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Daily Message ~ Wednesday June 14, 2017

Your acceptance is what allows the universe to deliver to you. If you are not willing to receive, it is much like ordering things from afar and then putting a sign up on your door stating “no deliveries please”. So open up, Dear Ones! Allow yourself to give and receive, to love and be loved, to intend and then enjoy your creations. That is the joy of being a co-creator and expander of experience on your planet. ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 6/13/2017

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The ordinary person is the most beautiful phenomenon in the world - just living moment to moment, not expecting, not asking. Whatsoever comes, accepting. Whatsoever comes, not only accepting, but accepting with a deep thankfulness, a gratitude.

When you are ordinary, whatsoever comes is more than you ever expected. When you are extraordinary, when you think extraordinarily, something very great: a Napoleon, a Hitler, then everything is always something unfulfilling. Everything is lower than your expectations. You are such a great man; whatsoever happens is always below you. When you are ordinary, everything is more than you ever expected, and when this feeling comes, that it is more than you ever expected, you feel a gratitude. That gratitude is the inner shrine. In that gratitude, for the first time, the light from the Beyond descends.

Create this shrine of gratitude inside and soon you will find a light has come into it. The shrine is not dark, and this light doesn't belong to this world. It comes from the Eternal.


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When You Open the Windows of Your Heart…

God said:

If I were to ask you to list all your desires, and all your desires came through today, you would jump for joy. You would be so excited. You would feel rewarded and loved today. You would know for a fact that the Stars are smiling on you. How happy you would be.

It is a good guess that you can easily put together a long list. If you ran out of ideas, you could go to the internet or TV or ads in a magazine and catalogues. There is no shortage of what you would find to desire. The world offers you trails of breadcrumbs for you to follow and more and more.

Yes, if all your dreams come true today, you would be happy. You would be ecstatically happy until – until -- the Joy fades. How can it be that joy fades? How is it that wonderful gifts lose their luster?

The deal is that you can always have more to add to your list of world desires. World desires just aren’t enough for you. When you get a new car, after awhile, it isn’t new any longer. After awhile, there are newer cars that hit the spot. New goes only so far in the material world. Gilding the Lily wears off.

The world at large certainly does give you happiness -- for a while. The world is simply not able to bestow long-lasting happiness. You could have gold and sit in a palace, and it would not be enough. Lasting happiness isn’t able to establish itself within you from outside.

Lasting happiness arises from within. However intriguing the world is – and it is intriguing, no doubt -- lasting happiness bubbles up from within you.

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Neuroscience Shows the Brain Literally Eats Itself Due to Lack of Sleep

by Anna Hunt, Awareness Junkie

New scientific research shows that lack of sleep may be more damaging to the brain than we’ve previously thought.

It’s well known that the brain gets a makeover every time you sleep. During sleep, support cells in the brain clear away residue left over from the day.

Now, new research shows that these support cells go into overdrive when you are not getting enough sleep. They clear away more than unneeded residue. They actually start to harm the brain.

Michele Bellesi, leader of the research team, told New Scientist:

We show for the first time that portions of synapses are literally eaten by astrocytes because of sleep loss.

Astrocytes are support cell in the brain that clear out unnecessary connections between neurons. This process is called phagocytosis, which means “to devour” in Greek.

The Brain’s Clean-up Process

It is absolutely normal for the brain’s support cells, called glial cells, to clean up the brain during sleep. They clear out old and worn out neurons. They also clean up old and unnecessary synapses, or connections, between neurons.

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The Role Of Yoga In Healing Trauma

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

Bad back? Do yoga. Feeling stressed? Do yoga. Want to sweat? Do yoga? Need to stretch? Do yoga.

It seems like the ancient Indian practice of yoga has infiltrated the world with its wisdom and healing benefits. As an avid yogi, I can surely attest to its ability to bring stability into my life, but also, to help me get through deep bouts of anxiety — something I have suffered from my entire life.

Upon meeting my partner, he told me he once suffered from severe lower back pain that left him depressed, angry, and immobile for months. Then he did yoga. Everything changed.

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday June 13, 2017

Dear Ones, if a situation becomes more and more uncomfortable for you, it is a sign that it is not being energetically supported for you and that there is something else that is a better energetic match. The discomfort exists to get you to prepare for and embrace change. You get to decide how great that discomfort gets.

Some of you will become very adept at reading the signs and willingly embracing where the energy is trying to move you, others will need to get quite uncomfortable to be absolutely sure it is time to move on before they allow themselves to let something go. There is no right or wrong, simply your personal choice of how much unease you wish to experience before you move into the unknown of your next great adventure.

Please know that the universe is never out to punish you! It only ever gets as strong as necessary for your soul to get your attention and to lead you to your next perfect match. The more you get comfortable with practicing self love and reading subtle energies, the more your path will smooth out with greater grace and ease, not because the universe loves you any more than it already does, but simply because you are willingly embracing the flow. ~Archangel Gabriel

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You are all creative beings because God, who created you, is creative.

All is well!  Do not focus with fear or alarm on the news of catastrophes and conflicts across the world.  Just hold the steady intent to send love and healing to those who are suffering, it will help them to release all that is bringing suffering into their lives.  Even in war-torn areas people can be happy!  Happiness arises when you accept what arises without judgment – negative or positive – and deal lovingly with the issues presented to you.  You are all on Earth to assist in humanity’s awakening process which is, of course, also your own awakening process.  Everyone on Earth is to awaken and needs to awaken into Reality, your natural state where you are Love and you know yourselves as Love.

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The Key

Some of you have flowed with the new changes wonderfully, others…not so much.  Rest assured that both are perfectly OK.  Each human has their own pace, ways of adaptation and it is necessary to be respectful.  It may not be part of your paradigm, but theirs.  Unconditionally love one another in whatever space you choose to show up.  It is the key to saving humanity. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 6/12/2017

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That is my teaching also: Be simple and nobody. Don't condemn anybody. Don't put yourself in a situation where you can feel holier than thou - never. Just be ordinary. And when you are ordinary, all anxiety disappears.

When you are ordinary, then your whole perception is totally different. Then the birds singing in the trees are a message from the Divine. Then the breeze passing through the trees, and a leaf dancing in the breeze is His hand, His indication. Then the sky, and the earth - everything is beautiful, and everything comes from Him.

When you are ordinary, when you are nobody, all the doors are open. When you are somebody all the doors are closed. Be ordinary, and live life silently. Don't be a politician.



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