God said:
Take a look at what’s going on with you. Don’t skirt your issues, Beloveds. Greet them! Be hail-fellow-well-met to yourself. Find out what you are about. “Getting to know you, get to know all about you.” Get to know the simple Truth about you. For sure, you are not what you have carelessly seen yourself as. Oh, yes, you bought the propaganda the world sells, and you stick to it. How loyal you have been to past thinking.
Pay it forward doesn’t mean to keep carrying all your baggage. You never were what you thought and went along with. Because once you didn’t know any better is no reason to stay the same.
Change is the name of the Game of Life on Earth. Let the Sun Rise and you rise with it, Dear Ones.
You own the Whole Theater, the whole stage. You are the Star, the One and Only. This doesn’t mean you are to be vain or selfish. This means you are alive. You are the Revealer, the Actor before the Camera. You are also the Director, the Cameraman, the whole show, all that there is, you, the Real You, that is.