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Learning And Growing

A gentle reminder; you can choose to embrace our responsibility for things in your life or you can choose to ‘point the finger’.  Faith, trust, love or the lack thereof, action and reaction is all yours.  Some of you may feel this is punishment.  That is the furthest thing from the truth.  It is a learning and growing process in which you participate.  Love yourself for it because it may never happen again. ~ Creator

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EKG Evidence that Smart Meters Negatively Affect the Human Heart - Waking Times

Nathaniel Mauka, Staff Writer
Waking Times

There have been numerous whistleblowers to warn of the negative effects of smart meters on human health but perhaps none has been so successful in scientifically proving this claim as Warren Woodward of Sedona, Arizona. He recently put AMI ‘smart’ meters to the test, and using EKG technology, has proven that smart meters throw the human heart off its balanced beat.

A smart meter digitally sends information about your energy usage to utility companies, ostensibly, so that they can monitor your home remotely. Aside from giving companies access to a trove of information (which can then be used to manipulate energy prices, etc.), these meters infringe on our privacy, and have been said to cause numerous adverse health conditions.

GFP Newsletter - 5/23/2017

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A man is ill, there are many diseases around him, and he knows only illness. He has never known health, what health is. He has never known that well-being. He has always been ill. And he asks: What is health?

How will you answer him? How will you define it? You will say: It is an emptiness because all your diseases will not be there. It is an emptiness because you with your ill feeling, your ill being, will not be there.

But is it emptiness? Is health emptiness? Yes, it is emptiness if you look through the disease. But if you look through the standpoint of health itself, the intrinsic standpoint, then it is a whole overflowing Whole - not empty, but the most positive thing in the world.


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Daily Message ~ Tuesday May 23, 2017

Dear Ones, it can be disheartening when there are acts from others in the world that are cruel and designed to feed fear. You could interpret disheartened as meaning knocked out of your heart centre.

As your world continues to evolve and there are events and behaviours that are difficult to understand through that process, we urge you to continue to be pioneers by staying centred in love, to continue to allow your beautiful and tender hearts to shine and show the way, for that is the way to anchor peace on your planet.

Your shift is driven by one person at a time waking up and standing tall in their truth and embodying their beingness. Do not ever underestimate the power of the collective that will indeed turn the tide into the creation of the New Earth you all seek. You do not need to have an answer to all the problems, you just need to allow your innate goodness to lead the way. ~Archangel Gabriel

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All the Children of God’s Heart

God said:

Never do I run out of topics to talk about with all the Children of My Heart. Virtually, all the topics We share here are for everyone. In one way or another, the topics, as given, make you nod your head Yes or make you shake your head No. One way or another, you are investing in what I say. Even when you debate vigorously with Me, you are investing in what I say. You respond to what I say. You react to what I say. What I say holds great importance to you. Even when you disagree, or –- most especially when you disagree -- you are investing heavily in what I say. You don’t have to love what I say in order to be invested in it.

If you are adamant that I change My point of view, you are likely to be supremely invested in what I say. Otherwise, dear ones, why would what I say matter so much to you? Unless what I say matters to you inexorably, why would you argue? The more you rebel against Me, the more attached to My thinking you are. Otherwise, you would let My opinion – or anyone’s opinion – be like water and let it roll off your back.

Whether you care for My point of view or not, or anyone’s point of view or not, it seems pretty clear that others’ opinions matter to you a lot, or why on Earth would what I think or say or what anyone thinks or says rankle you so much?

You can’t really think that I or anyone must agree with you, do you? What happened to Freedom, Beloveds?

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Buckminister Fuller & Bertrand Russel On Why We Should Work Less, and Live & Learn More

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

When I came across this discussion triggered by Josh Jones,  a writer and musician based in Durham, NC, from, I couldn’t help but ponder just how many people out there feel the same way about “work” and what we do in exchange for food on the table and a roof over our heads, among other things.

From the day we are born, we are put into school for a couple of decades and told, not taught, how the world works, what path to take, why to follow it, and how to fit in and become a “productive” member of society. This basically means we have to spend a large majority of our lives striving for a degree or a diploma in order to qualify to work long hours and subsequently earn the right to live. There are many other roots than that as-well, much more appealing but they also require us to put in our time.

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Remarkable Beach Cleanup Removes 5.3 Million Kg of Trash, Transforms Coastline - Waking Times

Anna Hunt
Waking Times

This is one of the most dramatic beach makeovers, ever. Over a span of 85 weeks, resident volunteers in north western Mumbai, India, transformed Versova beach from one of the most littered to absolutely stunning. The beach cleanup removed 5.3 million kilograms of trash, which is over half of the daily garbage generated by Mumbai.

Versova beach cleanup India

Versova beach before cleanup – Mumbai, India

Versova beach cleanup effort

Versova beach after cleanup – Mumbai, India

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Education Expert Finds Scheduling Every Free Moment For Children Prevents Self Discovery

by Josh Richardson,

Are children scheduled to the max these days? Are there any waking moments that give children the freedom to express themselves in unstructured environments? Children should be allowed to get bored so they can develop their innate ability to be creative, an education expert says.

Deschoolers maintain that a child's learning should be curiosity-driven rather than dictated by teachers and textbooks, and that forcing kids to adhere to curricula quashes their natural inclination to explore and ask questions because children think differently.

Dr Teresa Belton says cultural expectations that children should be constantly active could hamper the development of their imagination.

The senior researcher at the University of East Anglia's School of Education and Lifelong Learning interviewed a number of authors, artists and scientists in her exploration of the effects of boredom.

GFP Newsletter - 5/22/2017

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The emptiness which I am, here just before you, is not a negative state. It is not really emptiness. It is called emptiness because the ego doesn't exist there. It is called emptiness because the mind doesn't exist there. It is called emptiness because you don't exist there. It is because of you - you are there no more; that's why it is called emptiness. Otherwise, it is the greatest, the most positive state. It is full, overflowing with the Divine, with the Total, with the Whole.



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