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A Star in Heaven and a Star on Earth

You are the delight of My Being. I cannot say you are the delight of My life, for My Being is All. I am a Being of Light, and I have no form except the forms in My Creation. My Being is very vibrant and alive. My Being is beyond life, as you understand life. I am the very Stillness from which life comes. I am the Depth, and I am the Depth of you.
Surface life, as you know it, is a dream. You go through motions as in a movie. You have a movie you are making, a story you are telling, a book you are writing, a life you are living on Earth, a stage play, a TV series, a novel your eyes and heart swim in. We could say that I live through you, even as We are One. You display yourself while I am behind the scenes. I can be summed up as Light and Love, Love and Light. I wax luxurious in Light, and so do you. I KNOW, whereas you may not KNOW. You may overlook the Silent Reality. With your conscious mind, you overlook it.
Nevertheless, you are in the same place I am, although it is not a place at all. You, of course, are accustomed to place cards, place settings and the all-seeming manifestations of place and space when, in actuality, you are nowhere at all except in My metaphorical heart, for We, I, am One Being, and you are the same One Being. The you, the I on Earth, look for entertainment and other such attractions that distract you from Silence. You have another definition of Vastness. You see Vastness as many-fold. Vastness is Oneness too. Space does not exist in Vastness, do you follow Me?

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Integral to the Universe

If you had one minute right now to choose what you would wave a magic wand over, you might not know what to wave the magic wand over, something in the same way as people who escape a fire, they just grab something yet not something they would take if they had had time to think. They may wish later that they had chosen something else and, even then, in the coolness of afterthought, they might not think of just the one most important object to bring.
The point I would like to make here is the unimportance of possessions that do hold an importance on Earth. To you, possessions and furnishings are serious business. Of course, held up to the Truth of Life, your important possessions are not much at all. They may be treasures to you now yet, sooner or later, they level out. An object is an object, and that’s all it really can be.
And, so, if you had a wand to wave, you might desire to wave it as a way to end war and dissension, yet where are war and dissension located? Where would you find them so you could wave the wand over them? Could you end all wars retroactively also as well as wars that could occur in the future? It is mind-boggling how to do it. You would never want to miss the chance.
If you were a murderer sentenced to death, instead of your being given the choice of what you would like to eat, what if you were given the choice of changing something for the good of the world. What might you choose to change?

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Star Light

What if you were carefree? If you can foster the idea that you are laden with cares, can you not also cultivate the idea that you are without cares and worries? Which would you prefer? What if you could throw off the illusion of carrying a heavy load? What if you could? What if you carry a heavy load when you could carry a light load or no load at all?
Who says you have to drag along heavy burdens, and, in effect, owe a debt that has to be paid? What if you threw off the so-called burdens? What if you would turn over the oxcart you have been carrying and declare weight null and void? Who is it exactly who says that a sense of burden is your due? The last time I looked, you were human being, not an ox. Carry around My thoughts instead of heaviness. My thoughts are light. My thoughts are, indeed, made of light, bright light shining. Your thoughts can be, as well, the lightness of light, and the lightness of air.
You are not made of heavy iron. You are made of elements, none of which weigh much. Where did the idea of heaviness come from? Why has this idea lasted? Heaven is your due, not heaviness. Certainly, there is gravity on Earth. Gravity can take care of itself. You don’t have to carry it.

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There Is Only Going Forward

My children are often looking forward fervently to what comes next in their lives. This is good. A good way to get to the future that you are eager for is to simply let go of what has been. I am referring to the past you attach yourself to.
Some of My children are gripped to remorse, regret, rue of past actions or non-actions. In any case, too many times, you have too many regrets and thoughts and actions you would redo if you could, if you knew how, if there could be a way. The only way you can go back and erase or add to the past is by letting go of it and simply moving forward. There is no back-tracking. There is only going forward.
Turn back the pages of the past. Leave them behind. You cannot nourish your life on regrets. When you regret and regret and repent, you bury yourself in deeper. Then regret and all become a mainstay. Honestly, when you regret, regret once, and be done. Otherwise, you are a slacker in life. You pull yourself from behind. Rue and regret are a Never Land that keep you from entering the present.
Know and know well that I release you from the past. It never was. You have a recollection of an imaginary time. I relieve you of guilt. Guilt is a shackle, and I free you from it. It is not noble to feel guilty. It is a waste of time and energy.

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You Would Lead Your Life Differently Now

Your life is where you are. You take yourself with you wherever you go. You, yourself, are the sum total of your life. Your consciousness is what your life is about. Your awareness and vision – your life is about these. Certainly, what occurs in life affects you, yet you are the decider of how it affects you. Your life is about you, and how you respond to what occurs. Therefore, I say that your life is all about you.
Your life isn’t dependent upon what happens to you. Your life depends upon how you see what happens, for as you perceive, you respond. You draw the pictures of your life by the conclusions you draw. The conclusions you draw are the assumptions you make. It is not unheard of for you to conclude something that is not true. You made one thing of it when you could have made something else of it.
Your understanding is not infallible. You are the chef of your thoughts and reactions. You base your recipes for life on your construing of the facts.
This is only one good reason why it is better for you to refrain from judging. The story of your life is your putting two and two together, and it is easy to be mistaken. If you would deal differently with an earlier situation now, then you know you have seen amiss. Of course, you would lead your life differently now. You are a human being who learns and grows. No matter how you convince yourself at the time how right you are, the angle of light you look from changes.
Noting this change is all to the good. This is how you can see your growth.

