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Recognition of Love

God said:

It’s not precisely that the world needs more love. The world can use more Recognition of Love.

Love has been mashed like mashed potatoes. Why not have love in its proud state as it comes down the shoot from Heaven? Love pure, love not all pushed down.

Leave love alone. Let love be. Love does not have to be told what to look like. It doesn’t have to be fairy-tale. You do not have to buoy yourself on fantasy. The thing is that you may feel that real life is grungy and not so nice. Let love be joy to your heart.

Here’s the thing: You don’t have to take love too seriously. Love can just be love. You can be loving. You don’t have to look for fireworks. Look for a pulsing heart that is glad for the fireside of a warm heart.

Hail to the heart who knows its place in the world. Where is the heart’s place? Why, it is everywhere. Love does not have to be jazzy or spectacular. Love can be simple old-fashioned love. It doesn’t have to be amazing. It can even be an everyday kind of love. It can be received just as a day is received. Love can be given, and love can be accepted. Love is for all, not only a select few.

Love needs not embellishment and extraneous tinselly decoration.

Here is how to love: Right now is how to love. Find that trace of love in your heart and strew it around. Hand it out. There is enough for all.

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Happiness Is a Gentle Stream of Loving Yourself

God said:

When you are happy, you make your happiness, and you accept it. I am speaking of a gentle stream of happiness, not a rollicking tidal wave. Too much happiness all the time could wear you out. Yes, gentle happiness is good, a gentle stream of loving yourself.

Unhappiness may seem to be visited upon you, yet you have often accepted unhappiness as a guest as well. Sure, unhappiness comes and goes, yet a steady current of feeling deep unhappiness is not a total stranger to you.

Equate happiness with love. Equate unhappiness with lack of love. Allow love to stream from your heart minute by minute and allow love to stream in from wherever it comes minute by minute, and, yes, you are happy.

We are not speaking of dramatic love. We are speaking of simple love streaming. The love does not have to have a name. Love flowing is all you require in order to name yourself happy. Just these little simple moments, for instance, as when you feel the computer keys under your fingers as they trot your words right along, or when you are sleepy and rub your eyes, or when you anything are at all that you are aware of.

Right now you could be pulling up a shade and looking out a window. Right now you could be watching the Sun rise, or you could be watching the Sun set and Stars come out and a perfect circle of the Moon and the Glory of God sparkling in the Sky.

These little moments multiplied all over the Universe can be your happiness because you like these moments.

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A Sailboat Sailing Across the Ocean Blue

God said:

If you want peace in your life, you can have it. If you want storms, you can have them. You can have whatever you want.

You wanted Me. You got Me. Long before you knew the words for what you wanted, you wanted Me, just as I wanted you Who art My Very Self.

You know a simple word like peace. You know a longer word like equanimity that means the evenness of peace. You can bring to you whatever you want, long or short.

Maybe it takes more than asking in order for you to receive what you want. Maybe what you have to do is to decide what it is you want.

If you want equanimity, if you really do, if you really do choose peace over emotion and drama, the likelier it is that you will have it.

If you can have ups and downs, you certainly can have life on an even keel. If you like upset more than you like calmness, you can have upset. If you like calmness more than you like upset, you will have calmness. What do you want? What do you most desire? Whatever you call to yourself, you can have. It’s yours.

If you are sailing a sailboat across the Ocean Blue, you pull the sails in the direction you want to go. If you want the squalls, you lean one way. If you want the calms, you lean another way.

Here’s what you need to know: The calms are not doldrums. Have you perhaps thought they were? Have you perhaps thought that a life without sturm und drang would be stilted, boring, and ineffectual? No, not at all. Such a life will be enlivening and thrilling. Great wonders will come along with such a life.

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A Thief in the Night

God said:

It is time for the aches and pains in your heart to leave. Bid them adieu. What do you possibly need perpetual aches in your heart for? For what possible reason would you keep an ache close to your heart, as if for safe-keeping?

No longer perpetuate pain. Let pain go down the drain. Excuse it from attendance. Give it a furlough, or dismiss it altogether. You are not to keep it.

I tell you loud and clear that you are not on Earth to suffer. You require no punishment. It is required that you let go of any hurt and punishment that you have held to you.

This agony in your heart is so vague, you don’t even know what it is from, yet you carry it with you, and you return to it again and again. You keep it close by for no good reason at all.

Even after a moment of abounding joy, you go back to the inexpressible anxiety. Perhaps you cover up the anxiety with rapid activity so you do not have to feel it. You pour activity on top of your anxiety to close it off as if you were placing boulders on top to subdue it. Anxiety clutches your heart so, and yet you put up with it. All the boulders in the world do not close the anxiety and agony off. They continue to hang onto you as if they were desperate and couldn’t be without you. It’s true, they can’t exist without you as a fall guy. Where would this pain exist if you did not keep company with it?

The anxiety flutters in your heart like a dragon. It consumes you. Addictions do not chase it away. Are you addicted to self-inflicted wounding?

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The Way You Step Out of the Ocean…

God said:

When a deed is done, do you stew about it, or do you move on? You well know that the thing to do is to move on, yet this is easier said than done.

A wrong was done to you thirty years ago, let’s say, and you may well not have let go of it yet. You may have handcuffed yourself to this old offense, and you keep it warm. It is a slow burn.

Whether it is something wonderful that happened to you once upon a time, and now it is no more, or, if it is a cruel blow that happened, you can’t keep reheating it. If you have a wound, you don’t keep picking at it. You may be absolutely right that what happened to you never should have happened to you. The thing is it did happen, and now you must let it go and move right along. The past is nothing to keep vibrating within you. Let it go.

