GFP Newsletter - 5/29/2017

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If you realize that the ego is your house on fire, you drop it. You don't ask: What will I gain out of it? You simply become a nobody, an ordinary being. And once you are ordinary, everything starts happening.

Zen is ordinary - it makes people just nobodies, and this is the beauty of it. When you become a nobody, when you are ordinary, this is the most extraordinary phenomenon possible. Listen - everybody wants to be extraordinary. So the longing to be extraordinary is very ordinary because everybody wants it. And to become ordinary is absolutely extraordinary because nobody wants it; nobody longs for it - remember this. Only then can you understand Zen Masters.


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Godlight on Earth

God said:

The stars look like streetlights that light up the night sky. From star to star, you the Lamplighters, silently light up the sky and night. Actually, the stars stay lit day and night, only the light is not always perceivable. You can know that starlight coexists with the Light of the Sun.

The world is always lit up to say nothing of the Sun. What you see and what is do not always match. You, My Children, are Godlight on Earth. You may think that this is an exaggeration or an outright unTruth when this is the God Honest Truth. If only you saw as I do see. You will.

Everything is provided for, and your Clear Vision of True Reality is within you. You are not always the first to know. Sometimes you are the last.

Your beloved pets know the Truth of you as you are. They are attuned to you. They know the Love you are made of. They see you better than you see yourself.

In one sense, it doesn’t matter how you see yourself, your Self. In another sense, it matters tremendously, for you tend to act from how you see your Self. We are not speaking of ego here, not in the least.

If you think you are grounded, you act as if you are grounded. If you think you are capable of soaring beyond the world, you come from a higher place. From where you think you stand, you see. When you think you are solely grafted to Earth, you may hardly lift your head to see far at all.

It isn’t just that I desire you to fly High. It’s also that I know this is how it is. You will also come to this conclusion by and by, the sooner the better.

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Easy Steps To Keep Your Brain Healthy & Happy

by Katleen Brown, Collective Evolution

If you think that you are far too young to worry about keeping your brain healthy and happy, then you are wrong. It is never too early to start taking better care of your whole body in general, and if you think that you will have to invest in expensive products or treatments to keep your brain healthy, then you are wrong again. Keeping your brain healthy comprises a series of small yet efficient lifestyle changes. It is a process that requires commitment, patience, love, and support. And we are here to help you. You will not be alone at any step of the way. We are offering seven simple steps for a healthy brain, and now it is up to you to decide if you are willing to follow them and make your brain happy or not. And trust us – your brain deserves this.

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Daily Message ~ Monday May 29, 2017

Why not give your brain a holiday from worry? How do you do that? Get present. Do something you love that absorbs you. Have a new experience. Give your worries to your guides, angels or Source to take care of for you. Declare the day a vacation day for your mind, and gift it the experience of the Now moment, and you’ll be surprised how incredibly rejuvenating it is. In fact, you just might want to do it again tomorrow, and the next day, and the day after that… ~Archangel Gabriel

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Crowd Goes Silent As Actor Kurt Russell Shares His UFO Experience From Phoenix In 1997

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

Everybody always says, “if they’re here then why don’t they just show up.” “They” is referring to extraterrestrials of course, and there are probably a million reasons as to why a more intelligent race from the “outside” looking in would not want to interact with us on such an open level just yet. To an outsider, we might not look the most attractive. The planet is plagued with war, poverty, diseases, greed, and secrecy. Environmentally it’s a disaster, and despite the fact that our potential is literally limitless, we choose to live in a way that is not really harmonious with the planet and all life on it. These are just a few of many reasons. Not to mention the fact that full blown contact might be a little more than our minds can handle, but perhaps not?

All of the theories surrounding the “alien takeover” agenda fail to account for the evidence that points to the fact that they’re already here, and that they’ve been visiting us for a very very long period of time.

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The U.S. Army Says It Doesn't Know What It Did with $1 Billion in Weapons

(ANTIMEDIA) Iraq — According to a government audit from 2016, through shoddy record-keeping, the United States Army has lost track of $1 billion worth of military material sent to Iraq. The equipment, intended to aid Iraqi forces, is part of the Iraq Train and Equip Fund, a program born out of the 2015 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

“This audit provides a worrying insight into the U.S. Army’s flawed — and potentially dangerous — system for controlling millions of dollars’ worth of arms transfers to a hugely volatile region,” said Patrick Wilcken of Amnesty International in a statement.

The audit, conducted by the Department of Defense, found that hundreds of mortar rounds and Humvee armored vehicles and tens of thousands of assault rifles were unaccounted for.  This latest audit echoes findings from a 2015 audit.

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“There Have In-Fact Been Face To Face Meetings With Extraterrestrials” – An Incredible Story From A Reliable Source

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

Paul Hellyer,  Canada’s former Minister of Defence, has been creating awareness about the fact that we are not alone, and that an extraterrestrial presence has been identified by the nations of this world. For those who are still unaware that there is actually, using the worlds of ex-astronaut and Princeton Physics professor Dr. Brian O’leary, “abundant evidence that we are being visited,” it would be easy to label Hellyer as “crazy.” But for anybody reading this, just know that there are hundreds of high ranking people from within the military, politics, academia and more who are now doing the same as Hellyer. He is not alone, but in the company of many who have and do roam the highest levels of government and defence. You can check out the Disclosure Project to learn more about that.

“There is a serious possibility that we are being visited and have been visited for many years by people from outer space, from other civilizations. This should be the subject of rigorous scientific investigation and not the subject of ‘rubbishing’ by tabloid newspapers.”

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Who You Are

Before you begin thinking of yourself as just a man/woman/human again….think about this;
You were born at just the right time, into the perfect circumstances, experienced what you needed to experience to get you to where you are.  Without all these things, you would not be who you are now.  Sit and think on that for a bit.  (Smiling) Kind of mind-boggling, is it not?!  The next time you begin thinking of yourself as just anything, remember you were created for a reason…to be who you are in this moment. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 5/28/2017

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Zen is just being ordinary. And Zen is the essence of all religion, just to be ordinary. Realizing the fact that ego creates a hell around it, that ego is the source of all hell, that it has all the seeds of misery, anguish, one simply drops it without a second thought. Once one simply realizes the fact that one is suffering because of the ego, one simply drops it - but not in search of something.

You can drop the ego in search of something. Then you have not really dropped it - you are bargaining. Realizing the fact that ego is ugly, the source of all misery and illness, you simply drop it. You don't ask: What will I gain out of it if I drop my ego? - because all gain is the subtle search of the ego. You simply drop it because it is useless, harmful, poisonous.

You are passing through the woods, you come across a snake - you simply jump out of the way. You don't ask: What will I gain out of it?



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