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Oneness Will Arise

God said:

The Art of Sharing frees you. No question, sharing frees you from blockages. Blockages come from the past, the imagined past, the past as you saw it and felt it, true or not.

You were born from Heaven. The state of Heaven has no blocks. Earth, however, sets up plenty of blocks. On Earth, you may storehouse blocks and hold on to them, hesitant to be without the brace of them.

Life on Earth is about removing restraints. Life opens you up to greater expression and greater realization.

A sense of discomfort in sharing comes from fear huddled on Earth. What are you afraid of? Restraint from sharing, for any reason you conjure, comes from fear of something. What are you afraid of? Loss of protection from what? Fear that someone somehow somewhere will take advantage of you? What fears do you hold close lest you are left bereft?

You do not have to be all things to all people. You want to be the sovereign of your own life. You want to go by your own heart. You are living your life. If you feel you have to hang on, you will hoard and stint. You want to be sure you have enough.

You don’t want to live life unwillingly. You don’t want to live from obligation, for obligation doesn't feel good to you.

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Even If You Never Heard My Name

God said:

Your attention on Me brings you closer to Me. When you come closer to Me, your consciousness rises. We would say you vibrate at a finer height. Make peace with Me. Keep vibrating with Me until We are clearly One. Doesn’t this make sense to you? Who would not love harmony over cacophony?

If you had never heard My Name, if you never had conscious awareness of Me, still you would move toward love of your fellow beings, and your consciousness would soar. This is like harmonics in music.

However, if you find yourself resenting Me or finding yourself railing against Me or downing the world and embroiling yourself in negativity, you will vibrate at a coarser chord. This is the Reality of the World.

What you likely refer to as reality is not Reality. Even the supposed reality of the world is not always imposed upon you. You impose it upon yourself by the inkling you have of a lesser world. At whatever state you find yourself in, you most likely have beckoned this very state you consider reality to yourself. In this case, most of the time but not always, what you see is what you get. You call out a certain vibration, and nature echoes you back.

When you find yourself angry at your neighbor or people across the world, or people who do not look like you, or people who have a different religion and other such irreverent speculation – in other words, when you are spitting negativity equal negativity spits back. Negativity is negativity. No matter to whom you may issue your negativity, you hear the sounds you make.

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The Moving Waters of the Sea

God said:

I hear you ask me in many ways, with or without words, ask:

“Dear God, please tell us what is most important for us to know about how to serve You. How do we serve You and reveal You to all who long with all their hearts to serve You, and all as well who do not as yet long to serve You?"

Dear Ones, you serve Me and the world very well when you enjoy this life on Earth. Enjoy everything, every aspect of life, even those aspects you would not choose. Of course, you do not possibly know how you can enjoy that which you do not personally welcome. No one expects you to jump for joy when you feel loss of a loved one or any heartache.

Nor are you to pretend you are brave.

First, cry as you must to express your heartbreak.

Second, and last, remind yourself, that you are living life on Earth, and you are being tempered the same way steel is tempered.

Hear Me out:

The tempering that life gives you makes you strong so that you will become responsible and capable of letting go of boundaries. Without this tempering, how and why would you ever let go of the boundaries of the past when they give you comfort and ease?

In addition, this tempering that life gives you also makes you full of evolving understanding of others. This understanding is a gift to you and all those around you, for, gradually, you attain greater heights that others will rise to. Whether consciously or unconsciously, others' lives will grasp something of your heightened consciousness, and it becomes theirs as well.

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Golden Hills

God said:

I hear your despair. I hear you say:

“Dear God, beloved God, the One and Only God, how can I, deeply connected to You, feel such deep despair? How can it be that I am not the happiest person in the world? What is happening, and what is not happening? I am so tired of feeling lost in my present and future life here as a seeming bedraggled human being on a seeming bedraggled Earth. How can it be that I focus on the underside of life rather than on Life's Beauty and Wondrousness and Closeness to You?”

Dear Children, you have a fear of change. You would like to feel the world solid under your feet, yet the world does not feel solid to you. Often you wonder what you are doing here trembling on Earth. Your mind is often not here. It is somewhere else, and you are not sure where that somewhere else is. As it is, you live part-time, to one extent or another, in a Land you might name Fear.

What is happening? It is like you are on a raft floating on a river. You came from somewhere, and now you are going somewhere else. Not uphill, but upriver, floating along where life seems to take you. You ask what is happening?

Beloveds, life is happening.

You want some kind of certificate of safety. You want to see a guarantee in writing. You want peace and sense of fulfillment now and for all time and no longer just announcements of it.

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Growing in a Wider and Wider Arc

God said:

By My very existence, I create the Cosmic Hum. I do not directly hum, as you personally might whether consciously or being unaware you are humming. I AM, and I vibrate. This is a subtle hum. Your soul picks it up. This is the Music of the Spheres. This is the Music of Consciousness.

And your soul hums as well, and the hum that naturally vibrates from your soul is getting strong, louder, We could say, more perceptibly growing in a wider and wider arc.

There is so much of you that you have no awareness of, and this is how it is on Earth. Awareness is budding, yet often you are not in conscious touch with your consciousness, this amazing consciousness referred to as yours.

You don't like to be in the dark on Planet Earth. You, who are in the Light, are very often in the dark, and therein lies the rub. Without the veil over your consciousness, you would know the Light you your Self invariably and inevitably are. This is the Grand Cosmic Joke. You already are Infinitely Enlightened. There are no secrets from you. You just think so. You are utterly convinced. In this way, you are a hard nut to crack. In this way, you are mystified, for you have mystified yourself.

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You Were Foretold

God said:

To what do you attribute the pulsating of life in the Heart of Earth and the Forever Ever After?

