Thou art I. Thou art I. Thou art I.
Is there anything more you, the so-called you, has to know?
It isn’t that everything else is a waste of time, not at all. Everything is for something. At the same time, everyone is gearing, whether near or far, to come to the realization that thou art I. This is the Big Realization.
Naturally, I am not talking about your saying these words and intellectualizing around them. I mean much more than the thought of the words. I mean the Reality where, suddenly, or slowly, you melt into the blessedness of Me. You stay in your body, and you do not leave it. You still carry it around, and you take care of your daily affairs, yet at the same time, instead of feeling separate from Me, you have separated from your body and all the identity that goes along with it. You are in your body and you know you are, and as you live life in your body, you express Me, Myself, and I. And that’s it.
In your own Reality, you have risen to My Essence. You become, as it were, I in all My neutrality and glory. You see as I see. You hear as I hear. You are out of the entrapment of ordinary life in the world. You still live in the world yet you no longer hook into that singular identity. You are merged with Oneness. Oneness has emerged from your Being. No longer can you hold out. You don’t have to wait to leave your body. You walk right into Me, as it were. The little you disappears. Bye bye, little you.