God said:
No matter how much you may yearn or even mourn for something you don’t find anywhere you look, remind yourself in Truth, nothing is really lost. You may not know how to bring your precious jewel up to the surface, yet it exists somewhere hidden to you from the surface of the world. With know-how, you would know how to find it, whatever it make be, the lace tablecloth your mother loved, your check book, a lost love letter, a lost phone number, a lost thought, a lost love.
Of course, you always have an important reason to seek its return to you right where you can pull out whenever you want.
The Essence of Truth is never lost, which isn’t to say that you are promised to have it safe and sound in your hand and to possess it in your preferred way. Of course, the return of what you lost matters very much to you. Beloveds, I do not hold this out to you as a guarantee just like that Certainly, what you lost is stored in your Heart.