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Light as Beautiful as You

God said:

What shall it be? What shall We talk about today? Shall We just take a walk? Hold hands and meander around the park today? Whatever, let Our hearts be full with the Fullness of Love as Our hearts become closer until, lo and behold, We are Closeness ItSelf, and We have passed all borders, so-called borders that never existed except in the mind of humankind and were held onto tight. Borders are just ideas.

All these borders were passed onto you anyway. You did not create them. You were told they were there, and you were taught not to go through doors and not walk where you were told not to go.

You were told no-no, and, so, no-no it was. What the great danger was – this was not clearly passed onto you. To believe it was danger was enough. You feared a fall from grace or disgrace of some kind if you ventured into your True Self.

What on earth is so risky about who you truly are? What merit can there be in your taking a trick photograph of yourself, as if pretense is your holding card, as if pretense gets you safe passage, as if you are to portray yourself as the world seems to instruct, and which can only be less than the Truth of you. You have felt obliged to paint a pencil sketch of yourself. A holy portrait of yourself would carry more Truth than this pretended one of you that states you are body and troubles and that is all you can be, and that is all life is and can possibly be. Hurray for status quo, says the world.

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Foremost, Be Honest with Yourself

God said:

Please don’t say you have no time. Beloveds, it is never really a question of time. It is always a question of preference. Let Me repeat this once more: It is always a question of your choice.

You have every right to your priorities. Acknowledge priorities then. That you don’t have time is a cloud-screen to hide what is true.

You choose your priorities. There may be many reasons why you choose the priorities you do and why you do not choose the priorities you do not choose. It is best to be outright honest with yourself.

You prefer to sit and watch TV than you want to do your homework. The motivation to do homework takes a back seat.

You may say you just have no energy. It certain seems that way, yet if your boyfriend were to call to invite you dancing, how long would it take for your energy to bounce back?

There are matters you may well want to work on – composing music, exercising, or a class you want to take, and you don’t get down to it. Perhaps you are afraid of not being good enough and don’t want to fail. What if no one likes your music, and you are not good at it? On the other hand, perhaps you are afraid of being a success and resultant changes in your life. Success could be a headache as well.

Perhaps you simply like spare time doing nothing or not doing anything that hangs over you. Foremost, be honest with yourself.

If there is something you really want to do, why don’t you just do it? If you really do want to do it and not just like the idea of it, then why aren’t you doing it?

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Have a Good Day

God said:

When you feel somber and perhaps deprived, this is a signal to be good to yourself. You are taking life too seriously. You are wearing black or dark gray. Find a happier color, pastel or bold. There are so many shades of green. Pick one that makes you smile. Pink is good. Yellow is fabulous. How many colors are there? You have so many colors to choose from. Throw out the dark colors, and brighten your life.

We are talking about your life. Perhaps you don’t appreciate your life right now. Here is a tonic. What flower would you like to be? So many flowers to choose from.

A dandelion always likes to be picked. A dandelion is so peppy. Always a good choice. Maybe you like buttercups better. Doesn’t matter. It’s up to you.

How about an iris or violets by the dingle? Lavender and bluets?

How about wild roses and rose petals and rose petal jam? Or a huge pink peony?

Take a walk and pick a flower. Put it in your lapel.

This is life We are celebrating. Have a feast. What is your favorite food? Have it! Celebrate today. You are not at a funeral. You are here today to value life.

Always say thank you for gifts given to you. Do not be resistant to gifts given to you. Recognize a gift when you see one.

Dance. Sing. Skip-to-my-lou. Make up a jingle or a slogan. Live today to your heart’s content.

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Speaking Up for Yourself

God said:

For the sake of politeness, you may not always say what you are thinking. You want to be kind, and you don’t know how to be nice and also say what you really think. This may be a conflict for you. You don’t want to be rude, and you also don’t want your feelings left by the wayside.

