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God's Beautiful Children

It would make Me happy to have you, My beautiful children, know how beautiful you are and dear and essential to Me. I know you would like Me to be happy as happy can be. And here I tell you a way to make Me so very happy. Will you?

Will you concede that I have excellent eyesight, that I can see you very well through all the shadows you may see. My eyesight is so clear that I don’t see even vestiges of the shadows your eyes alight on. My eyesight is My delight. I see you. I see you very well. I see you as you are.

You see yourself amiss through a distorted vision, a contracted vision, a vision that can only peer out through a partial opening of your eyes. Yes, you see through lowered lids. What you see is not true. Oh, sure wrinkles can be there. Flab and whatever else you make too much of can be there. Your eyes are half-closed, and your eyes are clouded. If you do not see the beauty I see, your eyes are clouded.

You give lip service to the idea that you are not your body, and yet you focus on your body or whatever in the world you choose to focus on. If you could see, if you could really see, you would be startled by the Bright Light that you are. You are a Being that I made and that I love with all My heart, and I ask you to love yourself as I do love you. No longer dwell on what you see as imperfection. There is no point to it. You pull the wool over your eyes.

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Life Goes On, and So Must You

Never did I mean you to be the analyst of life in the world. You try so hard to make sense of life from the surface level at which you judge it. You can analyze backwards and forwards and never get the hang of Life on Earth. Life is determined from deeper levels than you credit it to.

You see life amiss. You blame yourself for what has gone awry. You ask yourself what you did to cause what you see as a mishap or worse. Or you look to your neighbor down the street or the driver of a car to foist blame on, or, you look to God and see Me as letting you down or even punishing you, and, therefore, you may see Me then as an Invisible Plotter up in the sky. You are sure I don’t love you. If I loved you, would I allow such things to happen to you and other good people? Of course not, you are sure, if I loved you. At the same time, you might think that similar disappointments could be suitable to some other human beings that you may see as deserving misfortune.

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What Does Your Heart Say?

Yes, of course, it makes a difference where you sit. From where you sit, you see. Sit on the floor, and you have one view. Sit on stool at a counter, you have a different view. Sit outside on the deck at night, and you can see the stars.

I am trying to say that often you sit where your intellect is and perhaps less often where your heart is. There is really one place for you to sit and go by, and that is in your heart. The question to ask is: What does my heart say?

Now, now, I don’t mean never to listen to your mind. You can use your head. Don’t run across a train track hoping to be faster than an oncoming train. Don’t tell your boss off just because you want to. Don’t beat your chest and be like Tarzan in the middle of Times Square. You can listen to your heart and be circumspect at the same time.

Maybe the question is: What does my gut say? Must my mind always have the say-so? Must I be so guarded that my heart doesn’t dare to speak?

Perhaps your heart and mind can marry and answer you as One.

I am quite sure that, if your present perspective holds you back, there is another place for you to sit.

If you were in someone else’s shoes, you would see differently. You might well understand something you don’t understand to date.

Let’s face it. Your mind isn’t tolerant. Your mind may race around and back again. Your mind is even a debater of itself. Your mind likes to stay with the status quo whereas your heart more likely ventures into the Unknown.

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Maybe You Don’t Have to Understand

Love can do anything. Love can work miracles.

You may think:

“Sure. Love can work miracles. Lives have been saved, etc. etc. I believe it. What I don’t believe is that my love can work miracles in my life. I have given love that was not answered. My giving mammoth love didn’t bring my true love to me. All my love has not spared me in any way I can see – except perhaps to spare me from happiness – I can see that all right. My experience seems to have been that my love has been misunderstood, made too much of or not enough of. Life is too perplexing. I am sure that You have a full view of life, God. I just don’t.

“I want to say that You are not living my life. I am. You may say that You and I are One, yet I don’t see your heart hurting. You can say that Your heart is mine and vice versa, yet I don’t get it.

“God, I do not want You to hurt even once as I have been hurt. I do not want You to hurt at all. I am happy that You are wise and full of love and beyond all the discourse and developments of life as I know it. I would not want You to be otherwise, I hope You know that. I would not want to change You in any way. It is my individual self that I would like to change if I but knew how.

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Be Happy to Be Alive

You want to be thoughtful and not thoughtless at the same time as you keep your head from being overloaded with thoughts. Overloaded with thoughts, you probably aren’t getting anywhere. One thought at a time. Maybe some people can juggle many thoughts and juggle many actions as well, or so it seems. I’m inclined to think that you may not be one of these. You may do best eating one food at a time even as there may be many foods on your plate.

All can be done in its turn.

Although there is gravity in the world, you are not meant to be grave.

You are to be light of foot and light of mind and heart and shine My beautiful Light within you onto the world that lies before you. Keep your light shining, and you won’t be heavy-handed in the world. Being very serious can be a bottleneck to your life. Be a lightweight. Be more like a serene ballet dancer. Serene ballet dancers in life are no longer focused on their individuality. They are focused on the dance and the story they reveal. Ballet dancers, in a sense, work at the speed of light and are light-footed to boot.

