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Fertility Regulator Has Approved Three Parent GMO Babies

by Jessica Murray, True Activist

Approval has been given by the UK’s fertility regulator to create a baby using the DNA of three people. According to reports, the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) announced its “historic” decision in December last year, after explaining that it would begin to accept applications from various fertility clinics that are wanting to become licensed to perform the technical procedure. Now commonly known as the “3-parent baby technique”, the procedure is designed to prevent a small number of children from inheriting diseases from their mothers that could be potentially fatal. The new DNA techniques are primarily intended to fix problems that are linked to mitochondria, which are the structures outside of a cell’s nucleus that produce energy. Any mitochondrial problems could cause diseases such as muscular dystrophy, major organ failure, and severe muscle weakness.

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The Power Of Vulnerability

by Milan Karmeli, Collective Evolution

Vulnerability is about being honest, and this includes embracing our dark side. No matter whether we find ourselves on the conservative spectrum or liberal, we often abuse morals and ideals in order to avoid our own shadow. In this turbulent ‘Trump era,’  where values fly high for all sides, vulnerability could become the currency that returns our sanity. My intention here is not political, but recent events coinciding with personal ones have created some urgency around the issue.

In the name of righteousness and higher ideals — personal, social, or political — we often establish a perimeter of comforting beliefs around us. This way we don’t need to face our own fear and insecurity. Instead of taking responsibility for our insufficiencies, we respond with judgment and morality. Fearing to face our simplicity and delicate humanity, we try proving our sophistication through how good, spiritual, or moral we are. Survival at any cost justifies the means to an end, but is basic survival what we really want?

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TED Talk Parody Shows How Easy it is to Brainwash Us with Formulas

Vic Bishop, Staff
Waking Times

Subliminal messages in advertising are but one tool available to public relations and propaganda professionals to manufacture consent, create unanimity, and encourage group-think. The use of formulas, scripts and rehearsals are also integral parts of the production process, and a look at how easily a formula can influence our perception of the information being presented shows us just how easy it is to be duped by well-presented nonsense.

TED Talks are ubiquitous on the internet, and their comfortably predictable formula lends them instant credibility. The well-produced, important sounding speeches featuring seemingly ordinary people with “Big” ideas have become a source of wisdom and knowledge, as important to our culture as 24 hour news pundits and Snopes.

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday March 22, 2017

So many enlightening human beings have regret or shame over choices they made pre-awakening. We love you for your tender hearts and accountability! But what if your darkest days were simply the starting point and you have come so far simply to experience and demonstrate the evolution humans are capable of? What if you were assisting in the creation of new templates of possibility and vibrational range? What if every single time you choose love, light, forgiveness, acceptance, authenticity, and peace you continue to show what is possible for those who are in their darkest days? What if that starting place was necessary for you to fully experience the beauty and joy of discovering your own divinity and to energetically support the potential for others to do the same as well? ~Archangel Gabriel


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US Government Has Been Allowing A Pipeline To Release Methane Into The Ocean For Months

by Jessica Murray, True Activist

An eight inch pipeline in Alaska is currently releasing around 310,000 cubic feet of methane into the ocean every day, and reports say that it could be months until it is stopped. The pipeline located in Alaska’s Cook Inlet has been actively releasing methane daily for the past three months, and there could be a wait until May before anyone shuts it down. Hilcorp Alaska’s pipeline ruptured back in December, causing it to begin releasing an enormous amount of methane into the ocean. Despite the vast quantities, the leak was not reported to the US Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration until frothing and bubbling at the surface of the water was spotted by a helicopter pilot on February 7. EcoWatch reported, “PHMSA said that the natural gas discharge could pose a risk to public safety, the environment and marine mammals and has given Hilcorp until May 1 to permanently repair the line or shut it down.”

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You Shape Your World

Today, you are invited to take a moment to focus on the thoughts and words you use throughout your day.  How much time is focused on the negative?  How much on the positive?  These things definitively shape the world you live in and you are always given a choice as to which direction that life takes.  Do not, for one second, be afraid of this immense power…..instead, use it wisely. ~ Creator


GFP Newsletter - 3/21/2017

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People are afraid of life, and they are afraid of life because life is only possible if you are capable of being wild - wild in your love, wild in your song, wild in your dance. This is where fear is.

Who is afraid of death? I have never come across such a person. And almost every person I have come across is afraid of life.

Drop fear of life .... Because either you can be afraid or you can live; it is up to you. And what is there to be afraid of? You can't lose anything. You have everything to gain.

Drop all fears and jump totally into life.

Then one day death will come as a welcome guest, not your enemy, and you will enjoy death more than you have enjoyed life, because death has its own beauties.

And death is very rare because it happens once in a while - life is everyday.


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Getting to Know You

God said:

Everyone has a unique story. Born into the same family, both parents the same, no two children are alike. For all you can tell, the children could have come together from the ends of Earth, yet somehow they find themselves living their childhoods together. As you may see it, it is a puzzle that children so disparate could have ever somehow come to live together. It seems impossible, and it also seems destined.

Had the children been assembled in an orphanage together, the chooser's eyes closed, could they have turned out so unmatched as they were? Yet there is family, and desire for family and desire to belong and perhaps desire not to belong as well.

Everyone is unique. You are unique. Wherever you were born, no matter the circumstances, you are you and, often, you are a surprise to yourself.

There is a song called Getting to Know You.

Gettin' to know you,
Gettin' to know all about you.
Gettin' to like you,
Gettin' to hope you like me.

Your Life on Earth is a remarkable opportunity to form a relationship with yourself. Bouncing off of other people is one way you find out who you are.

Yes, in the world, you are getting to know this personality you are this lifetime. At the same time, you are also discovering the underlying Truth of You.

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday March 21, 2017

Dear Ones, never underestimate the positive impact of your own evolution and expansion on the whole! Every single time you choose light, love, acceptance, new belief systems, to be healed, to expand, to embrace your own divinity, to BE, you support new potentials and possibilities, through both teaching by example and anchoring higher vibrational energies. Each individual awakening supports the awakening of the whole, making your enlightenment process service to yourself, humanity, your planet, and beyond. ~Archangel Gabriel


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How Showing Compassion for Animals Can Improve Personal Well-Being

Alex Pietrowski, Staff
Waking Times

Compassion is the humane side of suffering, which inspires the most beautiful acts of humanity. In man’s world, animals often bear the worst of our dark side, suffering under the stresses of cruelty and ruthlessness, however, being compassionate towards animals may actually be good for your health and well-being, perhaps even prolonging your life.

For so many of us, compassion appears to be an innate, instinctual part of the human experience, something so many of us do automatically, and decades of clinical psychological research into the problem of human suffering shows how our most evolved nature is to respond compassionately. A host of university studies share the conclusion that compassion is part of our higher nature, looking at the biological basis for compassion.


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