GFP Newsletter - 6/2/2017

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Through silence you are sensitive, and through activity you are in contact. Sensitivity inside and contact outside - this is the balance. Then you have two wings. Otherwise, you will be flying with one wing - either activity or silence. But one wing is not enough. You may flutter a little here and there, but one wing cannot lead you to the heights. You cannot move into the sky, you cannot go far away - two wings are needed. And they balance, activity - inactivity; they balance.


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Where Are the Days of Yesteryear?

God said:

How you would love your old fire back. Once upon a time you were lit up, and you leaped ahead in Life, running to keep up with your heart. At present, you may feel that your heart is lagging.

This realization holds great sorrow for you. It is as if you are left hanging out, as if your heart had resigned, and you are left without any heart, a cold stone, as if your heart will no longer bounce up again, as if your heart has backed out of Life and broken a contract. Your heart cannot abandon you this way. Your heart can’t leave you in the lurch. No, not your heart.

Without your heart regaled in full mettle, you feel desolate. You can hardly swallow. You hadn’t realized how important zest in your heart is and how dependent upon it you are.

You are speaking of this speeded-up enthusiasm that you once rushed to keep up with. Now it’s like your heart lay itself down on the track and won’t rally itself up. Now your heart seems to abandoning you for what? Where is the fervor of yesteryear? Can it be that your heart doesn’t want to get up any more? That in terms of revitalizing itself, your heart wants to excuse itself? You never thought your heart would lie down as if out of steam. This is your own True Heart you are talking about.

You remember well how you used to have to prance to keep up with your heart’s desires, and, now, sadly, your heart has retired and gone to pasture? This cannot be.

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Using the Vibration of Sound to Heal the Physical and Spiritual Self - Waking Times

Christina Sarich, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Many healing modalities read your symptoms and then tell you what pill to take, or surgery to undergo, but what if you could conduct “sound surgery” sending holistic, healing vibrations into every single cell in your body?

Highest Potential Resonance

With sound healing, we don’t have to even fully understand what our symptoms are coming from – sometimes they can be so deep-seated, we think they are caused by one thing, but they may be due to an entirely different cause.

For instance, you may experience recurring low back pain or headaches, and think this is due to the stress in your life, or because you lifted something that was too heavy, but there might be a deeper, subconscious healing that is needed.

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Daily Message ~ Friday June 2, 2017

The beauty of unfoldment is that it takes the guess work out of your decision making process. You simply assess what feels best and is being energetically supported in the Now moment and choose that option. It means you navigate your path from one highest choice, to the next highest choice. Do you see? There is no way to make a mistake if you are navigating your path in that manner because it is proceeding with one wise, energetically supported option after another, which can only lead to your highest good. ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 6/1/2017

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You cannot imagine what bliss is possible if you can act without the actor being inside, without the ego. If you can simply act and move from act to act without accumulating any identification:

This is me doing it, this is I; I have done this and I have done that - without accumulating any - 'I' through the activities; if you can move from one activity to another activity as a silence, as an emptiness, unimaginable benediction, unimaginable blessings shower upon you. You feel that the whole existence shares its secrets with you, because through activity you are connected with it and through silence you are capable of seeing, of looking, of enjoying, of touching.


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Forgive Those Who Have Not Yet Forgiven You

God said:

There is a Sanctity to Life. Consider Life as Holy. What could Life, this Myriad of Life, be but Holy?

Holy be My Name, and Holy be yours.

I will tell you frankly that there is no need for unholy. People may become irate and consider Life to be unholy and themselves unholy and to justifiy themselves to think so.

People may say: “Someone said this or that. Someone gave me an unflattering look. Someone disdained me. Someone doesn’t think well of me. Someone can’t treat me that way and get away with it.”

How pride raises its haughty head and does away with bare civility.

This is not the Life I had in mind for you. This is poor thinking and emotion. Such vacant pride is not advantageous. Did you think it was? Pride in goodness has merit. Pride in doing what is right is good. Sometimes you will do well to think about again in terms of what is good for the world and what is not. Shining Light is a very good thing. Keeping malice and heartache reduces you.

Arrogance doesn’t shine Light. Arrogance diminishes Light. Arrogance stomps out Light.

I said: “Let your Light shine before men. You are part of mankind.”

I said: “Forgive those who have not forgiven you.”

Dear Ones when, within you, you are truly happy in Life and happy with yourself, you won’t carry grudges. You won’t ever even think of it. It is always away from Truth to blame anyone for your distress.

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Burn The Bridge?

There will always be ‘those people’ who do nothing but talk about others.  It may be a way of deflecting from their own issues and shortcomings, they are seeking attention or doing their best to ignore their own pain.  As challenging as it may be, please remember to treat them gently.  Not everyone is ready to look at their own projections in a positive or healthy way.  When they are ready, they may very well come to you for assistance.  Unless they have chosen to be overtly cruel or abusive, leave those bridges in place.  Most deserve a safe place to cross when they are ready to begin their healing journey. ~ Creator

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New Research Shows That Plants Detect Vibrations & Use Sound To Find Water & Survive

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

Do you have a green thumb? Many people who do believe that it’s all about intuition Much like parenting, you are responsible for nourishing the plants you grow with the utmost care, or else they’ll die. Proper food, proper environment, and so on make for a healthy living thing. But some people feel they’re just not cut out for the job, claiming every plant they bring home just dies on them — that plants simply don’t like them.

I never considered myself to have a green thumb, but I also never thought otherwise, either. Naturally drawn to plants, I wanted them to fill up my home, my front yard, my back yard. I didn’t buy books and I didn’t make them flourish with Miracle Grow. I test their soil regularly, water them when needed, prune them when the time comes, and, above all else, I pay attention to them by loving them. I talk about my plants, talk to my plants, and feel their leaves like they have a magical dust I can inherit. Sound weird? Maybe to some.

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Daily Message ~ Thursday June 1, 2017

One of the fastest ways to connect with the energy of gratitude for any situation is to switch the words, “I have to” to the words, “I get to”.

So for example, let us suppose that you do not like to mow the lawn. Shifting from “I have to mow the lawn” to “I get to mow the lawn” immediately moves you from feeling hard done by and resentful to feeling grateful for having a lawn, having a lawnmower, being physically able to move, enjoying the sunshine, the birds, the smells, the beauty and magic that abounds in each now moment that you would miss through resistance and negative focus.

This is not about denying your feelings but rather shifting into a space that can find the blessings that always exist if only you have the eyes to see. It allows flow rather than resistance, which will always lift your energetic state into one of greater enjoyment.

It also shifts you into a higher vibrational state of presence and connection that always comes with time distortion, which will make any situation seem to go by very quickly. We cannot stress enough the power that gratitude has to create the experience of comfort and wonder in your life. ~Archangel Gabriel


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