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The Brotherhood of Life

God said:

For those of you who translate Heavenletters, you have a good idea of how a Portuguese translator and a French translator, for instance, are part of a whole. Even if two of the members of the Translation team may never have direct contact with each other, nevertheless, they are working together.

When two or more people are simpatico, their brainwaves are united. They can only work as a team. Even if you are not aware of yourself as working as a team, you are absolutely working as a member of a team.

Even those of My children who believe they must work independently, they do not work alone.

If someone has been left on a deserted island and not seen another human being in many a year, he also is not really solo.

Not only is there no one separated from Me, there is also no one on Earth who does not work as part of a team with other human beings whether he is consciously aware of it or not.

This is the meaning of “No man is an island.”

Granted, there are people who must see themselves as independent. Well, dear ones, you can be as independent as you like, yet you can never ever be independent from connecting with people, for you are joined with one another.

Let Us say there is a team of two horses or twelve horses who are pulling a carriage or more. Each horse is pulling with all his might. For all intents and purposes, each horse is pulling alone. Each is carrying his load.

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The Life You Lead

God said:

Your life is all about you. Of course, I have said that life is not all about you. Yes, life is about much more than you. Nevertheless, you are the one who lives your life. It is for you to make hay while the sun shines. Your life certainly seems to happen to you. You are the one who leads your life. Listen to that expression – you lead your life. There is the portion in which you direct your life to be one way or another.

For example, you may have a day or part of a day, where you are laughing, laughing, laughing. Presumably you’re laughing because funny things are happening, or you are reading about funny things, or you happen to remember something that makes you laugh. You decide there has to be a bona-fide reason for your laughing, and so you find it.

Of course, something outside may trigger your laughing. All the while, the laughter comes out from inside you. The laughter bubbles up from within you. Then something on the outside gives your laughter a poke, and so you find an excuse for laughing. Do you agree, that whatever alibi you have for the cause of your laughter, the stimulation comes deeply from within you? Something or another stimulates your laughter. You have been waiting for it.

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Service to the Universe

God said:

Beloveds, when the world is too much with you and the thought of work lowers your vibration, then think of another word for work. When the word work - which is, after all a thought – makes your heart sink, then find a happier word for work. How you feel about your life is based upon your thoughts.

Then call work play. Call it joy. Call it focus. Call it an expression of love for your family. Call it a blessing. Call work your service to the world. Call work your service to Me, and make the journey light.

If you liked going to school, think of work as a school you go to. That will take some of the weight off you.

If you didn’t like school, call your place of employment your after-school activities. It is, isn’t it, now that you are no longer in school?

Call work an opportunity. Call it a saving grace. Work is, after all, a saving grace. It keeps you occupied. You may desire days with nothing you have to do. In reality, you don’t want a forecast of nothing to do. Being without something you are responsible for may make you aimless or indulgent. Nothing to do may make little things big. With nothing you have to do for any length of time, you grasp at straws. Embedded in nothing to do definitely gives you more time to think about yourself. This is not always a favor. Focus is good. Better to employ yourself with work and fill up your days than wonder what to do with illusive time.

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Let No Offense Be Taken

God said:

My children have many requests they like to ask of Me.

Daily bread. Work. Family. Great energy and health on a regular basis. To be finished with smallness, negativity, and any form ego may appear dressed in. To give and receive love. To have a good life, whatever that may mean to you. And that everyone you love is kept from harm, and you are a success. I hear your cries, God, God, God. God, I really want to be new. Help me to leap forward!

Listen, dear ones. Listen to Me. My answer to all your requests that cause no harm to anyone are the same:

It is done.

With the asking, everything you ask for, is on its way to you. With the asking, the answer I give to you is Yes. This is the basis you are to come from now. It is done.

With the asking, it is all done. What you desire is on its way to you.

You may not see this. You may not know this. You certainly don’t know how or when.

Trust is a key factor. Trust is the good guy, and doubt, in the terms we are speaking of now, is the bad guy. Consider that you have asked and been answered.

I understand you can’t just simply turn on full trust as if by turning on a water faucet. Don’t try. Trust isn’t something to create by effort or force.

However, you can more easily let go of distrust. You can more easily kick doubt away. You can drop it off. You can leave doubt where it lies as you move on. No need to worry.

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Serving Humbly

God said:

You may find yourselves at moments liking to think of yourself as a Savior. Watch it, beloveds. I do not tell you to be selfish, yet I look you straight in the eye and say:

What kind of shape are you in that you believe you qualify to save others? Have mercy on a world that you think you are going to save! Laugh a little at your own expense, as the world might say.

Perhaps you are thinking of writing a book with a message you are sure will save mankind. You may presume to teach others how to live their lives when you live your life in a storm. How do you presume to fulfill others’ supreme needs when you, yourself, don’t hold enough in the palm of your hand to go through a day peaceably? Have dreams, yes. Do not make yourself the star of others’ dreams. Be careful about getting caught up in a process. Get caught up in Me.

If you want only to do good for the world and save the world from itself, set your own house in order. You may well tell yourself that you are benevolent, and all people need to know what you have gotten from somewhere. You know in theory, perhaps, yet not in practice. No matter how much you want to share, it is not for you to believe in your own propaganda.

If you still consider that you are an All-Knower, if you think you are The Way, and you are sure you are entitled to show others how to live their lives, think again because this may be arrogance, My friends. This may be haughtiness. This may be wearing blinders. This may be saying one thing and doing another. Do not flim-flam yourselves.

