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Former Patagonia CEO Gifts One Million Acres To Chile For National Parks

by Amelia Kinney, True Activist

Inspired by the gift, President Michelle Bachelet agrees to place 10 million acres under environmental protection.

In the largest ever private land donation to a government in Latin America, the one million acres composing Parque Pumalín has been given to Chile. Inspired by the gift, Chilean President Michelle Bachelet signed an agreement to place Parque Pumalín, as well as 10 million acres of federal land under environmental protection.

The massive area (three times the size of Yellowstone and Yosemite put together) will now be designated for national parklands. “Today, we are bequeathing to the country the greatest creation of protected areas in our history,” said Bachelet in a speech.

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New Law Could Help Defend Oregon Farmers From GMO Contamination

by Amelia Kinney, True Activist

Contamination by genetically-engineered products, such as Monsanto's seeds, can devastate a farm.

Farmers in Oregon might soon have to increase defense against Monsanto. The bill under consideration permits farmers to take legal action if their crops are found to be contaminated by genetically-modified organisms. Oregon’s House Bill 2738 “Allows cause of action against patent holder for genetically-engineered organism present on land without permission of owner or lawful occupant.”

Contamination by GMOs can be catastrophic for farmers. This “genetic drift” is nearly impossible to prevent; it usually happens naturally through wind or pollination. HB 2739 could also prevent Monsanto from bullying farmers for “seed piracy” when they are found with unauthorized GMO crops. Farmers who grow GMO crops have to pay licensing feeds, and are subject to inspection and regulation from the seed companies. Even more, they must buy the products annually, or they could be prosecuted for patent infringement.

GFP Newsletter - 4/8/2017

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These religions are just exploiting people, giving them dreams and hopes. And because you give them dreams and hopes you become messiahs, prophets. You gain out of it. You give them empty dreams - and they make you great leaders of humanity.


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A King of Consciousness

God said:

Aloha! Namaste! Greetings!

Arrivederci! Au Revoir! So Long!

Life in the world is made up of hellos and goodbyes. Temporary means there are beginnings and endings.

In Infinity, it’s different. Everything is all at once. Infinity is Fullness. Fullness is Fullness of Oneness. This is the State of Consciousness that is rumored to be Heaven and actually is.

Heaven can only be a State of Consciousness. The world has the illusion of space and time. Heaven does not. Heaven is not illusion. Heaven is the Truth of you. So Oneness is the Truth of you and the Truth of all human Beings.

We could say there are two versions of you. There is the obvious one of you housed on Earth in a body of one kind or another, and there is the subtle more savory version of you that lives Eternally in Infinity as One.

On Earth, you are squeezed into a body. You feel sequestered. Everything in the world tells you that you are separate. You may feel great loneliness, for you are adrift from your natural habitat even as you are not wholly certain that you truly exist at all. You may feel that you need protection from all the others who may ignore you or gang up on you. You are quite aware of a you and a them.

At the same time, you likely feel a kind of wanderlust, yet you do not know what it is you seek. I tell you it is your Very Self you seek. The recognition you crave is of your Very Self.

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Archaeologists Announce The Discovery Of A 3,700 Year-Old Pyramid In Egypt

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

A land steeped in ancient history and thought to be the birthplace of Western civilization, Egypt — and its monuments in particular — continues to mystify and intrigue historians and archaeologists. The majority of these monuments reside on the west side of the Nile, known as the Land of the Dead. And on the east side of the Nile, monuments were reserved for the use of the living.

A prosperous and highly religious people, Egyptians took advantage of the land they lived on and its great resources. A nation of perfectionists, their attention to detail served them well throughout their industrious endeavours. Because the Egyptians believes their kind a mortal god, who became one with the immortal gods when he died, it became necessary to protect his body, and so the attention to proper burial came to be, hence the giant pile of solid stone.

Along with the pyramids serving as tomb, they also functioned as a temple complex for the deified Pharaoh.

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Daily Message ~ Saturday April 8, 2017

Have you ever noticed how, when someone is upset, if another person stays in their own energy and simply offers reassurance or a hug, the other person can find their way back to greater balance? It is a beautiful example of how staying in your own energy, alignment, and truth is one of the best ways you can help others.

Dear Ones, no matter how much you are shifting at any given time, there are fundamental energies that have already been well integrated and grounded into your energy systems through your enlightenment process. They are always there, your constant energetic truths, to settle back into as your solid home base whenever you, or someone else, could use that added support.

You might think of it as the calming hug that is always available to you, others, and the world. ~Archangel Gabriel


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How Your Breath Is Your Brain's Remote Control, According To New Study

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

For centuries, yogis have been expressing the incredible benefits meditation can provide. More recently, meditation has become a more mainstream means of treating anxiety and stress, as deep breathing has been proven to calm the nervous system and reduce our heart rate. Avid meditators or individuals who practice breathing techniques typically report that such practices have the ability to silence or slow down the mind. This begs the question: How exactly does meditation and controlled breathing affect our brain?

We’ve all heard the saying “take a deep breath,” and there’s actually some merit to that. A new study published in the Journal of Neuroscience found that there’s a direct link between nasal breathing and our cognitive function.

GFP Newsletter - 4/7/2017

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Politics is only for idiots. Its day is finished. We have to begin a new history in which there will be no place for politics. We want to get rid of all this retardedness, this mediocrity. We want the earth to become really the very cream of the whole universe. It can become, it has the potential.

Unfortunately we have not used it. But the time has come - and I am preparing you to use it.


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Let Us Turn the Page Together

God said:

Despite knowing better, sometimes you find yourself mired in a world of tension. You have read a lot of uplifting words, including Heavenletters. You know better, and, still, there are days and weeks or longer that surround you in misery. In theory, you may accept responsibility for how you are feeling, yet, when you are feeling down, you may stay feeling down, and can’t seem to get out of it. Woe is you.

You are a good person, and yet, day after day, you may endure feelings that drag you down. In certain company, you may smile, laugh, and sometimes may even really enjoy, and then, when you return to yourself alone, dark feelings keep you in their thrall. This seems to happen to you, and you don’t know how you got here.

You know better. You know better than to soak in dismal thoughts and dismal feelings, yet, here you are, immersed in deep and lasting despair. Here you are, lacking appetite for Life, and you seem unable to conjure up Life as Beautiful any more. It is inconceivable that unhappiness is happening to you. You used to nip downhearted feelings in the bud, while now they seem to take over.

Life may feel hollow right now. No one seems to care how you feel or understand even if they might want to. You, yourself, do not know the cause of your heartache. It’s not like someone who matters to you has died recently. You haven’t lost your livelihood. You have no physical ailment. You have no good reason to feel down and out, and, yet, you find yourself – it seems like you find yourself – in a downward spiral of despair.


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