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Your Purpose in the World

God said:

I hear you cry out that life on Earth is unbelievable. That it is absurd. It is ridiculous. It is unexpected. It is rote. It stays the same. It never stays the same. It always surprises you unless you happen to be feeling ho-hum about life.

Yes, you do wonder whose life this is you are living anyway and what on Earth it amounts to. You hardly feel like a voyager on the high seas – more like a stowaway or possibly someone who has hacked a random identity; therefore, you are such a good interloper that you don’t exactly know who you are or will be the next time you check in. For lack of enough reliable information to base yourself on, you feel up in the air.

You do know that I insist you have purpose. That’s well and good so far as you are concerned, if only you could have a sighting of your purpose.

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The Height of Heaven

God said:

If Heaven had a top on it, We, you and I, the One of Us, would be sitting at the height of Heaven. As it is, there is no roof on Heaven. We could say there is the Height of Love or, perhaps, We sit on the Peak of Heaven, and, naturally, all is well. We are undoubtedly established in Heaven, which has no confines. There are no borders in Heaven. No exclusions. I will simply not have anyone excluded. No one is kept out. This is not My way. This is not My desire.

Beloved, I offer a full-service Heaven. This is the way I like it. No notary has to sign a petition nor attest to it.

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Golden Godwriting

God said:

When you are a Godwriter, and you sense a Godwriting message on its way to you beyond your ken – as insurmountable as it appears to you, here’s what can be happening:

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What Are You Doing Alive on Earth?

God said:

Beloved, I ask you frankly, must life on Earth exist all about what you want on this day? I mean, think about it. Do you give the impression that your life may be one disappointment after another, one question another about how come? How come you didn’t get the job? How come you got passed over for a raise? How come today is cold and windy? How come, on some days, everything seems hard, and nothing seems to go easily, let alone right?

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You Sit at the King's Table

God said:

Certainly, you see the difference between being downright unhappy and not being happy, yes, do you see it?

I suppose there is also something equivalent to being HAPPY or just being happy enough or fairly happy or with a modicum of happiness on any one day. Cannot any amount of happiness fulfill you on any one day? Do you have to be a peak winner every day of the week?

It’s okay to laugh where you are called to. There is no requirement to laugh all day. You can laugh or not according to your realization of any particular day.

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Finding Yourself Divided

God said:

What if you could see yourself as beautiful? If you could just take My Word for this, you would see you are beautiful just as you are. I can say conclusively that I see you beautiful, and nothing less. Just as you are, you are perfectly you!

Why are you so hard to tie in to your Self as I see you? Is it because you carry a body around, and you can be seen? Is this what wears you out, being on pubic display all the time? In addition, you have a house or apartment to keep up with and fill it to overflowing. Must you really clutter your mind, heart, and surroundings to overflowing?

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Waking Up to Your Self

God said:

In what diamond carat of life do We, you and I, touch on this day called today? A metaphor of hearts touch and retouch one another. Does what another senses impinge on Our hearts as well as touch? Ah, yes, the sense of sight. The sight of loved ones’ eyes soothes your reverberating heart. A loved one’s voice is like music to your ears. And to Mine, and to the world, and to Heaven.

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Are You on a Mission or an Escapade?

God said:

The world at large looks for reasons and causes, looks for sequential events and numbers, looks for consequences in a Universe that appears complicated when Truth may actually be simpler as well as deeper than it may at first appear.

In a deeper reality where True Oneness exists, everything occurs all at once. How can this be?

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I, God, Know What I Am Doing

God said:

I could have said:

God says:

Yet it seems to Me that God said carries more weight. God says may come across more like God sez: and that might come across as downright irreverent.

I am not One to be guided by impressions, yet impressions make their mark. I am not courting favor, yet why not put My best foot forward and bring you closer to Me while We’re at it? Who knows who might be waiting to get a glimpse of Me and perhaps interview Us on international television! (smile!)

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Be My Power and the Glory

God said:

Many, many arguments seem to be a stage-play presented before you to prove step by step how unfairly-treated you have been and still are, how no one would ever put up with being treated this way. No one can treat you like this. You will not have it, and God doesn’t like it either, so then, for a while, in your thoughts, you accept fully that you were trifled with, as if, at least for the time being, there is nothing else you can do about it.

Beloved, must you learn so well from a world that you so righteously object to? No more, Beloved, never again.


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