God said:
If you want peace in your life, you can have it. If you want storms, you can have them. You can have whatever you want.
You wanted Me. You got Me. Long before you knew the words for what you wanted, you wanted Me, just as I wanted you Who art My Very Self.
You know a simple word like peace. You know a longer word like equanimity that means the evenness of peace. You can bring to you whatever you want, long or short.
Maybe it takes more than asking in order for you to receive what you want. Maybe what you have to do is to decide what it is you want.
If you want equanimity, if you really do, if you really do choose peace over emotion and drama, the likelier it is that you will have it.
If you can have ups and downs, you certainly can have life on an even keel. If you like upset more than you like calmness, you can have upset. If you like calmness more than you like upset, you will have calmness. What do you want? What do you most desire? Whatever you call to yourself, you can have. It’s yours.
If you are sailing a sailboat across the Ocean Blue, you pull the sails in the direction you want to go. If you want the squalls, you lean one way. If you want the calms, you lean another way.
Here’s what you need to know: The calms are not doldrums. Have you perhaps thought they were? Have you perhaps thought that a life without sturm und drang would be stilted, boring, and ineffectual? No, not at all. Such a life will be enlivening and thrilling. Great wonders will come along with such a life.