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The World Is Too Much with Us

God said:

Keep your eye on love. Stay focused on love. What can the point be to herald lack of love or to pounce on any lack as if lack of love or lack of anything is what you want to extract from the Universe? No, you want life to shine love with all its might.

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Life is Tempering You

God said:

Beloved, yes, I know, that life is not always a simple matter to you of receiving instruction, reading a day’s Heavenletter, and, voila, your life is suddenly changed into a new perfection. Once in a while, you do see your life indelibly changed. However, not by a long shot is this your everyday experience, yet you keep growing toward this.

Through living life on Earth, your view of life changes. Life teaches you one thing or another. No matter how many times you may stumble, life will update you. The same you who enters life (which you may well see as the fray) isn’t the same you as you once thought you were.

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Set the Table for Life’s Arrival

God said:

You want new chapters in life to approach you, and yet you may tremble at the thought that new decks of cards in life might shake you up and be too much for you. You want freedom in life, and yet you tremble. Is this sometimes the situation you find yourself in?

I do not house the worries you do. Of course, I have love for you and no worries.

Beloved, Beloved, lean back a moment and look forward to your life as it moves toward you. Why not, My Beloved?

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Whose Love Shines in Your Heart?

God said:

Keep love warm in your heart. No matter how bereft of love you may have felt your whole life long, no matter how much love you were given for a while until a love abandoned you and you wept that your beloved was not your true love, no matter what, you are to stay true to the indwelling love in your heart. You are not to abandon love in your heart nor turn away from it. Love is the essence of all hearts. Love is your very Being. Keep the love in your heart resounding.

What you are to abandon, however, is your presumed ownership of another’s heart. All hearts are free to beat where they will. All those you have loved or do love are yours to release from obligation to love you. I give free will to everyone. You are not to hold another’s heart prisoner. By all means, there is no need for you to hold anyone’s heart under your thumb. Love isn’t deeded to you the way a house is deeded nor is your beloved indebted even to past vows. Another’s love has to fit his own picture frame. Love is to be free with or without your permission.

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Anything is Possible Right Now

God said:

Instead of crying wolf, say to yourself: “I’m the luckiest person in the world.” This won’t hurt you one bit!

You fear you will not be what you call realistic. You call arduous realistic. You call painful realistic. You call illness realistic. You call disappointment realistic. This is the world as you see it.

There is nothing objective about your appraisal. You think you are being objective when you are being subjective. This is your picture of realism, like those dark somber novels. Your life seems to follow abject matters. You may qualify that which you don’t really want as undeserved perhaps, yet, nevertheless, what you are bound to get. Yes, what you affirm, you continue to get. Why highlight what you don’t desire?

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What Dream Is This You Live Within?

God said:

Beloved, if you could physically see the emanations of your Soul, you would see such Bright Light modeled after the Sun, or, perhaps, such Bright Light that is modeled after you! In any case, you would be dazzled beyond belief at the wealth of Bright Light that emanates from within you.

You would be one big smile from stem to stern. Earth life seems to be known commonly as physical. Herein lies your Soul’s Destiny – it has no boundaries. Of course, your Soul, the integral Soul of you, exists beyond the physical world. The physical world may be referred to as the mere physical.

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Catch On, My Matey, Catch On!

God said:

Beloved, who can point a precise finger to life and the powers life engenders? Life appears relative all right, yet life is not designed nor actually created from the relative world of Earth. Yes, concrete transportation, for instance, appears in the relative world. Creation manifests in the relative world, yet Creation surpasses the manifest world. We speak of two roundabout dimensions; the Heaven dimension, shall We say, as Mine and the mundane world, we shall say, as yours to dance on. Of course, I don’t separate these two worlds, although they may seem to appear at loggerheads.

O Divine Children, O Divine Apparent World and Sparkling Divine Heavenland that We all share, whether this is realized or not. The thing is that together, you and I, exist in plain sight as well as out of plain sight. Existence exists any way you slice it.

What multi-dimensional worlds We live in, counterparts of one another. The jig is up, pure and simple. We exist as One, and One We are.

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Please Give Me You, God

God said:

Beloved, you desire Me and inner peace with all your might. Yet, again and again, you find yourself sheathed in tension, you, dear one, who calls out for peace. You would give anything for the peace of God. It doesn’t seem to matter how much you desire and defend peace. You cry out that you may have somehow chased the peace of Oneness away, yet how can it be that you could put your hand in Mine and alight on separateness? I bless your hand.

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Create New Images of Yourself

God said:

Beloved, be good to yourself. No more are you to rant and rave to yourself about how you are not doing great or even well enough. I will not have it. If you see yourself as caught up in a vise, it is you who catches yourself in a vise. No one else is doing it to you. Beloved, it is yourself that you clamp down on.

Come now, Beloved, create new images of yourself. Open up your life. No reducing your Self-image, not even once more. No, not even once more. I won’t hear of it.


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