The way you step out of the ocean on a wonderful summer day, this is the way to step out of the past. You step out just like that. You dry yourself off, and then you go home or perhaps out to eat. Certainly, you don’t keep repeating stepping out of the ocean as though it were a chant or a football replay.

If there is a part of your life that isn’t happy for you to think about, why keep mulling it over? And if there were a very beautiful part of your life and it is no more, why hold onto what is no longer? Why relive it to make yourself sad? Why do you want to be sad?

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Infinite Infinity

God said:

There is no long-time ago. There is no past, for there is no time. Yet time is big in the world. Time beats the gongs. Imagined time on Earth was measured by the metronomes from the days when ships were rowed across the seas. Imagine all the energy put into oars across the oceans and the mighty waves at the expanse of sea.

Time has you rowing hard across its might. O! the energy you put into racing against time. Time isn’t real, yet it calls forth a lot o’ energy from you. From the moment you rise, time has you in its thrall. It’s good you can slip away from time with sleep. Of course, there is really no time clock that has you under its thumb. Illusion has you under its thumb.

Time rules your day with a snap of the whip. Everyone pays attention to time. Time and the hurrying and deadlines whip you into submission. Time is King.

Somehow, out in the world, you are at time’s mercy. Amidst all the running around, you seemingly age when the Truth is that you are ageless and timeless. Infinity doesn’t stop to the beat of time. Infinity is beyond time. You are beyond time, only in the world, you are locked into it. It is like time is your rite of passage.

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A Little Camera within Your Mind

God said:

Odds are that you see offense where there is none. Odds are that you see a picture from your past rather than a picture from the present, and you unconsciously react to the picture you see in your mind and not to what is before you. The person before you, somehow, reminds you of your mother or your father or a sister or brother who didn’t value you. You continue to feed on the past sacrilege of you. A pattern appears in your life, and it’s hard to shake. You feed upon what once was. You are looking for justice from an innocent party.

On the other hand, someone can take offense at what you say, and you are standing there with your mouth open – “Wha…? I absolutely meant no offense. I wasn’t putting you down. I had no such idea in my head. Not at all.” Now you feel discounted because the person you were talking to transposed an earlier offense from his past onto you and faulted you.

And, in turn, when you are offended, your interpretation is also far off. It is like there is a little camera within your mind that overlays the actual snapshot with a camera shot from the past that was and should not have been.

Will you admit that you are sometimes too quick to take offense? You can trace what triggers your upset. What offends you falls into certain categories, most often in areas of your competency.

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Anticipate Greatness

God said:

One moment you feel that you love too much, more than most. You are certain that you know how to love deeply, and, then, your heart is too often rubbed the wrong way, even assaulted and betrayed.

And then the next moment you despair of ever truly loving at all. You may feel you have never loved, and that you never will know how to love as other people seem to do, have happy marriages and savor every moment of life rather than be dismayed.

You don’t want to realize that you don’t know to love. You don’t like to realize that the moments you believe you love you are pulling the wool over your eyes.

Then sometimes you say to yourself:

“If this world I live in is a story-land anyway, what does any of it matter? What is the use of it anyway? Story with a happy ending, or muddled story, or deeply unhappy story, what does it matter? All a dream.”

Even as you ask your despairing questions and trivialize your life, you know that life is important. It is painfully important, for love is the Holy Grail you seek from the depth and height and breadth of your heart.

You don’t care if all of life is a fairytale. Why can’t you live a fairytale that dreams are made of? You must have it. You must have this at least once in your lifetime and at once.

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Light a Flame That Brightens the World

God said:

You do not want to be beside yourself on Earth. Beside yourself, you are distraught. You want to be beyond your small self. Yes, get beyond whatever limits you have set for yourself. You can go way beyond yourself into the farther reaches of the Universe.

What can stop you? What can stop you from transcending your outer limits except for timidity, fear, fear of boldness, fear of being disappointed, fear of failing, fear of being ridiculed. Most people mind very much what others think of them. It doesn’t even matter who it is, a stranger on the street, anyone innocently or not so innocently who sets a lesser worth on you. Tell Me, please, what is there you cannot be afraid of when you set your mind to it? What are you afraid of?

Of course, you don’t want to pander your life to anyone, flotsam or jetsam, or anyone notable or worthy. You can love people without having to please them. Consider all the people in the world who have surpassed discouragement, stuck to their guns, and struck a milestone.

Who dares to say to you that you cannot do that which you desire to do?

What is all this that you must have your feet on the ground as the world purports that to be? What a dreary process. You can have your feet on the ground any day of the week. Why limp around when you can fly?

Maybe this is all I want to say today. Maybe this is all that there is to say. Yet I think of something more, yes, for you to take in.

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Life Unwinds Its Spool of Thread

God said:

Have you ever wondered if you had been born somewhere else, how different you and your life might be? What if you had been born in the Himalayas, what would you be like? What would you be doing? Or had you been born anywhere else, what would you be like? What if you were born to different parents even in your same town, even next door, what would you be like? How different might you be then? And what if you had been born at a different juncture of time? Would you be you or someone else?

When all is said and done, you were born to the parents you were born to in the land you lived in the juncture of time you are, and you are as you are, and you have the tendencies you have.

That fact that there are no accidents has to change your view. You were born or adopted right where you are supposed to be. And you are learning and developing just as you are meant to no matter how much you value your upbringing or do not value your upbringing. I suspect you value your upbringing more as you go along in life. Maybe yes, maybe no.

Of course, you held meaning for your parents as well, whether you brought sunny days or cloudy nights.

Here is what I want to tell you. It’s all right. However you are, wherever you are, whatever talents you have or don’t have, you are all right. And, regardless of how you were brought up or not brought up, you develop your talents regardless of disadvantages, and you may not develop your talents regardless of being born with a silver spoon in your mouth.


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