet they escape scientific explanation, even though a large and historically deep body of experiential and anecdotal evidence exists. This library of evidence prevents dismissal of the psychic as either a figment of the imagination or the existence of an archaic belief system that still has imprints on the mind. This evidence implores to investigate further rather than reject.

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In the Palm of God’s Hand

God said:

I hear you. I have always seen you and heard you. One day I heard you sing out:

“Good morning O God, I am in Thy Presence, Thy Service, Thy Heart. I am Thy Provence and Thy Happiness. Imagine, that this could be. You tell us that we, Your Children, are Your Happiness. I would love to be Your Happiness. What a lovely billowing thing that would be. I don’t know that I could contain so much joy. I fear I would burst.

“I pull myself back to Earth. God, please allow my actions today to be guided by Your Grace. Thank You for Your Friendship. Thank You for allowing me into Your Heart. Thank You for my Existence.

“God, that You see me and pay attention to me, that, from my perception, You put up with my ways, Beloved God – You are My blessing and so necessary and so welcome to stay in my heart.

“For me now, I don’t believe I could exist without Your Overflowingness in my Life. I would be lost without You, My God. Earth would be a desert without You. Life would be barrenness without my awareness of Your Presence. I am happy to declare You My God and acknowledge Your Presence in my Life.

“I lived a long time without Awareness of You. I know the difference, God. I never want to know what it is like without You even once again. You came spontaneously to me. A thirst to know You grew out of the desert, and then I knew You were here with me. I came to know that You had always been here with me through thick and thin.


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