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Life on Earth Is Looking through the Looking-Glass

Silence is in the eyes of the beholder. Everything is in the eyes of the beholder. There is subjective. There is no objective even as you think so. No two see alike. How do you even know that you see the same colors or hear the same music as another? Senses are helpful, yet they do not tell the whole story. Sometimes you want to suspend all that you think you know and be a fresh slate who sees with clear eyes. Clear eyes are eyes of love.
When you see a group of children, and you see your child as extremely beautiful, you are right. You are closer to Truth. And when you see all the children as beautiful, you see even closer to Truth. And when you see My light beaming out from everyone you come across, then you are Truth, and you take no days off from it. You are immersed in Truth, and you are the beauty that you see. The world is fictitious except when you see Truth underneath it all.
Life has a different story to tell that is outside the common domain, meaning that the world is not really a composite of what you have been taught. Many in the world are not thinking but rather going along. It takes great courage to see from your own eyes when you are told to take as fact what another may see. Who can take the right to tell you what you see when you are the only one who can know what you see and what you make of it – when you give yourself a chance to see for yourself, that is.
It is a shaky world that changes shape right in front of you. Seeing is believing? Perhaps believing is seeing is more accurate.

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Your Picture of the World

There is beauty waiting for you just over the horizon. The real goods are on their way to you. Good fortune is on its way to you. Privilege is yours, whatever form it takes. You are being chosen to rise to New Heights in Humankind. In Heaven as on Earth, you are blessed to be a blessing upon all.
Here is your purpose -- to serve God. Serve God and you serve All. The range of service is large. There is no limit to service even as you may not finitely know what your form of service is. With or without thoughts of Me, you have been serving Me. With awareness or without awareness, you have been serving Me. Sometimes you serve so humbly, you have no idea of the Vastness of your service. Of course, you don’t, for you do not yet know yourself well enough. You may well have dodged around yourself, perhaps preferring to see yourself on the periphery when you are My right arm. Regardless, you give your service, and I am served. You are served, and the whole world is served.
The world is turning over a new leaf. This is not a big production for the world. The world can as easily go left as well as right. It depends upon the direction you lean toward. The world holds not a chance of falling back into old ways when you set the world a-right. You are a balancer of the world. A seal may hold the world on its nose. You hold the world in your heart, and you serve Me and the world and everyone in it through your heart.
Your heart is well-disposed toward uplifting the world.

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When You Miss a Train, Catch Another

Unto everything there is a solution. This doesn’t mean you have to be the solver. You do not have to wrack your brains for the solution. The solution is inherent in that which you see as a difficulty. With or without you, a solution appears. You may have only to nod your head. You don’t have to pounce on a solution. Odds are, there is more than one solution. Perhaps you have only to allow a solution.
This does not mean that every solution is the one you would like to claim.
You can desire a certain outcome, yet another outcome prevails. You are the one who decides that an outcome is good or bad. You do not know what life holds in store for you. An unwelcome outcome may turn into a treasure. The outcome you so fervently desire might not serve you well. Think not so much about right and wrong.
So, with life, sometimes it is hands off. You don’t have to win, as you see winning. Life has its own ideas. Sometimes you have to bow to life. Would life be so hard if you didn’t believe you have to fight it so much? You don’t have to resist life as much as you seem to think. Life is not such a problem as you may think it is.
Yes, desire, yet don’t always boss life around. Admit. You simply don’t know enough. You do not see that far ahead. The past is not to tell your fortune. Don’t go by it. We can say that from your view, life is a gamble. Indeed! If gambles were sure things, everyone would be wealthy. How much and for how long can you dispute life? Life will have its say.

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What Can Be Lost in Love?

This is an expression in the world: “All good things come to an end.” This expression does not express Truth, not at all.
In the Heaven I live in, nothing comes to an end. You understand this, yes? Life does not end. Soul does not end. Where I am, everything is True and everlasting. Beauty is great Truth everlasting. And love. Yes, of course, love.
Love is Eternal and Infinite. Love doesn’t get any better than that. Love is the expansion of energy. Love is greater than emotion. In fact, love is all there is. Oneness is Love. Love and Oneness cannot be separated. There is no end to love, yet We can say that love is the culmination of all that is. Love stretches infinitely, and, so, all hearts touch. Hearts in the world touch every other heart. And so in language, it is said that hearts are touched. Everyone knows what love feels like. No heart is a stranger to love no matter how cold a heart may run away and recluse itself. There is a full range of hearts in the world. Hearts are much like piano keys that can be played up and down.
I suppose We could say that in Heaven, all notes are played at the same crescendo of tone. We could say that your fingers trickle along the keys the way your fingers might trickle along the river while you are in a canoe. Softly go the keys. Softly flows love on an even keel. Love is steady. Nothing can pause love let alone stop it. It only seems so in the world.

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A Milestone

Simply let go of finding fault. What a milestone that will be -- to let go of fault-finding -- to be a joy-finder instead. Even if you step in a puddle, find joy in the remarkableness of stepping into a puddle. Okay, if it’s bad enough that you stepped into a mud-puddle, laugh about it. That’s the least you can do.
We are talking about being good-natured in life. If the crime of stepping into a puddle has already been accomplished, let’s say, why perpetuate gloom? Why perpetuate gloom for any of the matters you are glum about?
Let the theme of your life be about perpetuating joy. Do We agree that you have choice? Did I not give you Free Will? When you have the choice of kicking yourself or moving right along, which alternative are you going to choose? Which have you been choosing?
Look, don’t even mull it over. Choose light every time. Let there be no choice, for, truly, who would choose glumness over light any day? Of course, you have. Every time you complain, you are finding fault, and many choose to find plenty of fault with everything including Me. Perhaps I am missing something. What is the advantage of this? What possible advantage can there be? Oh, well, yes, to vent, I suppose.


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