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Your Fantastic Voyage

God said:

Life is like a pot of gold that you put your hands in and pluck from. For the sake of argument, let’s say that you are blindfolded. Unable to see what your hands pick up, We might say that you are flying blind.

Gold is gold. By touch alone, however, gold doesn’t sparkle. If you pick up a piece of wood, easily your fingers would recognize splinters. Of course, you don't put much stock in splinters.

I make the point that your life is gold. Blind, even with gold right in front of you, you do not recognize the gold as it is right before you. You may not value your life or life itself for the gold it truly is. You may even complain about life on Earth. You may think it is a waste of time. You may even think it is unendurable. You simply don't see the Truth of Life because you have limited vision.

Beloveds, you are not here on Earth by chance or mistake. By great lengths, you came to this birth on Earth. Unique, you came to Earth. From the world’s point of view, there is no one just like you, although you yourself may have some passing acquaintance with Oneness housed deep in your heart.

In any case, you are here for a reason or for more than one reason. All the connections are vast. Ultimately, what you see as many -- well, their arms are entwined, and the connections are masterful and sometimes beyond belief. Oh, the unseen connections.

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Good Soul, Good Soul

God said:

For today alone, promise yourself that you will not complain about even one thing. No complaints, no criticisms. For this one day, do not let a word pass your lips that you would not be glad to have on the front page of the newspaper. In fact, for this one day, do not watch the news or read the paper.

No cluck-clucking over the news or the state of the world. No relating harrowing experiences or an injustice done to you or to anyone. No crime statistics. No shaking your head at anything.

Observe a day without finding fault. Oh, sure, you can always find fault without hunting for it. Today, take a day off. Abstain. Make today a fast day from discussing woes.

In effect, pat the Earth you live on, and make nice to all the diverse people who share this Earth with you and call each: “Good soul, good soul.”

See the world and its population the way you see your puppy who just can’t seem to get enough love from you, and who, without trying, just wants to pour vibrant surplus love on you. Treat the world and its population with some of the way you treat your puppy. Be a treat to the world.

Just for today you are trading in plaints for what can be called appreciation. If you can’t express appreciation today, then seal your lips.

For one day, give freedom from criticism to this world. See what it feels like.

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God Hears Your Heart Say

God said:

What is it that you tell yourself that you want most in your life? Even if you have a list of 1,000 sought-after desires, such a list is not enough for you, unless, that is, you have one major desire that heads the list.

You might guess that I expect your major desire to be your search for Me. There could still be yet another part of the equation you forget to mention.

“What?” you say. “A factor greater than God? What is more than You, God? Heaven, perhaps? Love with a capital L? What?”

I will tell you, but not yet. Of course, the answer hinges on what you just said, yet there is an aspect you may be missing, as you will see.

When I tell you, you will say: “Oh, yes, how could I forget?”

You may get so caught up in life that you forget what you aren't paying attention to. You may be so busy just trying to keep up with life, you may not be much aware of  life itself. You are singularly distracted. You may try to whiz through the day, get to work, leave work behind, and so on. Certainly, a day is taken up. It runs away with you, or you run away with it or from it. It seems you are either running away from something or running after something. Well, you are caught up in a swirl of activity, or you are chewing your nails, or you are out of breath.

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Divine Simplicity

God said:

How can One God be Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omni-benevolent and made of Divine Simplicity? None of these are thinking abilities. I do not have to remember. I do not make a list. I do not add to a non-existent list, nor do I check items off. This is not an accumulation for Me. I am not an accountant who wears glasses to read the small print. My capability is not a trick. It is not a parlor game. It is not learned. This is how it is. A Moment of Infinity reveals all. In one second, all is known.

You have glimpses of this All-Knowingness yourself. You know your Self. And you know through and through what is called My Self if you but dared to own it and own up to it. As it is, you may let My capability slip through your fingers.

I zero in on all of My Children in one Second of Infinity. I do not have to remember, nor do I forget. You may choose to call this Simple Awareness of Mine the Mind of God, if you like, yet this is more like the Heart of God, the Realization of God, the Love of God for All of Creation which is ultimately My Very Self which you ultimately are. All the Awareness I AM, you ARE. Otherwise, what else can that We Are One possibly mean?

It is not that you have Me. You don’t have Me. I am not something you picked up at the corner store. You are My Very Self. We travel in Infinity together although there is simply One of Us, One One.

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What an Amazing Plot Your Story Has

God said:

You may think you are not having a great time on Earth. You may have convinced yourself – and the world convinced you – that under your circumstances, you must be having a difficult time, and so you have taken on the robes of despair or anger or victimhood. If you could know ahead of time that your very specific circumstances have merit and would have a good outcome, why, you could have been enjoying yourself all the while.

I mean, what a story you are in, what an amazing plot, and what a myriad of possibilities! In any case, your present circumstances do not last forever, and, soon enough, you will be under different circumstances. You may already be in new circumstances, and, yet, what may you be doing but still mourning the past?

Look, you know yourself. Even under marvelous circumstances, you continue to worry, because, by and by, these marvelous circumstances won't stay by your side, and what then? You guess that more misery will stake out its territory in your life, and then you are up the creek once again.

Isn’t your modus operandi something like this: Either you are waiting to get out of misery or danger or whatever you choose to call it, or you are waiting for the axe to fall and lose your little while of happiness. This way of thinking will keep you moored in helplessness.

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The Inner Star You Follow

God said:

Leave yourself alone a little bit. I ask you to stop picking on yourself for every little thing you do or every little thing you don't do or don't do perfectly. Accept the ordinariness of imperfection in the world. You are not separate from anyone else. Everyone has bungled more than once. You are good, and let your goodness be the star you follow. You do not have to be perfection, not in terms of the world, you don’t.

