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What Metaphor Might We Name Your Soul

God said:

You may find yourself filled and arrayed with all the colors of the rainbow. If this is the case, consider that you can think of your Soul as a gemmed necklace made of beautiful colors, here a color, there a color, all the colors of the rainbow! Let Us call all the colors your inheritance, or your DNA.

O, Beloved, who could you not be? What could you not be? What are you possibly not? What wondrous gift are you that you do not yet see?

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This, Just This, Happiness

God said:

Happy Days are here again! Hum this song, and see how you feel. The sky’s the limit. In fact, not even the sky has a limit. There is no ceiling on the sky.

Why not Happy Days? Where is it written that life is ever to be less than happy? Nonsense.

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The Silent Music of Godwriting

God said:

There are many ways of looking at the highly personal Silent Process of Godwriting.

You can think of Godwriting as listening to bird song early in the morning or at night fall. The tune the birds sing is easy to pick up. The birds sing alike. Yet, you, the listeners at dawn or dusk, may pick up slightly different versions of lyrics according to your moment of Soul Listening. What can the lyrics be? Here come the lyrics! They accompany the sweet simple song. They come in varying colors and tones of each Godwriter. There is no standard of correctness. There is only what comes. It comes as it comes, as if from different yet companionable musical instruments that resonate like the varying colors of the rainbow.

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Dream the Dream

God said:

Beloved Beloved, where did you get the idea that life is supposed to be all cookies and milk served to you as you recline cozily in bed and sip your morning tea before you begin this day before you?

You know, life is a mixed bag. Life is coming to you in every moment. Dreams do come true, yet dreams are not obligated to come true in the moment you say the exact way you say. Anticipate that all your dreams will come true, yet allow the freedom for your dreams not to have to come true so quickly or just so. Go ahead, it’s okay to wish a while. Grant your dreams free passage. Dreams are free spirits. Dreams are not: “Sign on the line” sorts of left brain thinking. You can request all your dreams to come true, yet dreams are not beer on tap, now are they?

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Entwined We Are

God said:

To you, I give thanks. I give thanks to you from the bottom of My Heart. Beloved, always know with assurance how much you mean to Me and all the Waves and Waves of Love just the thought of you gives to me. I know your love. I feel it. Do you feel My love, too, as it radiates through you?

Every night I put you to sleep. Every morning, I wake you up. Do you feel My Presence in your life? Be sure to know that I am attentive to you. I do not ask you to sacrifice. I do not believe in sacrifice. I believe in Joy. I ask you to enjoy. Joy isn’t a sacrifice. Definitely, stay away from sacrifice. I don’t want it. I seek your Joy. I want nothing less than your Joy.

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When Truth Alone Is

God said:

Beloved, My Beloved, do not honor force. Never do I honor meanness and cruelty and under the guise that they are worthy. Meanness means smallness. Why would goodness and mercy be sought after in the world you live in unless there were cruelty to counteract?

Without force, there would be no insisted-upon abdication from what another person happens to believe.

Another’s Truth would be freely allowed to be his Truth or as long as it feels right to him. No one’s Truth would be besmirched. Everyone would merit all-merciful freedom to see as he sees and embrace the peace from which he wishes to grow regardless of what any other thinks one way or another. I state firmly that I am not in favor of force to any degree in the guise of virtue. Of course, I gave Free Will, and I gave and still give it to all. And what I give is not to be stepped on. Let there be love. Love and freedom go hand in hand. No one is to forbid another to see as he sees.

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Now in the Present

God said:

You may have been incubating for a while, and now it is time to move on. Today is here to move on in. Today is the time to get on your horse and ride off, NOW in the present, no longer sometime in the future.

No longer are you to wait for sometime, for sometime is now, this minute, right now, not in a minute, not later, not yet. No longer are you for one minute to dilly-dally. Get right on with it now, this minute. You have dilly-dallied enough. Strike the match now.

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Who Cannot Be Right or Mistaken?

God said:

Because you think someone else, your son or daughter, for example, ought to do something the way you believe is right, no matter how sure you are, be cautious about taking over. To mention your view is one thing. What anyone else ought to or should do from your view is beside the point. Someone else’s life isn’t fair game to order around.

Of course, you are well-meaning. You believe you know better. You cannot know. You cannot know because you do not perceive the deeper waters. You don’t know all the connections and all the whys and wherefores. You may be confident. Even so, you are flying blind. You do not know and cannot know all the behind-the-scenes’ activity. You do not and cannot know another’s road in life no matter how convinced you are. You see as you see. What you see as disaster may not be. What you see as proper may bring misgivings. Be careful about taking over another’s life.


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