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Every Day, a New Page

Open your eyes to a new world. You are the ones who will awaken the Earth. You may think that you bounce off the world, yet it is the world that bounces off you. I am speaking of both the animate and inanimate world. You are a key player. The love you send out rebounds. The ill-will that you send out rebounds. Whether you think love or angst, you spritz them out to the world.
Before you draw conclusions to this, you do not play alone, nor are you to think that each wind that blows your way is something you earned or caused or is attributable to you. Thinking that way gets you nowhere. Besides, sometimes, often, you are simply an innocent by-stander. There may be ancient effects that suddenly alight on you, but you are a new consciousness now, and it doesn’t make sense that sins are visited upon you. Just don’t think that way. Don’t be looking for cause or reason. The fact is that now you have to let go of all the why’s and wherefore’s and simply get on with your life. Remember it is your life you live now that we are talking about, not some past life that creeps up on you.
You are in the business of your present life. If it is a cyclone that you get caught up in, don’t try to trace of the origin of your being caught in it. If life is climbing a flight of stairs, you are on a different step now. There is enough to deal with what is right now.

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Such Is the Love Flowers Give

You come from love as love itself in order to be love that expresses itself. And when your days on Earth this time around are done, you are returned to the love from which you came. Love expresses itself. It must. Love is like that. Love likes to shine. Love does not like to be pushed down, squeezed, flattened etc. Love is love. A flower loves so much, it pushes its way up through soil joyously. Such is the love flowers give.
It is the nature of love to expand. It is also the nature of life to expand. Everyone is here on Earth for expansion of love expressed in life. Love expresses itself, not by decided explanation or accountability, but simply by expanding. Love loves to expand. Love loves to well up and burst forth like something new and burst and burst. First a flower is a sprout, and then it unfolds its leaves and then it blossoms.
You, a human being, have expanded. Sometimes you have curtailed the expansion of your love, yet more always accrues. Expansion has its ways.
Love is such a natural thing that it needs no games made of it. Truly, love needs no practice, yet sometimes, because of reticence, because of holding back from fear, you have to dare yourself to burst your bounds. The expression of love is the most natural expression in the world and in Heaven, yet sometimes you may need to give the outpouring of your love permission. I speak of love even as given in the form of kindness to a stranger.

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Looking Out a Taller Window

What an experience is life in the world. What a diversion from the True Reality. What a contradiction the world is. How predisposed you are to contradictions, which are, ultimately, opposites. You have a mixed-up relationship with life in the world. You are rampantly pro and con. You judge the world mercilessly, and you are attached to the world just the same.
One day you were born to Earth. “What on Earth for?” you may wonder now. “Why am I here, and what am I meant to do while I am are here?”
Endless are the possibilities, and there seem to be no secure niches for you much of the time. There may be more than one actuality. I have said before that you don’t have to know what it is. You will get there. Some recognize. Some do not. Nevertheless, you will fulfill what you set out to do. You are the fulfiller of it.
That you are on Earth is greater than a mystery. You love a mystery, yet life may seem more like a dilemma that you find yourself in. You may feel that, in life, you are picked up by a big hand and placed in an arbitrary place with arbitrary people who have the say over you. You can’t wait to grow up and have some say over yourself, yet you still don’t feel much jurisdiction over yourself. You have to earn a living. You have to live somewhere. There are obstacles underfoot, and you crave so much more.

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As the Sun Rises, So Does Earth

Have such happiness with Me that you knowingly stay with Me always. Who would ever want to escape Me! It boggles the mind. Where love is, you belong. I am the Source of Love, and so are you. Running away from yourself is running away from the love you are. Soon you will stand still in My Presence. It will be the most natural thing in the world.
You are My love, so be it. Admit Me into your heart and admit to yourself or mumble to yourself that you and God are One and the Same. See how that sounds. ”God and I are One and the Same.” Hear how that trips off your lips and tongue. Do your eyes close as if by themselves? I will tell you this:
Eyes may close, and it is hearts that open. Your heart opens. Haven’t you wished for this?
Everything We do here is heart-opening. We are turning the key that lets love in, and We are turning the key that lets love out into the world. What else is there to do?
Never throw out this key that unlocks the hearts of the world. Every perceived person on Earth holds this key. Turn the key of your heart. The trick is to use this golden key. Turn, turn. Click, click. Shh. Listen to all those hearts opening and opening. They burst open, and love pours all over the land. The land is reclaimed by love burnished bright.

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The Big Realization

Thou art I. Thou art I. Thou art I.
Is there anything more you, the so-called you, has to know?
It isn’t that everything else is a waste of time, not at all. Everything is for something. At the same time, everyone is gearing, whether near or far, to come to the realization that thou art I. This is the Big Realization.
Naturally, I am not talking about your saying these words and intellectualizing around them. I mean much more than the thought of the words. I mean the Reality where, suddenly, or slowly, you melt into the blessedness of Me. You stay in your body, and you do not leave it. You still carry it around, and you take care of your daily affairs, yet at the same time, instead of feeling separate from Me, you have separated from your body and all the identity that goes along with it. You are in your body and you know you are, and as you live life in your body, you express Me, Myself, and I. And that’s it.
In your own Reality, you have risen to My Essence. You become, as it were, I in all My neutrality and glory. You see as I see. You hear as I hear. You are out of the entrapment of ordinary life in the world. You still live in the world yet you no longer hook into that singular identity. You are merged with Oneness. Oneness has emerged from your Being. No longer can you hold out. You don’t have to wait to leave your body. You walk right into Me, as it were. The little you disappears. Bye bye, little you.

