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You Are A Guiding Light

It is important to remain as transparent as you possibly can during these changing times.  As the ‘old guard’ struggles with the notion with hiding, deferring, transferring blame and not answering direct questions, you must be their guiding light.  If each one of you remains in integrity and honesty, they cannot help but see the light and love involved and will, eventually, follow suit. ~ Creator

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Strong Evidence Shows Extraterrestrials Have Been Shutting Down Nuclear Missiles Worldwide For Decades, But Why?

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

The photo you see above is a real picture taken in August of 1952, it’s a photograph of multiple UFOs taken by the Coast Guard photographer at the time above a US military installation, a common place for UFO sightings.  The photo was classified by the US government, and then later approved for release. It was witnessed by multiple ‘professional’ people.(source)(source)

There is no shortage of pictures and videos when it comes to UFOs, here’s another ‘official’ example you can read about from the Canadian military.

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Daily Message ~ Monday March 20, 2017

Have you given yourself over to the full amount of help that is available to you, or have you given yourself over to the amount of help that you think is available to you? We'd like you to consider that the difference between the two may be vast, Dear Ones. ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 3/19/2017

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People are afraid of life, not of death, because life is a problem to be solved. Life has thousands of complexities to be resolved. Life has so many dimensions that you are continuously in a worry ... is the dimension you are moving in the right one, or have you left the right one behind?

Whatever you are doing, this question mark never leaves you: is this the kind of thing you really wanted to do, or are you really destined to do this? Everybody is in constant turmoil because of life.

People are afraid to live, so people try to live as limitedly as possible. They have made life a limited concern.

They try to create a fence around their life. They don't want to live in the wilderness of life - that is very fear-creating. They make a nice fence around their house, they make a beautiful British garden inside - everything symmetrical, well-cut, groomed - and they think this is life. This is not life, this is just an effort to avoid life.

Life can only be wild.

It cannot have fences, it cannot be like the British garden. It is not Victorian, everything symmetrical.


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Scientists Cannot Explain Why Humpback Whales Are Displaying This Strange Behaviour

by Jessica Murray, True Activist

Despite the fact that humpback whales are generally solitary creatures, huge groups of them have suddenly begun grouping together just off the coast of South Africa, but no one knows why. Although scientists previously referred to groups of 10 to 20 humpback whales as “large”, groups have now been spotted in numbers from 20 to 200, each weighing about 65,000 pounds, according to recent reports. Even more surprisingly, humpback whales are not usually seen in the region of South Africa, as they migrate up to tropical waters to breed and then typically travel south to the icy waters of Antarctica during this time of the year. Recent scientific expeditions have been regularly sighting these super-pods and compiled their findings into a published journal called PLoS ONE at the beginning of March. Although the researchers have a few vague ideas about the “new” behavior of the humpbacks, these are merely guesses as the true reason why they have congregated in this area is still very unclear.

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“Come, Abide with Me.”

God said:

You are on a rung of a ladder. You may hesitate to go higher. No matter how much you may ask Me to propel you higher, you may pull back. Why? If you let go of all your attachment to boundaries, perhaps you wonder what you might open yourself to then.

What might you have to give up, and what might this perceived loss take away from you? What if it costs you plenty, and you find yourself without any recourse?

Once truly unbounded, you are unbounded forever, and there is no going back. You won’t want to.

It’s true you are accustomed to fear. Sure, your fears concern the surface level of Life, yet without all your fears, what then would be left of you? Absence of fear might carry its own disappointments, and you are fearful of disbanding fear.

What if later on, you want back the full entertainment of Life on Earth? What if the borders of Life that are so familiar to you — what if they really do keep you safe? You may wish to let go at the same time you are fearful to. Meanwhile, you go back and forth.

Beloveds, the decision to hold fear close to you is yours, of course. You are uncomfortable with your fear thoughts in the world, yet, at least, you can say that they are your own.

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Where have you been hiding, my child?  Is it behind those blocks?  You know the ones…. they keep you insulated from the changes you have been asking for but were too afraid to approach.  Or is it behind the perceptions that have always been there to keep you safe from a broader way of thinking?  Either way, darling, it is time to come out and play!  Do not let them stand in the way of you becoming who you are meant to be. ~ Creator

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Sir Patrick Stewart Reveals He Uses Marijuana Daily To Reduce Arthritis Pain

by Amanda Froelich, True Activist

The English actor indulges in edibles, ointments, and sprays and says he hasn't experienced one negative side effect from using the product.

Professor X is all about that herb and wasn’t shy to admit so when recently, he disclosed in a statement that he uses cannabis sprays, ointments, and edible products nearly every day to soothe his arthritis. The Telegraph reports that the 76-year-old actor opened up about his use of cannabis to support a project from Oxford University that seeks to explore the medical benefits of the plant.

“Two years ago, in Los Angeles, I was examined by a doctor and given a note which gave me legal permission to purchase, from a registered outlet, cannabis-based products, which I was advised might help the ortho-arthritis in both my hands,” shared Stewart. “This, it would seem, is a genetically-based condition. My mother had badly distorted and painful hands.”

GFP Newsletter - 3/18/2017

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Don't say that "I am going to die one day."

First live! And live this very day.

And I promise you that if you can live this very day, death will happen, but not to you, only to your outward imprisonment - your body, the shell in which you are imprisoned.

You are not going to die on any day.


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Where Is There Not Beauty?

God said:

The act of being a human Being doesn’t strike you as a walk in the park, yet, here you are. Here you are, a high flier without an airplane. There are many ways to describe the process of living on Earth as a human being.

You can describe yourself as an innocent. You can describe yourself as up a creek. You can describe yourself as an angel without wings. An angel misplaced. An innocent hapless bewildered spirit thrown into the wilds in a human body, seemingly fending for yourself in a foreign land that often makes no sense to you, as if you had been thrown into the middle of an arcane mystery novel where clues are not easy to find.

You may feel that you started off on the wrong foot, yet what is the right foot?

You would like to be free, yet you also want boundaries. You may not like them, yet boundaries can catch you in case you fall.

Then I come in and tell you that Life on Earth is not to be taken so seriously when, right now, so far as you can see and hold onto, this is the only Life you have. This Life you have is serious to you.

Beloveds, be as light as air. I personally am body-less, and yet, wow, how powerful and Eternal and Infinite am I. So are you. So are you.

Given that you are a stranger in a strange land, let’s take another look at Life.


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