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Daily Message ~ Friday March 24, 2017

Human beings will be enlightening faster than ever before. There is much potential for true and profound change on your planet. This is due to the combination of higher vibrational energies flooding your planet, as well as the efforts of those who have gone first, who have tamped down and widened the path for others to follow. This acceleration is more proof that the shift is indeed happening, and that the potentials and possibilities for your planet, and her inhabitants, are vast. Allow yourselves to continue to grow and expand, Dear Ones, holding your heart-centred space of love and encouragement for all, and know that your consistent choices and acts of service are paying off in ways that will only become more obvious and profound moving forward. ~Archangel Gabriel

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A Love Letter

Dearest One,
I am glad you’ve chosen to continue when you did not feel like it.  I am joyful that the persistent beating of your heart reminds you of why you are here.  I am blessed by your faith and trust in The Universe even though there have been times when you felt like giving up.  I am amazed by the tenacity that you show daily.  I am in awe of your ability to push through the ‘tough stuff’ and grow.  Every day, you make me thankful you were created…you are loved beyond measure! ~ Creator

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New Wikileaks Vault 7 Release Proves The CIA Bugs “Factory Fresh” iPhones & Other Devices

by Joe Martino, Collective Evolution

Wikileaks has released another portion of Vault 7 today called “Dark Matter.” In this telling release comes the story of the CIA’s involvement in bugging a number of Apple products, including iPhones and the Macbook Air.

In short, the leak exposes how the CIA infects Apple Mac computer firmware to gain ‘persistence’ on Apple devices, including laptops and phones. These projects have been developed by the CIA’s Embedded Development Branch (EDB).

WikiLeaks explains that this ‘bug’ allows an attacker/hacker to boot its attack software from a USB stick onto a device, even when a firmware password has been enabled. According to WiKiLeaks, the infector is stored in the Apple Thunderbolt-to-Ethernet adapter.

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Be the Fruit of the Earth

God said:

You don’t have to put yourself under great emotional strain. Why would you lock yourself out of your own Home on Earth and take away peace from yourself. Forgo stress.

Patience and impatience are not as harmless as you may think. Impatience earmarks Life as a catastrophe. Impatience considers current circumstances as Almighty. On the other hand, patience is having other recourses and resources. Patience sees clearly.

Be still. All is already taken care of. Hold this Truth secure in your heart. Let your heart be strong. In the extant world, all is temporary. You extend far beyond what strikes you as trouble. Truth attests to Infinity which is Eternal, and so are you.

There is a spark of Life that takes care of everything. Acknowledge that all is already solved and resolved. Hold this Truth. Ah, yes, all may not be solved as you wish, yet all difficulties do dissolve. If difficulties exist, they are of the past. Don’t claim them. The Sun rises every morning.

Of course, My children, you tend to believe that you are surrounded with insurmountable difficulties. This is a mistaken belief.

Remember this: Thoughts are powerful. Your thoughts are powerful. Even your mistaken thoughts are powerful. Truth is more powerful.

Pardon yourself from transgressions of thought. Only as an afterthought do you discern an error. Don’t make so much of the past as you do. The past is only a word on paper or a thought in the air, not to be kept, definitely not to be collected for old times’ sake.

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Daily Message ~ Thursday March 23, 2017

The Divine Combination of faith, surrender, flow, and trust, can be viewed as a progression of a person's awakening process. Let us explain what we mean by that.

The first step in the enlightenment process, is faith - the belief in something more than yourself. The next step of that process is starting to work with that something larger through the aspects of surrender and flow and a willingness to be led.

But the final, most important aspect to fall into place in a human's awakening process really is trust, for it completes the model of the Divine Combination. All of the aspects must be employed together in order for the magic of enlightenment to occur.

It is the aspect of trust that most enlightening human beings are now realizing the importance of, as they start moving forward in the new cycle of creation you are entering on your planet at this time.

Trust is vital because it completes the combination which opens the doorway to enlightenment. It completes the circle, if you will, which perpetuates forward empowered movement with the full support of Source because your are in willing recognition and acceptance of that support.

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While Media Focuses On Russia, Govt’s Own Data Shows U.S. Interfered In 81 Elections

While the US spin machine hurls accusations about Russian election meddling, it's worth nothing the US is a seasoned pro at interfering in elections.

By: Claire Bernish / The Free Thought Project   Ask an average American who makes a habit of following government-mouthpiece corporate media about interference in national elections and you’ll likely elicit a nebulous response concerning Russian hackers and a plan to install Donald Trump in the White House — but you probably won’t hear a single syllable pertaining to United States government’s actual attempts to do the same.

On Monday, FBI Director James Comey confirmed for the first time publicly the bureau is officially investigating hotly contentious allegations of Russian meddling in the U.S. election — but, even if proven true, such geopolitical escapades better characterize the routine behavior of accuser than of accused.

“The F.B.I., as part of our counterintelligence effort, is investigating the Russian government’s efforts to interfere in the 2016 president election,” the director announced, adding the bureau would conduct a probe to discern whether Trump’s associates had contact with Russian officials.

GFP Newsletter - 3/22/2017

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The religious leaders were doing a tremendously beautiful business: no investment, all profit, no income tax. The religious profession is really the only superb business. You don't have to invest any money into it, no risk of losing, no risk of the dollar going down. Wherever the dollar goes it doesn't matter; it is always profit, never loss. In religious business it is always profit.

And you don't have to manufacture any commodity; you don't have to create factories and bring labor and labor problems - strikes and lock-outs. No problems at all. You deal in invisible commodities.

Nobody can see the god, nobody can see the angels, nobody can see the heaven. It is really a strange business.


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Making Music for God

God said:

Beloveds, I hear you. I hear you say:

“Dear God, what a God You are. You don’t despair. You don’t lock any doors. You unlock the doors within me that I lock to myself.

“I put myself into a trance as if the Meaning of Life can only be temporary. The temporary may be likened to a coat of many colors that I cover my soul with. I make this coat all-important, as if I have no say about it when the actuality is that I have all the say in the world about it. I hold this coat to me and wrap it around me as if it were Life itself.

“I am indeed wrapped up in the surface of Life, as if this surface is all that there is. I cover myself up from Reality. I hide myself away in a pocket. I look not into the Mirror of Myself. I fritter my Life away.

“Of course, You would say that I uphold fiction with my every breath. I wrest fiction from the world and call it my own.

“Does this mean I carry a false self that I reveal to the world even as I try to cover up the falseness of me with various ruses? When I look into a little mirror of myself, I must see an illustration of myself, even a cartoon of myself. I would like to look at myself in a clear mirror and see my reflection as You, God, do see me.

“Sometimes I don’t feel that I exist. I just hang out here in Life, refusing to get on with it. I persist in the illusion that I am a mere hollow tube when I am to be a flute for You, God.


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