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You Are the Ocean

The physical world is not always easy. I am not even talking about relationships, although I suppose it could be said that you have relationships with the physical inanimate world as well. Something breaks. Something trips you. There are potholes and bumpy roads. Your internet goes down. You can’t open or you can’t close your umbrella. You lose something. You simply don’t see something and bump into it. Something falls on your head. Don’t tell Me that you haven’t been irate and kicked a physical object that got in your way.
There are leaks and water damage. Things spoil in the refrigerator.
The more you have, the more that can go wrong. Without the physical, what would you have to buy? Buying may be one of your favorite things to do, yet there are matters like bills to pay and checks to write. There are groceries that you forget to bring in. Oh, well, you don’t need Me to tell you all the pesky things that may make the physical world cumbersome for you and get in the way of your peace of mind.
And the physical world is costly. If you didn’t need shelter, you wouldn’t have to pay rent or a mortgage for a place to put your body. So far, you don’t have to pay for the air you breathe, yet there is a fee from where you park your car. You may not even be allowed to rest your head on a park bench.
What would be the necessity of the whole thing called money and commerce if there were not hands to transact and carry and hold and minds to count numbers?

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How You Dance

You are the sweet holding of My heart. I carry you in My heart. We can say that you are My heartthrob. You are certainly the One I love. I love you with all My heart. This is another way of saying that you are My joy. When you are in tears or away from tears, you are My joy. On land or on sea, you are My joy. You are joy to My heart, and I thank you for the joy you give Me and that I derive from you. I know only joy from you. Would that you would know only joy from Me. Why not, beloveds? Why not?
What can possibly keep you who are so dear to Me away from the full joy of My heart? It can only come from your lack of belief in yourself and your doubt in Me. It is as if you and I are on a see-saw, and you go up and down, and your awareness of Me goes up and down as well.
We are in life, you and I, for the long haul. Our Oneness is Eternal and has always been a constant. Our Oneness is not hit or miss as you may have thought and experienced. What you may have thought is an impossibility. This idea cannot be. We are One Infallible One. That’s it.
I do not deliberate what will be between Us or what will happen with you. I do not pounce on My children one by one and give penalties or bonuses. I would not and cannot. I love all, every which One of you. We do not dance solos.

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Now you have a clue as to Who you are and what your life is for. It used to be that you didn’t have a clue, and now you have a clue. You are still suspicious, yet you have a glimpse. This glimpse makes all the difference in the world.
If I were telling a tale, I would say that you are Columbus discovering a new world. Columbus discovered what he dreamed of. He was a discoverer, and so are you.
Ultimately, Columbus discovered himself in a New World. At the moment of this all-important startling self-discovery, Columbus blended with Me, and so will you. Every discovery has something to do with discovering yourself. You are entering a New World.
The path that Columbus had was very clear. It wasn’t an easy path, yet it was easy in that it became clear to him. At some point, Columbus had no doubt what his path was. He may not have thought of it as a path, yet he knew where he wanted to go. He got there. It didn’t matter that where he landed bore a different name from what he had thought. There was no mistake even as he had been mistaken.
You are on the course of your life, and you are getting here. Yet the direction you are going in is not so clearly defined. It is hazy. It is as though you are in the mist. What’s ahead is not so clear to you, and yet you are going there just the same.

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For Your Sake

You already know everything. How else would your heart know that something is true? I am talking not about facts which are small verifiable or unverifiable things. Facts are not in the league with Truth. Facts come and go, and what is made of facts changes.
Of course, your intellect can sway your heart. The intellect can usurp, for the intellect is certain that it knows, for the intellect loves to wrap itself around logic. Your mind may have heard a certain logic a thousand times in the world, and so you have allowed variable untruths to impress themselves upon you as if they were true.
When I speak of Truth, I speak of the Truths that do not change -- Infinity, Eternity, Oneness, Life of the Soul and Love Itself. Love may seem to fluctuate on Earth, yet the Oneness of Love I speak of is Eternal and clear and is not the up and down love you are familiar with on Earth, the love that is here today and gone tomorrow, transfigured into something else.
Truly it is the heart that knows what is true. Your learn-ed mind may well not. And, on some level, even your heart may have been suckered, even as you may ultimately recognize a vague feeling that tells you something isn’t true, and you disregard your heart. Perhaps someone in the world persuades. It’s not hard for you to be dissuaded.

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Three Cheers for Life

When you were young, you wanted to be grown up. Now that you are older, you wish to be young. What did being grown up mean to you back then? And what does being younger mean to you now?
We are talking of two sides of the street, and you would like both at the same time or at your choosing. Perhaps you would like to crisscross. Perhaps you want what you want when you want it.
There is a good side to everything, and so you might like to please yourself more, more often and for a longer spread. It has to be better to be easy to be pleased than to be easily displeased. Better to smile than to frown. Better to be simple than complex. Better to be straight as an arrow rather than every which way. Have the intent to be glad rather than glum.
This is such a little change in direction, and it will change your life. Your reception of your life will certainly change your life. One way or another, how accepting you are of your life or how you push your life away makes all the difference in the world.
The expression “your lot in life” tends to be dismal, as if you have no choice in how your life plays out, as though you have lost. You have choice. You have all the choice in the world. Even if you are imprisoned for life, you have choice. Even if you are sentenced to die, your life is not all about your outer circumstances. Your inner circumstances count more. The flag you wave is not your circumstances. The flag you wave is your choice.  


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