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God in the Highest

God said:

I have heard you cry out in the moonlight:

“Beloved God, God in the Highest. I love the sound of the words God in the Highest, and, of course, there is no other God but You. You are simply God, beyond description. How can we human beings attribute qualities to You, yet, of course, we do.

“You, God, Who manifest us, are unmanifest. You are in a realm behind the scenes, yet you are certainly present, and You speak and act through us. In fact, we don’t exist at all except in You, isn’t that so? That’s what I understand. Dear God, you are a puzzle I continually try to figure out.”

Yes, this is so. You puzzle. You are clearly puzzled. I am the Simple of the Simple. I see. I do not react. Talk about the Present, I present life, and I am the Present. My Board of Directors is One. I do not sit and ponder. I am One Motion. I cover the Universe, and I am the Universe. I do not hide. I see far and wide, yet I am hidden from your view, except as how the world turns. I am your Proponent. I do not once leave your side, yet you puzzle this. You wonder how you can feel so alone and it be true that I am by your side.

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Where Is Love Hiding?

God said:

In the world to come, in the world just around the corner, no one will feel like an orphan. Everyone will be loved, and every baby, child, and grown-up will know they are loved and cared for. Hearts will supersede rules and regulations. Love will run through the Universe like the Shining Rays of the Sun.

Everyone who is born to Earth is meant to give love, love in abundance, and love abiding and to receive the same. There is nothing new about this. If you don’t see and feel it, where is this love hiding then?

Everyone on Earth knows what it feels to be an orphan. No matter how old you are, you miss your mother and father. You may not have known all that they meant to you when they were alive on Earth. So is it on Earth that many don’t know what they have when they have it and later find despair on their hands.

You cannot bring your parents back to Earth. And I have told you strongly not to carry regret or guilt or anything that puts you or another down. Unending are the mistakes you see on Earth. Commiserate with yourself no longer. Repenting doesn’t mean to keep on bruising yourself. Repenting means to be done with the past. The good news is: There is a way to transcend all the past that you rue.

You can offer your heart and your understanding in love to all you meet. You can respect and enjoy all the older people who are still on Earth. You can respect and enjoy all the children who are bouncing on Earth and all the teen-agers who are also yourself. You can let go of disapproval.

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Humanity’s Heart Goes Deeper

God said:

Life on Earth doesn’t always appear beautiful to you. Some days you may feel that you have been fed to the lions. Go deep enough below the shallow waters, and you will see more and more of the Beauty of Life blazoning across the Sun. There is more to life than its cover. When you see only the surface, you see the surface, and surface is a thin patina.

I do not deny what you see. You see it. What you see may well be reported on the news. What you have seen may well be documented by billions of people. Beneath the obvious, beneath the surface, however, may lie a treasure.

Of course, you may perceive cruelty even from innocent animals who live by instinct. Only man, so far as I know, pulls up deliberate cruelty and calls it pleasure. By far, most of My children do not favor cruelty, not by a long shot.

For most of My children, just hearing about or reading about cruelty to another hurts their hearts. Where can love come from except from a soft heart? Yet even some hard-hearted people have soft places in their hearts somewhere for someone or something.

How can We unscramble all of this life?

Life itself will sort itself out. Humanity’s heart will go deeper. Humanity will become more direct. Deviousness will fade. This is already happening, and it’s about time.

There are more and more accounts of unaccountable kindness. This, too, has become newsworthy. This is a natural progression you are witnessing. Hail to all the very good hearts in the world.

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A Sea of Silk

God said:

The Heavenletter before this was about your sometimes desire to change the past into a new life, a life that you would not want to resist or rewrite, a thoroughly ideal life that you could eagerly partake in as you might a beloved book of fairy tales. You would keep turning the pages over and over and reading your story again and again for the happiness it gives. So you may have desired.

Happy life and happy children, or unhappy life and unhappy children and all the degrees that could be contained - the prescription is the same:

Stay in Infinity. Stay with Me right now, this very moment, for We exist in Infinity.

The future does not exist. The future doesn’t arrive in a minute. There is no future in Infinity. There is no past. All of Infinity is wrapped up in this very moment, but, of course, in Infinity nothing is wrapped up. Nevertheless, Infinity is instantaneous.

We could think of Infinity as a string that is automatically pulled, yet Infinity isn’t exactly a pulling of a thread as if all of life would appear in a horizontal line, for in Infinity, there is no before or after, no sequence. There is Fullness. Infinity is more like All at Once. You can’t really pick up where you left off in Infinity. In fact, there is no leaving off. There is only sailing or floating as if on a sea of silk.

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The Past Meets the Present

God said:

No matter how many years ago in Earth time, you may find yourself yearning for parts of your life’s past with all your heart. Alternately, there are other parts of your life that you would undo from the face of the Earth if you could. To make such choices would not be so simple as you may think it is.

Sure, you would keep the nice and exclude the hurtful, yet, in terms of life on Earth, who would you be then? You couldn’t be you. You would be someone else. Who would you be if you weren’t who you turned out to be because of the accumulation of so many others in your life and the century you live in?

If you snipped out one part of your life, how would your life survive such surgery? If you stopped the death of your beloveds for your own sake, what might that mean for your loved ones? What about their lives and their evolution?

Yet you continue to play in this field of imagination year and after year, full knowing that you can’t undo or recast the past. Those dear to you cannot come back in their bodies, nor can you remove those, as you see it, who were blights. You can miss all you miss, and you can withdraw from those you might idly wish never were. You can change yourself, yet you cannot change the minute by minute blow-by-blow aspects of your past as you lived it.

You can change your perception. You can see from a wider vision now.


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