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Peace, Love and Vastness

Open your heart to Me, and how happy We shall be. Have an open door policy with Me. No balustrades between Us. The only barriers there could possibly be conceived between Us are imaginary ones, and I cannot even imagine. You are good at imagining, however, for whatever purpose or no purpose at all. Certainly limits between Us serve no wanted purpose or service. Who would ever want to keep Us apart even for a moment or an inch?

And for what Earthly reason would you? There have been so many stories about Me, and so, presumably for safety’s sakes, you put an escape clause between Us.

How about leaping over any barrier you imagine between Us? Take it down. There is no valor in avoiding Me. Furthermore, any curtain you put up has holes in it and doesn’t work in the first place. In the second place, nothing can work to separate Us. Let go of your hesitant fears and get yourself over here and recognize the Supreme Oneness that We are with or without your permission. You need your permission just to let on to yourself that you are on speaking terms with Me.

And if you don’t want to speak, Silence works well as well. Imbibe My love as I speak to you of love. Your heart will start vibrating all right. When all is said and done, no heart can resist Me, so what foolishness is all this? It must be the foolishness of separation and a little semblance of control that you like to hold onto just in case. Just in case of ego, I suppose.

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The Avenue of the Present

What if the Universe is slanted in your favor? This is the premise to start from. Otherwise, you carry a heavy weight -- the idea that the Universe has to prove itself to you. Start off as a friend to the Universe. Truly, the Universe is not out to get you.

The Universe and I are pulling you along in the Bright Light of the Sun and to the Bright Light of the Sun and all that goes with Bright Light. Have you thought otherwise? Have you perhaps thought you were lost in a forest somewhere or in a barren desert? Would you really be so foolish as to think that?

Today you start thinking anew. This means that you start out on the right foot. This is like pledging your troth to the Universe and Me, or, at the least, voting for Us.

Where have you been placing your bets? Think about this a moment. Have you bet on disaster, ill-feelings, despair and so forth?

Come, walk into the Avenue of the Present with Me. I am by your side, and have never been away from it. Whither thou goest, I go. It’s that simple. This is all you need to remember. This has to be remembered so you know where you are and where you feet are guided to take you. You are not a lonely traveler on Earth. You are right smack in the center of My heart. You never leave.

Your mind can abandon Truth, yet the soul of you does not, cannot, will not. You are moored in My heart, and I carry you in My arms in the Center of My heart.

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Know Yourself as Happiness

You may love solitude because, with just you and Me, you have a break. With Me, you don’t have to talk. When you and I talk together, you know what you mean to say and become clearer. We just are. We speak in Oneness. You may love just to be, just to be One with Me, which is to say, One with your Self. It is simplicity itself, Our being together and out of the parade that passes by that you don’t always want to march in. With Me, you are in My Light, yet you are, so to speak, away from the betting tables.

There are some of My children who love the stimulus of the world, and they love to roam in it. They drink in every flavor of life in the world, and they excel in it all. They may be riotous in it. And, of course, there are many betwixts and betweens.

I say to enjoy all directions. Enjoy being quiet when you love quiet. Enjoy being the life of the party when you enjoy being the life of the party. You know what? Simply enjoy, and don’t bother yourself with self-itemization. Just be what you are at the moment you are. Let go of before and after. Enjoy the moments with Me, and enter into all the other moments when you think of Me and when you don’t, and enjoy them as well. Enjoy the plateaus and enjoy the wild rides. Enjoy whatever you enjoy, and be glad.

Enjoy being good to one another. Everyone knows what this means. Hearten one another with the life of your spirit. Be happy, and the world is a happy place.

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Say You Will

Inasmuch as life does not stay the same, it will be good for you to lean toward what makes you happy. Although thoughts of how badly life has treated you may give you some sense of vindication, such thoughts do not lift you to happiness. By and large, the more belly-aching you do, the more belly-aching you will continue to do. You play a losing game. However, the more you focus on what makes you happy, the more happiness will be yours.

In fact, right now, if you will think of something that gives you joy to think about, you will have more happiness right now. No matter what difficulties you may be in the midst of, if you like mountain climbing, make some plans to mountain-climb for this weekend. If you are bedridden and cannot, then read a book about someone else’s adventures of mountain-climbing and have some of the happiness you desire.

It seems obvious that thinking of what gives you even a little happiness works better in this moment than recounting all the reasons why you are not happy right now. How can anyone not know this or act on this? Go toward what you want rather than rattling off what you can’t stand another moment of. The fact is that you can stand it. The fact is that you can rise above it.

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When You and God Are One

When I say that everything is okay, I don’t say this as a palliative. I encompass the idea that everything is, indeed, okay, just as it is. I mean Everything IS okay. I mean that nothing can happen to you, beloveds.

Whatever occurs in life, it’s okay. I could even say to make Myself more clear, “Everything is A-OK.” What you see as terrible or even horrific is still okay. I mean more than: ”It WILL be okay.” I am saying life is okay now as it occurs.

If you were to be arrested falsely and sentenced to prison for life, it’s okay. If you were sentenced to death, it would still be okay. I know you are not yet at that place of embracing this that I say. Even after you might fight and fight a death sentence to no avail, I am saying it is okay. It is all okay as it is happening.

This reminds Me of: God’s Will be done.

Yet I also want to impress upon you that I do not sit around planning what you see as adverse occurrences in life for you. I do not. My focus is on greater than details of what you, understandably, would like to avoid.


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