For those of you who find yourself equivocating, life in the world, life is too short to forgo your own feelings by putting other people’s feelings ahead of your own. You don’t have to play the line of least resistance. You do not have to belie yourself and say what you think other people want you to say. You do not always have to acquiesce to what others want from you or to what you think they want.

Of course, if you are out in public, and your friend asks you how you like the dress she is wearing – she is wearing it, after all, so, yes, be discreet. Even if don’t like the dress on her, say something you really do like, like the color.

However, where how you feel impacts you and your life, what makes you think you have to beat around the bush? If you wish not to participate in something, you don’t have to. Say what you feel. For how long will you evade saying what matters to you? For most of your life on Earth?

First of all, other people are not made of glass. You don’t have to tiptoe around. There is no percentage in it. Or the percentage to you may be only dissatisfaction with yourself and your friend down the road.

I understand you want to be gentle. At the same time, you can be honest.

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In the Land of Time and Space

God said:

Whatever is going on in your life is going on within you, and this too shall pass.

Consider life like terrain you pass by. Here are smooth rolling hills coming up. Here are rocks and tundra. Here are beautiful waters. Here are mud-holes. Whatever you may be passing by, you are still you, and you are still My beloved.

You are not the scenery you pass by. The scenery is the scenery. You are the passerby. You will get past the scenery. You do get past it. The scenery is a movie reel. You are not the movie reel. Just don’t take passing things too seriously which is the same as taking yourself too seriously!

So you get wet. So a little mud splashes on you. So you expect too much or not enough. Regardless, you do not make yourself a victim of what you happen to be passing by.

The sun does shine on you. I am in Heaven, and I do not pull switch and bait with you. I love and draw you to Me. What matter the crowds? What matter the rapscallions? What matter the considerate or the inconsiderate? What matter your moods except that they are yours to choose or not? Forget moods.

Go on your merry way. You are not stuck unless you say you are. What matters this incident or that one? What matters others’ wisdom or their ignorance? What is the importance of your moods except that you may pile them up and carry them around? They are cantankerous, your moods. Let go of them. They are not here to stay. They will mosey along soon enough. They are not so important to you. You do not have to keep them.

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Atoms Flashing Like Stars

God said:

My children are inclined to think that the doldrums are the reality of life. You may nod your head and commiserate: “Yes, that is so.” You may think that joy is impermanent, and the dreary is real. You have it backwards. Enlivenment is real. Dullness is a false witness.

When you are going at the speed of light, you are not aware that you are. It is not speed that you require, for you are already beaming at the speed of light. You are atoms flashing like stars. You certainly are not to be like sirens blaring loudly that there is danger in the night.

Every so-called moment that you are alive on Earth, contrary to popular opinion, is magnificent. If this were the only moment you had on Earth, you would know that this moment is magnificent. You would dispense with the idea that life as it seems to you in the world is anything less than magnificence. If this moment would hold still, you would know this well, yet false time tries to run away with you, and false time dissuades you from Magnificence.

If you arrived new to Earth just as you are right now after an imagined thousand years of absence without awareness of time, with time out of the picture, you would see a Masterpiece. You would see. You would see what is right before you which you presently may not even glance at. You would light up and sigh, “Ah, what a world.” You would behold the Magnificence of what God hath wrought.

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Be Like Butter or Like a Butterfly

God said:

Be like butter - easy to cut through. Nothing abrades you. You are not an obstacle to another. Someone doesn’t like you? What care you? You do not resist. You do not resent. You let go of resistance, for resistance amounts to hard feelings. Don’t have hurt feelings in the first place. Whatever occurs in life, your hard feelings are not to be one of them. Be like butter.

Nor are you easily flattered. You are not high and mighty. Nor are you laid low. Have you not had enough hurt feelings now to last a lifetime? Be done with hurt feelings this minute. The world is not to buoy you, nor is the world to put you down. Be your own Tour Guide.

