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The Backstory of Another’s Life

God said:

When life happens to feel overwhelming to you, step in with Me and let’s give life a good hug. Is this a new thought? What cost does this carry? None? Imperceptible? Why even think about cost?

When anyone or anything seems to tread heavily on you, this is just when and where you can come in and disarm the heaviness that seems about to hang in your heart. Never do I wish your heart or any heart to feel put upon.

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The Seeker and the Sought Are One

God said:

Beloved, come right this way to My Heart. There is no other way. We meet directly.

What is My Heart but our mutual Oneness of Being? Call Our Mutual Being Our One Heart or Our One Voice or One Soul engaging within the One and the Same Who Speaks and the One who also hears Himself thinking and speaking as though He were another listening in on His Very Self.

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Here I Am

God said:

Here I Am!

Between Us, Beloved, between you and Me, exists a great connection. That We are One isn’t an accident. Nothing is by chance. Certainly, aspects that surround Us may seem to be hit or miss. You and I, this seeming You and I, We have fun with this idea as well. Why not?

We, as One, are destined to gaze into each other’s eyes and to hold hands as dear friends.

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Label Nothing

God said:

Beloved, whatever happens in your life, refrain from assigning it a name. Often you make assumptions. You might wake up one morning and suddenly feel sad, even finding yourself crying, and you really don’t know why. You don’t understand why and why now? You didn’t know you had buried so much sadness. You hadn’t realized you were still carrying it around with you. You see no point in bothering to think of it now. Alas, it never really did amount to anything. Or, in fact, it broke your heart, and you have never fully recovered from it.

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Hi, Ya, Good Health!

God said:

Beloved, it could be meaningful to you when you are less vigilant against imperfect health. You may have claimed the unlawfulness of any digression from perfect health. You may have declared it illegal and, therefore, forbidden and most unwelcome. Yes, you strictly forbid less than perfect health. You will not allow it. It is derelict. In its disobedience to your will, it may become your topic of the day. Less than perfect health is an outlaw, a renegade, and you will forbid it at all costs. You are vehement about this.

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You and the Earth Spin

God said:

You are at a pivotal time in your life. A turning point. This is always so. The Earth spins, and you spin. What does it mean that you spin? You are set in motion. Your life is whirling, whirling. You are like a centrifuge. We can say you spin and spin. You don’t spin a web. Perhaps it can be said that you exist more as a web unspinning.

You were spun, and now you unwind. You were crocheted, and now the threads you were spun in unwind. You unwind from the past.

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The Inside Story

God said:

Beloved, let Me advise you. This is what I hear from the wheels spinning around in your head: You don’t find comfort in the fact that, one way or another, it is you yourself who leads yourself astray. It is you who creates the stumbling-blocks that you find before you. It’s no fun for you to discover all that which you have thought exists in front of you really exists inside you, and that you fall for ignorance again and again, and that you, alas, are your own willing dupe, that there is no else, that you are the whole shebang – no matter how you may fight off this idea that you are responsible for your life. Whether you see true friend or false enemy, it is you that you see before you. This is hard to believe. There is more to this than you can accept.

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This Is How It Is In the World

God said:

Beloved, It’s true. I tell you death is a beautiful experience awaiting you. Now, to the loved ones who have yet to wave goodbye to you, I will say that all of the Earth also says au revoir to you as well. All of Earth life will change because of your passing. This is how it is.

Death is beautiful and does not wholly qualify as a new experience, yet in your present consciousness, it is the first time in your recollection. There is something altered in the world when you move on. You will never be replaced, though many will fill in. Of course, you are unique, and so is everyone. No one will take your place. Whether someone knows you personally or not, your departure from Earth will make a difference to the world. No one is identical. This is how it is. This is how it is in the world.

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Everyone Loves A Mystery

God said:

Life, as it occurs to you, doesn’t altogether lead to a crescendo. Life seems to mosey along. The top layer of life you mostly ride on seems to do many about-faces. Instead of a clear point, life appears roundabout, spinning around, and you tend to conclude that often, too often, life is simply a joke on you, and it’s not funny.


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