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Onto Better Things….

Well…now that the most recent wave has move through you, it is time to move onto better things.  Changes, both small and large, should be expected!  Near fear, darling on, these things are always for the highest good.  However, if you have been ignoring or putting off a change after several reminders, the actual change itself might not be as ‘gentle’ as you would like.  Breathe in, breathe out and know there is work to be done….and, you ¸of all people can do it! ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 6/7/2017

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Mind has a tremendous capacity to understand things when they are not. When you have missed, then the mind goes on repenting about it, thinking about what should have been. The mind has a tremendous capacity to think about the past, to think about the future. It has no capacity to be here and now.


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Monsanto and Big Ag Colonizing Africa, Criminalizing Traditional Seed Exchanges - Waking Times

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer
Waking Times 

Of the many concerns surrounding the dominance of agrichemicals companies and GMO foods, the most frightening dimension is that corporate manufactured seed is wiping out global biodiversity in food crops and creating a punitive legal framework for our total dependence on these companies for food.

Monsanto, Syngenta and other majors in agribusiness are presently colonizing Africa with the help of international aid programs which force nations into agreements requiring dependence on patented seeds, thereby prohibiting traditional seed exchanges.

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Responsibility and Blame Have Two Different Meanings

God said:

Well, sure, there are times when you feel wracked by Life at every turn. The world is too much with you, as the poet says. Whatever reasons you give for your pain and suffering, you are a contributor. I can say lovingly that you are an accomplice, dear ones. By this, I mean, if you are bogged down, you are the one who is bogged down.

Then it is incumbent upon you, lift yourself up. There is something to change your mind about. Change your thinking, and you are changed. Change your thinking, and your Life is changed.

Often, dear Ones, you enchain yourself. You tie yourself up in knots. You handcuff yourself.

Please distinguish between the two words: Responsible and blameful.

To say you are responsible gives you an opportunity to take action. You can see in a way new to you. You can change something. You can give it a try. You don’t just have to sit there, a helpless hapless victim.

To say you are to blame implies a dead end of guilt. Guilt digs you in deeper. Alas, you tell yourself, you did something incorrectly. So what? Now, move yourself up the line.

You wish you had done differently, and now you feel helpless. You can not undo what you cannot undo. It is irresponsible to give guilt your loyalty, for self-blame boxes you in. It is not wonderful of you to roll in guilt. You are sorry. You do regret. Okay, you have punished yourself enough. Of what value is it for you to impound yourself there?

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Why a Spiritual Connection with Earth is Critical at this Time

by Jessie Klassen

Intellectually, we all know the reasons why we need to change our behaviours and attitudes towards our earth.

Climate change, nutritionally depleted soils, unsafe drinking water, disappearing forests and vanishing wildlife are all drastic repercussions of humanity’s actions.

Unfortunately, inspite of all of this glaring evidence before our eyes, most of the population is still walking around as though business is as usual.

Many are still attached to out- dated ideals and beliefs about how we do things, or are too unwilling to give up certain aspects of our lifestyle that we have come to believe are necessary to our happiness.

Or for many, they are simply unaware that there is another way to be. Society does not teach anything different than this.

The problem is that we are failing to actually connect with the earth that we are living on. Still seen as a “thing” that we happen to live upon instead of our mother who we are actually a part of.

If we approach the earth and nature from an open, spiritual perspective, we soon realize that our life upon this earth becomes an interaction and exchange with our surroundings. There is absolutely no moments where you will not be interacting and experiencing on some level or another that blissful sense of oneness with all that is.

Our illusion that we are separate dissolves.

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday June 7, 2017

Dear Ones, when it comes to high vibrational relationships such as twinflames or soul connections, it can be helpful to remember that the discomfort is temporary, the connection is permanent. ~Archangel Gabriel

Hear me talk in depth about these types of relationships on Beyond the Ordinary tonight at 8 pm EDT! Register for this free, live event at Hope you'll join us!

GFP Newsletter - 6/6/2017

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This situation comes to everybody that enters into deep meditation: a moment comes when the axe comes just over your head, and it is always sharp. A moment comes, when you go deeper - you face death. That is the boundary between the ego and your inner being, where you face death inside. Because when you go deeper, a moment comes when the boundary of the ego has to be crossed - you go beyond it. And you are so identified with the ego, that you feel it like a death.


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Part Truth Isn’t the Whole Truth

God said:

There is some truth in everything. In every accusation. In every blessing. Nevertheless, part truth is not the Whole Truth. The Truth is invincible. It is Truth. Part-truth is not the Truth. Will you, once and for all, be done with self-inflicted pain?

Everything in the world is an illusion anyway. Most ways of thinking are hit or miss.

Within everything, there is a blessing, if only you could spot it. The school of hard knocks contains its blessings whether you see the blessings or not. Everything. There is good in everything. There is good in everyone. There is purpose in everything. There is purpose in everyone. All this may be very difficult to see, especially when you have your mind set on having been wronged.

Reconciliation, if you are True to it, holds a great step forward to your credit and to your honor and to the respect you bestow on Me.

Ultimately, you are the author of all you meet or come up against. If there is a boulder in your way, you had something to do with the boulder’s being there as a bulwark in front of you. Of course, you wouldn’t choose the bulwark. No one would choose it, yet you did, somehow you did. You are your own culprit. You are the perpetrator. This is across the board.

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Corporations Are Capitalizing On Spirituality & We’re Buying Into It

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

The role consumerism is now playing in the spiritual community has put a whole new meaning behind “selling our souls.” Corporations are capitalizing on New Age spirituality as it becomes more mainstream, and they’re making a killing off it. Yoga mats, crystals, mala beads, singing bowls, tarot cards — you name it, and they’ve got an inflated price for it.

To be clear, I’m not saying that any of these thing are bad to purchase! In fact, I’ve purchased every aforementioned consumer item, and I love each and every one of them. However, companies have started to sell spirituality, meaning they’ve convinced many consumers that they need to purchase their products in order to become “more spiritual.”


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