No longer do you live in a world where offense takes over, and you are like dried hard stale bread crumbling from the past. Soft as butter, you are not a sob-sister. You are someone who knows what is significant and what is not. Your world does not hinge on your being well-received. What is it to you when someone does not favor you? It is not an ordinance in the world that everyone has to favor you.

It feels like a tragedy to you, yet why? Does your life really depend on someone else’s receptivity? Do not cast someone off because he or she needs more than you can give them. Do not make your life a trade-off. If someone lacks joy to give you, does that have to be your problem? Does being liked or not liked have to be your modus-operandi? Can you not be who you are regardless of what and where someone else happens to be at a given moment?

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The World as an Amusement Park

God said:

If there were no time and you really knew this, where would panic go? What would panic be made of? Where would franticness be? What would take forever or no time at all? What could be urgent? What could be fateful or fatal? Where would disagreement lie? Without time and space, what could exist and where could it be housed except in Infinity and Eternity? Space is a poor attempt at Infinity, time is a poor attempt at Eternity yet time and space loom large in this world that is decidedly illusive.

If I ask where can time and space exist, the true answer is nowhere, for they do not exist. Time and space are like a world made of illusory toothpicks laid vertical and horizontal, yet horizontal and vertical do not exist.

Yet, what you perceive as time and space are the same nothingness only from different angles. If there were no space, no matter, then what could the matter be? What could you ever be tied up in? What could hold you back? What would not be free-flown? How could attachment exist, and how could freedom not exist? What vise could you be in? What could you find or lose? Nothing. Nothing at all.

There would be consciousness, and no borders to it.

There would be essence, and there would be Oneness. There would be no thing, yet everything would be love. You would be love, and you would be love unbound and love irresistible the way stars pop up in darkness. Darkness exists only as illusion in the world.

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The Keeper of Truth

God said:

What are the accumulated understandings I give to you again and again?

I say to let go of the past and past ideas. I say to open your heart. I say to be true to yourself - to be Who You Are, and so create joy and uplift the world. You are My heartfelt gift to the world.

Let’s review these concepts: Abandon the past. Open your heart the way the Sun greets the day. Be true to yourself. Be Who you are without fancy foot-work. Be your own counsel. To create is to recreate yourself and be new however long you shall live. There is another request. What is it? It will come back to Me later. Watch for it.

Be generous with all those you call others, for they are your very Self. Truth is far more than information. You already have more information than you know what to do with.

You can memorize information the way you would memorize poetry, and the vibration/consciousness/deep meaning may soak into you and reverberate within you.

When you first hear to be generous, when it is a new thought in your mind, and when it sparks an insight in your mind, you may think: “I didn’t know this. Now I get it. Yes, there has been an insight, and I realize the outreach of generosity.”

Now you think of generosity as a good thing, yet you may not have not fully realized this Truth. If you still have to ponder generosity, you have not yet realized it.

That your mind now grasps generosity as something favorable doesn’t yet mean that you automatically dip into this great reservoir within you. Old habits run deep.

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Ego Makes Great Promises

God said:

How beautiful is life when ego puts himself away. Who needs ego? Ego perturbs and disturbs. Ego is like a dunce. Time and time again ego forgets caution. Ego is a coyote who is proud of himself and his wily tricks while ego leaves you holding the bag to your regret.

Do not take other people’s ego in a reproving way while you hold up your ego as a paragon of virtue, much like an old-fashioned moral Western sheriff, bound and determined to be a high moral self-righteous sheriff and catch out all the bad guys.

Even bad guys are good guys to somebody. Everyone was a baby once. Everyone was innocent once.

Here’s the thing. Ego doesn’t love. Ego smirks. Ego is a know-it-all. Ego plays an unkind game. Ego isn’t really your ego, you understand. Ego pushes his way in and wants you to believe that he is your protector and vital to you. Ego inserts himself. Beloveds, ego is the bad guy. He misrepresents himself. Ego may be sincere, yet ego is not honest. Ego reverses. Ego is a kind of “if only” guy.

Ego suggests:


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