In Heaven, you leave fault behind you. Faults find no haven in Heaven. You are not in Heaven to review your faults, nor are you on Earth to go over a litany of faults, as if you are to make a collection of them. Faults aren’t Truth. Oh, the world may say so. The world primarily can see only one side of the coin. The side of that coin that the world typically sees is named facts.

The concrete world is made of boundedness whereas you are made of boundlessness.

Listen, living in a bounded world is going to make you strong. When you find yourself in a pit, you have no choice but to climb out.

You are not meant to flagellate yourself as if a whipping will make you strong and teach you something. You are not a miscreant, beloveds. You do not have to absolve yourself for living your life as best you know how to at a particular moment. You make some mistakes, no doubt. That was then, and this is now. Now you don't look back.

You are growing every minute. You are going to soar. You can and will astound yourself with all the hidden treasure you are. You must know by now that all treasure lies within you.

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There Are No Gods before Me

God said:

I heard you say:

“Dear God, You are the basis of my life. For what then, should I yearn? And yet I yearn and yearn for worldly goods and the freedom of wealth even as I know You are my wealth. You are Greater than the Key to my wealth and all my dreams and desires.

“I have heard here and there that it is not worthy to yearn for material things, unnecessary to even crave the love of a life partner and a family and babies that I do so crave. I would not trade Your Love for anything. I have thought this over carefully. I cannot, could not trade Your Love for anything. I am incapable of exchanging You for anything, even as there is so much I desire. God, I would not trade you for anything even if I could. I would not barter You, God.

"God, I am not yet sure that we are yet One, yet I feel closer to You than I have ever felt before. And, yet, the yearning for beauty and goodness in the world pursues me. God, my yearning comes up and won’t go away.”

Blessed Soul, you are doing fine. You do not have to be other than you are. I am not a God Who asks for sacrifices or even one sacrifice. I ask no sacrifice from you. You do not have to give up anything for Me. You do not have to look one way and not another. Be and look as you are. If you are devoted to motorcycles, then you are devoted to motorcycles. If you are desirous of a mate, why shouldn't you be? When you are desirous of dreams, so shall you be.

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Be Self-Sufficient

God said:

Let Me remind you that We are seeking Self-sufficiency. You are My child, yet not My helpless infant.

Of course, I provide. In all Truth, I am the only One Who does provide. I am God from Whom all blessings flow. You are to honor others. You may be a great receiver, yet be cautious as rating yourself as a Prime Receiver of My Goodness even as you are.

There is no Best of All God’s Children in the Land. Be busy giving of your love to others than to be so in awe of the heights you like to think you have reached!

You are not exempt from responsibility to plow your own fields. You have no place nor time to think you know the whole score, and others -- or even one other -- does not.

I have One Child. Of course, you are glad and grateful when I come to your aid, yet, by all that is Holy, I don’t want you to be lazing around waiting for Me to rescue you. I have said it before, and I’ll say it again: Beat Me to it. Take initiative and get out there and make happen what you want to have happen. Rely on Me, yet don’t wait for Me. Get out there and work to serve Me and all of Humanity. I rely on you.

I do not raise you to ask Me for everything. I do not raise you so that you think you are entitled to special favor, and, that others, perhaps, are not so entitled. Be glad and grateful, and yet don't sit on top of Mount Ida and think you know more than others. Do not sit around thinking that you are more highly evolved than another. You might be surprised, beloveds.

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God Spins Gold

God said:

Beloved Child of Mine, remind yourself that, when you feel low, even at your very lowest, you are in a good place, for you are like a pitcher in baseball who pulls his arm way back before he throws the ball. Or, you are like a runner, who gets down low, then sprints forward with great momentum. Or, you are like an archer pulling back on your bow. When you stop pulling back and let go, whatever you are sending goes faster and farther and on target.

When you feel low, you are going to spring forward with power. You are going to rise to new heights.

I ask you not to be discouraged. Discouraged means disheartened. Certainly, you are not to dishearten yourself.

You can only rise higher. You will get up from being down. You have done it before. And you will do it again. As you rise, so will others. You set the momentum. You break the barriers that were in your mind, and others will also.

All your battles are with yourself. When you feel depressed, you have depressed yourself. Others and other matters may press upon you, yet you set the tone. If you feel reviled, you are the one who reviles yourself.

And when you feel inspired, no matter how much others have inspired you, you are your own inspirer.

You are your own everything, your own detractor, hider, show-off, mover, story-teller, actor and star of the show, target, savior, dispenser, mistake-maker, affronter, disbeliever, believer, astounder, rebounder, derelict, beater, jailer, freer. You are the belle of the ball, and you are the wallflower.

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All Thoughts Are Passing

God said:

Sharing your place in the Sun is one kind of generosity. Some of My children find sharing the limelight a squeeze on themselves. This may be insecurity displaying itself. You may like to help someone move forward, and then, when you do help, you may begin to feel as if you are being tailed. You find you are not so happy to pat the seat next to you and say from your heart: “Welcome. Sit here beside me.”

You battle yourself, feeling you don’t want someone else to have the glory you have when, to your mind, you may not see that they merit it. You may wish you could feel this, yet you don’t. You may feel that you represented yourself falsely.

Everyone is not equal to you in some way or another. Then you say to yourself: "Oh, if only I would not judge. Oh, if only I would not own. I have to wonder if I am not one of those people who has to be the Fairest of All. Is this why I feel cramped at sharing with this person?"

You may feel that this other has encroached on you. You really don’t have to be the best of all, best anything, yet you simply do not see this person and you as equal. This may be what is so hard for you, the need to present yourself as loving when you really are not, could this be?


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