To what do you attribute the Existence of Life altogether? Life is unfathomable, isn’t it? It is inconceivable, yet life was conceived and then perceived and had its debut before all the attendees and you.

All this to-do, not ado about nothing, yet to-do about a dream that gathered itself and displayed so many rivers of itself, winding and unwinding stories like a flash in the pan, the characters and plots only to be forgotten. There is no record of all the people and all the characters. No one remembers them any more. There is nothing for them to be remembered by, and no one to remember them.

Before this, there was a cry. The cry was: Create. And I created you, the Totality of You.

And so, in your imagined life, you create stories. You murmur them. You visualize them. It can be said that you perpetuate life more than you create it. You deliberate on life. You may not mind your p’s and q’s, yet you mind everything else. You may see life as little you and big ominous forces doing a number on you.

If you feel forsaken, you have forsaken yourself. You stripped yourself of Reality and covered yourself with torn rags of fantasy stirred in a cauldron.

You populate your life with all manner of things, not unimaginable because you do imagine them. You have an idea of strife. You fill in the blanks. Love and beauty may be more vague to you. You tell stories about love and beauty, yet you are not convinced.

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Where Is Your Love Hiding?

God said:

If you are selfish, where is your love hiding? Selfishness is not even love for yourself.  

If you pretend love, what are you doing?

If you sacrifice yourself, why?

If you neglect yourself, where can your love be?

If you keep yourself down, you are keeping yourself down.

If you try to please everyone, you do not succeed in pleasing anyone. Least of all do you please yourself.

If you are unhappy, what are you doing but abandoning yourself? There are better things for you to be and to do.

If you do not value yourself, who is going to value you? Begin now, please. Set a higher price on yourself.

When you are not honest with yourself, whom are you kidding?  

Unless you are kind to others, you deny yourself love. If you loved yourself, you would be kind to all.

If you don't do something about yourself, who is going to? There is no choice but to raise yourself. Do that which will help you to look at yourself with love and so look at the world with love.

Working yourself to the bone does not help you love yourself.

Being idle doesn't help you love yourself.

To not love yourself is not a choice to make, yet too many make this choice perhaps as some kind of retribution.

No more overlooking yourself. No more denying yourself. No more self-pity. No more walking a high-tension wire.

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Singing the Blues

God said:

When life, as it appears, becomes too much for you, rest and keep on, rest and keep on.

Everything is changing in the world. You are going to change. Your world is going to change. Life in the world does not stay still.

Even a beautiful sunrise does not stay still. A sunrise rises in an instant. A minute ago it wasn’t a full sunset. Half the sun was still beneath the horizon. Now it is a full sun. The sun keeps rising. In a few minutes the sun is so bright in the sky that you can see the sunlight and its reflection sparkling brightly, and a glimpse of the outline of the sun is not to be seen.

Then at night the sun will sink beneath the horizon again and will not be seen at all. Yet it is certain that the sun is still awake. The sunrise may be on the other side of world. The sun will come up again on your side of the world.

And so is happiness, and so is ease, and so is peace. These qualities are always here waiting to arise, the same way you wait for them eagerly. Hark to the sunrise. The Earth's sun always rises.

You can know that sun's dawning is imminent. The sun doesn't let you down. At this moment, may you, rise to meet the sun. Be here to greet the sun as it comes to greet you.

The sun is always waiting for you. When it is night, the sun is still here. When it is raining, the sun follows the rain in confidence. Be you like the sun and rise. Keep on rising.

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Ingredients for Making a Cake

God said:

A comparison to life as life happens could be applied to a chef or mother who bakes a cake. There are specified ingredients pulled together, many from the country the baker of the cake lives in, yet some ingredients may travel from faraway countries, vanilla from Zanzibar, for instance.

In terms of the mother, perhaps she did not have a particular ingredient at home that is required for this cake. Maybe she never even thought of making this cake at all until a neighbor left some fresh-picked apples at her door, and now the mother wants to make an apple cake.

Sometimes two ships pass in the dark or, in contrast, two long-lost brothers from opposite ends of the Earth somehow meet in an inexplicable way.

In terms of a pastry cook, perhaps a salesman dropped off some samples that led to a special recipe. It is not really one person who makes a cake, is it? So much and so many contribute to the recipe. It could be said that a special recipe was a lucky break, or, it could be said that the recipe was ordained. In fact, you might ponder on how that particular recipe and those particular ingredients leading to a remarkable cake could come together seemingly as easy as pie. Things in life do come together.

You can also wonder that there is no end to new recipes. By now, haven’t all the possible ingredients already been put together so no new combinations are left? Yet new combinations never seem to run out.

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Meeting in Time and Space

God said:

There are no coincidences, no accidents, yet there are so many meetings in time and space, so many paths that cross, so many improbable events that somehow are orchestrated. You can only be amazed at how so many impossible things come together.

In fact, you are often sure that something like Laws of the Universe must exist that synchronize in a such a way that couldn’t happen unless they were planned. You say to yourselves: “Ye Gods, what are the odds against the possibility of something this great occurring without the existence of a plan being foreordained and being pulled along to a perfect meeting place. Miracles must be ordained. How can it be otherwise?”

You want there to be freedom, yet there are certain occurrences you might not want to be at all.

Something couldn’t possibly happen, yet it does. Something beyond imagination happens. It isn’t even imaginable, yet it happens, and you wonder deeply how it could ever happen by chance. By chance means randomly. How can randomness possibly be in everything and not just once in a while, you ponder. You do not believe that wonderful events can be random. You do believe that unhappy events couldn’t be ordained. It is understandable that you feel this way.

Yet you hear Me say that everything is possible no matter how remote or unlikely. You hear Me say that there is nothing that is impossible. In the abstract, you like that idea.


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