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Daily Message ~ Saturday March 18, 2017

It is your complete trust and faith that allows you to continue to move forward, even in situations you may not understand. There is always a plan in place that your soul is well aware of, that you are willingly participating in, that is serving you and all that you wish to integrate into your soul's experiential repertoire. There is also a team of helpers at your disposal at all times to assist you in all of your experiences.

So trust, Dear Ones. Ask for our help if you need it, and stay open to accepting that help, even if you don't know where it will lead you. Know that the universe only loves and supports you in your desire for expansion and growth, and that you are absolutely adored and encouraged through it all. ~Archangel Gabriel

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(Video) Watch What Happens When A Man With Parkinson’s Takes Medical Marijuana For The First Time

by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

Larry Smith is a former cop who lives in South Dakota. He’s had Parkinson’s  disease for 20 years, which causes severe dyskinesia (uncontrolled movements), tremors, and voice loss.

The following is a clip from the documentary Ride With Larry, which follows Larry’s efforts to raise awareness about his illness as he travels across the United States on a bicycle, despite having Parkinson’s disease. This clip has raised a lot of attention on social media and for good reason — it’s simply unbelievable.

Smith is shown in the clip taking medical marijuana for the first time. He puts a drop of cannabis oil under his tongue, after which, everything about him changes. His involuntary movements come to an end, he can speak normally, and he is very still. It’s simply incredible to see what one drop of cannabis oil can do. Unfortunately, cannabis is still not legally available in South Dakota, even for medicinal purposes.

Check it out.

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Scientific Studies Reveal How Soil Can Help Depression

by Jessica Murray, True Activist

Spending time gardening releases particular chemicals in the brain.

It’s a commonly known fact that the act of gardening can reduce stress and improve moods, but recent scientific studies have now shown that a particular microorganism that is found in soil can improve wellbeing and even act as an antidepressant. Mycobacterium vaccae is commonly found in soil, and has been proven to activate the release of brain serotonin, according to reports. The chemical serotonin together with dopamine boost immune systems and keep people happy. Both of these chemicals are neurotransmitters, which act as chemical messengers in the brain. dopamine affects emotions, movements and sensations of pleasure and pain, whilst serotonin regulates mood, social behaviour, libido, sleep, memory, and learning. When a person is gardening, M. vaccae is present on the skin when bare hands are in the soil. This is then either inhaled or enters into the bloodstream through any cuts.

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Two New Bills Quietly Slipping Through Congress That Will Give Big Pharma Unlimited Power & Zero Accountability

by Lisa Bloomquist, Collective Evolution

If you’re hurt by a pharmaceutical, you can sue the company that made the drug, and be compensated for your losses, right? Most people assume that is the way the justice system works, but the reality is that it’s difficult, and in many cases impossible, for victims of pharmaceutical companies (and other big corporations/industries) to gain compensation or justice.

There are many aspects of the current U.S. legal system that make getting compensation and justice for injuries caused by pharmaceutical drugs difficult, and there are two bills that are currently going through the U.S. House of Representatives (H.R. 985, the 2017 Fairness in Class Action Litigation Act and H.R. 1215, the Protecting Access to Care Act of 2017) that will make justice for victims of pharmaceuticals nearly impossible.

GFP Newsletter - 3/17/2017

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This is not your house. But you have missed the train so many times that it is natural to believe that this is where you belong - the waiting room, the platform. The train comes but you can never get to the train, you are always late. That has become your pattern of life.


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Marching Across the Universe

God said:

Sometimes you feel that Life, as it appears, is too much for you. I understand how you feel, yet the fear conclusions you come to are amiss.

Your body and mind may suffer, may suffer greatly, yet it is your mind that keeps your suffering lively. Such a delicate sensitive picture your mind paints of you. All the while, the Truth is that you, the indelible you, is Eternal. What you feel you go through in the world, impinges upon your soul not a whit. What you feel you go through in the world is false support for what is fallacy in the first place.

Life does make you stretch. At the same time, it is you who identify yourself as in need. It is you who designate yourself as strong or weak. It is you who go on and on about how difficult your life appears to be. If you think your life is miserable, you are as miserable as you say you are. Your own thoughts victimize you. Don’t be in a hurry to adopt the popular world views and excuses and make them your own. How you perceive is all temporary stuff.

In general, will you admit that your life is not intolerable? Your life is pretty good, as a matter of fact. To complain is a common choice and not worth the merit you give it and attach to your Life. Come from a broader spectrum.

It is understood what you mean when you say Life is too much for you right now. You call out: “World, I need a break.”

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When you open yourselves in Love you have nothing to hide.

Humanity IS awakening!  There numerous signs of this appearing all across the planet, signs that are plainly visible except to those who choose to remain unaware or in denial about the true nature of humanity – that humans are immortal spiritual beings having a temporary and limited physical experience embodied as humans.  There are indeed many who, being unaware of their spiritual essence, see only the physical world and wish to remain harshly judgmental of those with whom they disagree due to their own intense inner sense of unworthiness from which they can only hide or escape by projecting that unworthiness out onto others.  But, as compassion for others becomes more and more widespread, those onto whom they angrily project their fears are refusing in increasing numbers to fight back or defend themselves.  That is an enormous change in attitudes.

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Daily Message ~ Friday March 17, 2017

Why not start your own surrender experiment? Simply surrender into have the most wonderful day possible and see how it goes. What will happen is sooner or later you will forget to do that, and you will quickly see how much smoother surrender days go. Treating it like an experiment also gets your ego self out of the way and into a state of cooperation.

Have fun and play with the tools of surrender and flow! What happens when you surrender into being of your highest service? When you surrender into love? When you surrender into your greatest good? Which feels best to you? You can have one grand act of surrender, or several little acts throughout the day.

Working with the next navigational tools of surrender and flow, faith and trust, doesn't have to be complicated. See what works for you and what feels most supportive. Watch for the signs and synchronicities that lead the way and follow that supported path of least resistance.

You will find very quickly that surrender will become your preferred method of navigating life, because it is what the energies are supporting right now and how the universe delivers to you exactly what you need at any given time. Not only is it safe to surrender, it is where the magic is. ~Archangel Gabriel

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How The Financial System Is Being Used To Disempower Us - TruthTheory

By Luke Miller Truth Theory

A way in which we can conceptualise the banking system is by imagining 100 people all being given $100 and as a result of this they are expected to pay back $110 at the end of the month. The only way in which you can earn extra money is by earning it from someone else in this group of 100. So there is $10000 in circulation, but $11000 needs to be paid back. In the best of situations this would mean 10 people would end up with nothing and go bankrupt, and the other 90 would be able to continue the cycle. But in our current system it does not work in this way as there is such inequality. It is more like 10 people have $5000 each and the 90 get $55.55 each, but still need the $110 at the end of the month. So as a result they have to borrow the extra $54.45 from one of the 10 with $5000 to keep on going, but for this to happen they will need to pay more interest and the never ending cycle continues.


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