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Have You Seen This Rainbow Colored Village? Indonesian Government Paints 232 Slum Houses!

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

Housing communities have various stipulations owner’s must adhere to. On a recent trip, I asked a friend why every single house was the same color. The rules, they said, were to ensure no one painted their house a bright, or unsightly color.

Cars are not allowed on the streets, nor in the driveway, but must be parked in the garages overnight. Lawns must maintain a similar aesthetic from house to house. The list surely goes on. I felt like I was seeing black and white. The lack of differentiation disturbed me.

I am the type of person who, when I travel, the first thing that enchants me are colors. Brightly-colored murals painted on the side of buildings throughout a city make me happy art is being reimagined from the controversial graffiti to the now well-respected colors swallowing brick and cinderblock.

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Surrender To Your Higher Self

God said:

There is a God. You have God. I am God, and I am yours.

So then, how can your heart ache so? By what Divine Right do you allow your heart to ache?

Once upon a time, you were caught up in a whirlwind of non-accountability. You declared yourself a leaf in the wind, at the mercy of every wind that did blow. You declared yourself free game. You let the world take you over. You took the line of least resistance and let yourself be buffeted by any breeze that blew.

You allowed your feelings to be hurt right and left. You allowed yourself to be a punching bag. You lay on your back in the middle of the road, and said to the world, or you wore a sign:

“Oh, okay, run over me. Do with me as you will. I’m not worth much anyway, so go ahead. Trample on me.”

Who did this to you? You did.

You turned yourself in. You abandoned yourself. You gave up. Giving up and surrender are not the same. Try surrendering the whole idea of giving up.

Surrendering to your blessed Higher Self is not at all giving up. It is claiming Who you are.

You are not posing. You are choosing.

To be adrift is not surrender. Surrender is entering Life full-force.

Or, We can put it this way: I say to you, yes, you:

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Daily Message ~ Sunday May 28, 2017

Grace and ease come from embracing both the ebb and flow of the universe. It is peaceful acceptance of whatever is being energetically supported at any given time. There is no resistance or efforting on the path of grace and ease, just a flow of faith and trust that moves at its own perfect and divine tempo that is the joyful dance of co-creation. ~Archangel Gabriel


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15 Wise Quotes from Osho

Osho. Credit: the-open-mind.com

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

Osho is one of many revolutionary spiritual figures who encourages people to free themselves from the prison they’ve created in their minds, which is easier to escape than they think.

He’s reminded people that the greatest fulfillment comes with the joy of simply being, and instead of constantly falling prey to the mind, we should stop, become still and silent, and observe it. We’ll grow closer with true peace if we do this often, and meditation could eventually become a huge part of our life. We might wonder how we lived without it, and we’ll never know what the present moment has for us if we don’t slow down and explore it.

Our existence is enough, and we don’t have to prove our worthiness to the world with big, impressive achievements. We need only to relax into the silence and stillness of the inner self to understand our true worth, and then, we can use that understanding to get the most out of life and help others awaken to the presence of their higher consciousness.

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Start And End

Has someone/thing ‘done you wrong’ or broken your heart?  What has happened that you, yourself, have consciously or subconsciously participated in?  A thief may be full of indignation when another has stolen from them, never realizing that the energy would not have flown that way if they chose not to steal in the first place.  Understand?!  You control your flow and are in co-Creation with The Universe.  Every ripple out there, good or not so good, has a starting point.  What will you choose to start and where will it end? ~ Creator


GFP Newsletter - 5/27/2017

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The first thing to be understood, and understood as deeply as possible is that Zen is nothing special.

It is nothing extraordinary. The people who are in search of religion are always, almost always, very egoistic. Their very search starts because their egos are not satisfied with this world. They would like something more precious, to be more of the Divine - something extraordinary. Egoists are attracted towards religion more easily, and this is the problem - because religion says that if the ego is there, there can be no growth. And egoists are easily attracted towards religion but religion starts only when you drop the ego.

But this world is temporary; nothing is permanent here and the ego would like something permanent, eternal. Everything in this world is made of the same stuff as dreams, and the ego is not content.

The ego would like things made of solid rock. So the ego condemns this world and starts a journey towards the eternal. But the eternal has its own conditions, and this is the first condition: if you don't drop the ego, you cannot enter the gate.


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7 Ways Mindfulness Unlocks The Door To Your Authentic Life

by Christine Horner, Collective Evolution

Many people are alive but don’t touch the miracle of being alive.”
— Thich Nhat Hanh, The Miracle of Mindfulness

In between work, family, and social media, we take few precious moments to reflect upon our lives. Perhaps you purposely avoid looking at your life, because if you’re totally honest,  it can be brutal.

Notice the tsunami of judgmental thoughts that overwhelm your mind, causing stress and anxiety.

Unsurprisingly, a lot of worries are society’s programming as a byproduct of our modern world. Greater still is the personal dissatisfaction that arises out of internal turmoil driven by confusion.

Are you feeling confused?

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Harp Music

God said:

The world complicates. Heaven is simple. No complications here. Honest to God, Heaven isn’t a Court of Law as Courts are known in the land in which you live. Heaven is not out to entrap you in the sense that the world might.

O, yes, Heaven is out to recruit you. This is not against your will. This is your will. Heaven can be referred to as a State of Love. How everyone in the world yearns for this. Heaven is indeed your will. And it is Mine. The Love doesn’t have to be romantic.

Nor do you have to see Heaven prettied up. Harp music is fine, yet your heart may not be thrilled at the thought of harp music. Heaven is a State of Consciousness. It isn’t one size fits all. If the piano is your favorite instrument, Heaven will accommodate you.

Heaven is not pie in the sky. Heaven is the real goods. It is My Honest Truth, yet Heaven doesn’t have to be taken literally, you understand. I speak of how you think about Heaven and how you feel about Heaven. Your picture of Heaven is your picture of Heaven. In Heaven, there are not the constraints that fill the world like hopping toads, one after the other.

In Heaven, you have the license to Love all. This is not a law. It is a fact. Heaven is, indeed, your dream come true. In Heaven, you are in the Company of the Wise, and you are One of the Wise.

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Daily Message ~ Saturday May 27, 2017

Dear Ones, we cannot stress enough the gifts that unfoldment brings to your life. It is how you navigate from one now moment at a time, from one highest potential to the next highest potential at a time. It allows you to stay calm and centred, and able to move through your journey in small, manageable pieces that add up to big, wondrous change. It is through embracing the gifts of unfoldment you will finally experience the grace and ease in motion you've been seeking. ~Archangel Gabriel



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