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Beloved, You Are Already Reborn

God said:

Beloved, there is no need for you to develop a conscience during your tour this time around on Earth. Live your life as best you can, and let go of worrying about past influence in the world. It isn’t a virtue to carry a heavy-duty conscience around with you. Be of good will. Honor yourself and the world.

You are born innocent. There is the expression: As innocent as a new-born babe. Believe it. This is true.

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What Is the Meaning of This Life You Seemingly Live Anyway?

God said:

Beloved, your current life may seem like a roller coaster ride to you, riding at break-neck speed with bright lights flashing, ya know, like somewhere you might go to on a Saturday night for entertainment. Nor does your life have to seem straight-laced either.

Take life in your stride, not make too much of life nor slough life off as if it were only entertainment either. Life is here to stay – the one and only you have at this moment, so to speak.

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The Courtyard of Heaven from Which You Arise

God said:

Beloved, I summon you. Each day I summon you to the Courtyard of Heaven from which you arose. Too often, you think of yourself as on your way to Heaven. This is true. Remember also, that from Heaven you have come. From Heaven, yes, and to Heaven you return. It is a pitfall to believe you were ever thrown out of Heaven.

Never, not in one heartbeat, were you ever thrown out. Now it is time for you to see differently. May I remind you that where I come from, there is always and forever room for you – for you who are the Light of My Heart. Inn is a metaphor, anyway. Heaven goes beyond any inn. In truth, no one rents a room in Heaven by the night or week. Heaven is your birthplace and your permanent Home – Our permanent Home of Oneness. You are definitely not an interloper in Heaven. You are a native of Heaven, for you and I are One. In Heaven I abide, and you abide in Heaven with Me as One. With Me is where you belong – nowhere else.

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Love Is Like the Scent of a Hyacinth Announcing Spring

God said:

Beloved, from one heart to another, love is on the wing. Silently bidden, love is passed on, as if stirring in the breeze. Love is called for, and love is exchanged, newly burst as it may be – love stirring, love happening, love recurring as if new, newly distributed from Heaven, as if love were something new when love has always been as newly bidden as the Sun each day.

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You Are a Hardy Flower

God said:

Beloved, what if you would stop seeing life as it appears to you possibly as an outright challenge? Life isn’t meant to be seen as a duel you are offered. Life is meant to be, if not a piece of cake, at least a peace-offering – certainly not a boxing match in Madison Square Garden.

What if you didn't put on your boxing gloves in readiness? What if you could see a new offer in life – not as a confrontation, yet more like a handshake or a step toward progress? If you would, if you did – wow, how differently you might treat life! Do you see this?

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Hello, I AM Here, God!

God said:

Beloved, if the beautiful created world We live in has been taken over by outside sources or wayward inner sources, We, the lovers of life, are reclaiming the world now. We reclaim the extant world with simple grace and truth. We rise with Our hearts attuned to love, and that’s it.

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Music! Music! Music!

God said:

You and I, as Oneness, are as close as close can be. One is One. Yet, this Reality may continue to seem far-fetched to you. Alas, you may well feel closer to the presence of loneliness than you feel to the beat of My Heart.

Our Oneness does not mean that I own you, or that you own Me. If I were a guitar, it would mean that in Oneness, you and I are One and the Same Guitar. We’re not talking about two guitars. There is One Guitar, and it plays Itself for all to hear. We don’t have to get down to brass tacks with this metaphor, you understand. Music is Self-Evident.

Ah, the Music of the Spheres.

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Your Garden Grows New Fruit Now

God said:

Beloved, to what do you devote your time and energy? Sometimes, perhaps too often, to toil and trouble, sorry to say. No go in the direction in which you truly want to devote your mind and heart.

Beloved, and I mean, Beloved, does it make sense to divert your attention to what you don’t want in the first place? I ask you not to carry a sense of dread about what might be coming up in your life and the world you happen to live in. What possible advantage can there be in this for you?

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The Sun Awakens You

God said:

Love is always. You are born to it, and you expand with love. If you want to know what life is about, this is what life is about: The subject upon which life is based and the object to which love abides, is love. All else may leave, yet love is not fleeting, no matter how you may glance at it.

Love is the constant, even as you are not always aware of the love that fills you inside and out. The Sun is said to set, and in the morning the Sun rises. You greet the Sun evermore. And the Sun greets you. You awake to the Sun, and the Sun awakes to you. Life lives in light. There is not a moment when you are not awaking. You reflect the Sun, and the Sun reflects you. We are speaking of the Oneness and permanence of love as it fuses Earth into an abundance of love, involving and dissolving into the light of love forevermore.

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Who Has the Wisdom to Make All Decisions?

God said:

What causes misunderstandings amidst My Children? Usually, simply that – misunderstandings. There are many roads to understanding as well as many roads to misunderstanding. Both appear as free handouts any day of the week.


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