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The Theory of Relativity

God said:

No matter how much you may yearn or even mourn for something you don’t find anywhere you look, remind yourself in Truth, nothing is really lost. You may not know how to bring your precious jewel up to the surface, yet it exists somewhere hidden to you from the surface of the world. With know-how, you would know how to find it, whatever it make be, the lace tablecloth your mother loved, your check book, a lost love letter, a lost phone number, a lost thought, a lost love.

Of course, you always have an important reason to seek its return to you right where you can pull out whenever you want.

The Essence of Truth is never lost, which isn’t to say that you are promised to have it safe and sound in your hand and to possess it in your preferred way. Of course, the return of what you lost matters very much to you. Beloveds, I do not hold this out to you as a guarantee just like that Certainly, what you lost is stored in your Heart.

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There Is Something Nice about Snow

God said:

Beloveds, have in mind that all is well. Go for it! At the same time, be strong in knowing that nothing on Earth has to derail you. You are not here on Earth to be stalemated.

Nor is Life a question of “letting the best man win.” Winning in Life isn’t an issue. Living Life without the idea of either winning or losing is a good idea. You don’t have to have your own way. Life is about more than having your way or not having your own way. Stay away with all your might from the perspective that Life has to go precisely one way or another. There is always more to Life.

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How Does Your Garden Grow?

God said:

Beloveds, let Me put it this way: “How do you grow your garden?” You are the Grower.

Life doesn’t have to be hard the way you see it. May Life be easy the way you see it! Give Life a hand up. Be glad to let go of complaints once and for all. And why not now?

Life asks that you get complaints off Life’s back. When is enough enough? Make an end to complaints now so that that peace reigns in your Life and, therefore, raises the of the world to new heights.

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From Where Does Patience Come?

God said:

From where does patience come when you are chomping at the bit with impatience? Patience is hard to come by.

What is the cure for impatience? Patience, of course. The more impatient you are, the harder patience is.

Impatience is, indeed, an impasse. It’s implied that you set this impasse for yourself.

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To Brew Tea, Let It Steep

God said:

There is value in doing somersaults. Of course, there is value in everything you do and become one way or another. Furthermore, I want to say that in addition to value in doing somersaults on a mat, there is also indeterminable value in doing mental pictures of yourself performing somersaults.

Something more goes on than at what may first appear to you.

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Before Beauty Began

God said:

Beauty alone is. There is nothing else to behold. There is no other story to tell.

Beauty automatically arises as five Senses and Greater than these. There is nothing but Beauty.

Even so, there is awe at Beauty. Beauty exists for all. Beauty knows itself. There is Beauty to behold. All Life holds Beauty. Beauty alone. There is no opposite. There are no opposites. There is no Fairest of All when All is Beauty.

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Greater Understanding and Peace

God said:

I get the idea that, for the most part, you like to hear from Me, that what I say may give you pause for thought, that something I say gets stirred in you, that something of what I say means something to your Heart. Some of you, of course, may out and out love Me.

Of course, it’s My Joy to write to you and gaze at you. I love to reach you. I love it when you sit up and take notice, when something I say makes you perhaps nod or smile.

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Days of Glory

God said:

How’re you doing today? What’s your horoscope? That is, what I mean is, not really your horoscope. I mean: What are you gearing yourself up for today? How are you going to capitalize on Today and more than that, make Today the best day of your Life. Chum, let’s go for the Gold!

Let’s go for a glowing day today. A baseball over the fence day. A Glory Day. The very best day so far in the Midst of Your Glory-filled Days. A Bonanza Day. A Day of Hand over Fist. A Day of Sunshine. A Day of Insight. An Outstanding Day. A Day of Dreams Coming True right in front of your eyes. A Heart-warming Day. The Best Day Ever.

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All Dreams Are Meant to Come True

God said:

Sometimes it seems endless to you all that can go wrong. You have seen it.

Again and again, I urge you to spend more time thinking about what can go right in Life. Take a second look. Steer your thoughts in an upward direction. What do you want to happen?? Who says that Greatness and Beauty must be out of sight for you while what you don’t want rushes in before your very eyes.

I say: Set yourself up for treasures.

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Partake of This Day

God said:

Today is the Day I have made for you. Take it. It is yours. You want Me to fill your Day. Of course, you do. There are all possible kinds of Days to set before you. The Menu is Infinite. By all means, partake of this Day. Stroll as you choose. Your walking style depends on you.

Every day has a splendid Line-Up for you. Today is indeed yours for the asking. You are next in Line.

Every day is like a Day of New School Shoes for you. Every day is a Raffle never held before, and you are the Signer. You enlist in Today.

Come right up. Pick your ticket. Today is for you as no day has ever been before. The potential is enormous.


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