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This Prefab House Of The Future Is Made From Recycled, Reusable, & Sustainable Materials

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

Waste: We do a lot of it, we know the consequences, and yet, society is still designed to put out without giving back.

But recent years have seen some exciting movements toward better environmental practices, offering alternatives to both how we live and what we live in.

Prefab homes offer not just precise construction, but sustainable and economically efficient living quarters.

Arup Associates designed a sustainable prefab home using recycled, reusable, and sustainably sourced materials as a prototype for last year’s London Design Festival. Called Circular Economy Building, the prefab home proves the innovation of such construction just keeps getter better.

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Farmer Spends 16 Years Studying Law To Sue Chemical Firm 'Polluting His Land' - And Wins - TruthTheory

BLuke Miller Truth Theory

Wang Enlin a farmer living in the Yushutun village, China has spent over 16 years studying law to sue the chemical company that allegedly polluted his land.

According to reports from Chinese news site The People, a 2001 government document claimed the contaminated farmland ‘can not be used for a long time’ due to the companies error.

The company in question- Qihua Group have assets of over 2 billion Yen (Around $200 million) and are thought to have dumped hazardous waste into the village from 2001 – 2016, making it impossible for the community to farm their land.

They are also reported to have created 71-acres of wasteland contaminated with calcium carbide and a 478-acre pond full of liquid waste.

Mr Wang decided to pursue the legal knowledge required to take Qihua on after writing a letter in 2001, to the Land Resources Bureau of Qiqihar complaining about the pollution of his village.

He said that he was asked to produce evidence of the contamination when dealing with local officials:

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Daily Message ~ Thursday May 25, 2017

The energy that presents to you is a match to what you have already experienced combined with new potentials that are opening up to you. You might think of it as a lineup of plays you can attend during a season. You can choose to see a performance that you have already seen and enjoyed very much, or you can choose to see something brand new. Both options are equally available to you. Or you may even decide to do both!

But as you evolve in these new unprecedented energies, so many of you are wishing for expansion and new experiences. It can be helpful to ask, “Does this potential match where I am going, or where I’ve been?” because your energy will hold matches to both. You ultimately get to choose what you wish to participate in based on your new preferences and desires. ~Archangel Gabriel



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AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey

This Gemini New Moon is a very important New Moon…. one that can bring opportunities or setbacks, in all types of Relationships.  All though this New Moon is a non-aspected New Moon….it doesn’t mean that the energy is easy.  The back drop of this Gemini New Moon is a Cardinal T-Square involving: Pluto/Juno……Jupiter….and Uranus/Eris/Pallas Athena/and Venus!  Venus and Juno are especially concerned about relationships.  This New Moon is also a Super Moon….meaning it is closer to the Earth then most Moons, giving us the ability to feel the Moon’s energy even more.  This generates greater gravitational and electromagnetic pulls…..on our tides, tectonic plates, the Earth, all its inhabitants, including ourselves…..and our psychic.  Triggering….accelerating shifts in consciousness. This Gemini Super New Moon is the first time since 2009 that the closest lunation to the Earth is a New Moon, rather than a Full Moon!  With this Super Moon hovering so close to Earth, its effects may be more keenly felt than usual.

Actually the energy of this Gemini New Moon feels very Chaotic…..and there really isn’t any way out….except going through!  With Mercury ruling this New Moon….most changes and encounters will come through communication of all kinds.   Change is coming and we can sense it…..we can see it…..we can feel it!!

GFP Newsletter - 5/24/2017

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Joshu is beautiful. He says: Throw it out. Even nothingness, even emptiness is something; throw it out. Because if you think that you are empty, you are not; the very thinking that you are empty is there. The idea is there, the thought is there, the mind is there. If you say: I am empty - you are not, because never can you say that you are empty. That cannot be said.

Who will say it? And the one who says it inside is still there. Before it possessed other things, now it possesses emptiness.


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Brain Activity Seen In Patient Ten Minutes After Death

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

Science is a miraculous subject, as anyone in the field will likely tell you. The once impossible is proven over and over again by researchers to be a reality, revealing just how infinite the possibilities of discovery and enhancement in the field truly are.

Recently, a study presented some astonishing results, finding brain activity in a patient up to 10 minutes after their life support was turned off.

Though they were clinically dead, meaning their heart registered no activity on an electrocardiograph (ECG) monitor, presenting a flatline, the surprising study found electrical activity in the brain after their heart had flatlined, and other indicators of clinical death were present, too.

The study, led by the University of Western Ontario in Canada and published in the Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences, found activity in the form of a burst of delta waves, which are associated with deep sleep, suggesting to researchers that each individual may experience death uniquely.

For their work, the researchers examined the electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings from four patients. Such a test is meant to determine brain activity.

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More than 700 Oil Spills in North Dakota Reported in the Same Month Pipeline Opens - Waking Times

Alex Pietrowski
Waking Times

There’s more reason to be concerned about the Dakota Access Pipeline than you may think. The distress expressed by water protesters at Standing Rock is not just for the sake of opposing big oil. There is a valid reason: the prevalence of oil spills in North Dakota.

To emphasize this possibility, let’s take a look at the number of oils pills in North Dakota recently reported by the North Dakota Department of Health. Chris Clarke at KCET, a non-profit community media organization, recaps the report:

In the year ending on May 1, 2017, according to the state’s Department of Health, the state’s oil and gas industry reported 745 involved oil spills — on average, a spill every 11 hours and 45 minutes.

Clearly, one can understand why so many have protested the Dakota Access Pipeline, which opens this month. This particular pipeline was built under the Missouri River, which is the primary water source for the Standing Rock Sioux tribe.

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Recurring Themes

God said:

What is on your mind this morning? What peeve do you have? What internal conversation are you having with someone who is not here in the room with you that you can’t seem to let go of??

You burst forth with what you wish you had said the last time you met. You may rant on and on in your mind like this:

“The way I see it, you are an incidental uneventful person in my life, yet you think you know all the answers. Because you make a pronouncement that you know me and have pointed out what you see, you think that you are straightening me out.

“You aren’t close. You are not connected to me and what I think and feel. You have no idea who and what I am. You give pop-up answers that are meaningless to me. You skim right over me. You toss me away as if what I think and feel has no value whatsoever to the Universe, as if I am in error. Hey, you, this is my Life, not yours, so don’t pick over my Life as if you have a claim over it.

“How do you presume that your summation has any connection to me at all?

“I withdraw from you. You no longer count with me either, Mr. Know It All. You think that you know everything, and that I know nothing.

“I am aware that what annoys me to this degree is that I didn’t say what was mine to say when the time was right. At that time, I wouldn’t have told you off. I simply would have spoken up.

“I’m tired of your thinking you know more than me and everyone else in the world. What you say means nothing to me now. Nothing.

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday May 24, 2017

When you come into a vibrational range of energy, new potentials become available to you. Those new potentials are just a starting point. Understand as a co-creator you can absolutely assess those new opportunities.

Don't be afraid to ask questions! Do these potentials match you vibrationally? Do they honour who you are and what you wish to achieve? Do they offer expansion and match where your soul wishes to go? If not, give gratitude for the aspects that do work for you and feel good and supportive as your feedback to the universe, and let the rest go.

You may think of your potentials as starting points for you to shape and mold into becoming your perfect matches. You do that by keeping clear focus on what your preferences are, holding your intention, being open to flowing into expansion through new suggestions from the universe, and growing what is desired through your wisdom, awareness, and appreciation. ~Archangel Gabriel



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