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The Whole Cake

God said:

Take a look at what’s going on with you. Don’t skirt your issues, Beloveds. Greet them! Be hail-fellow-well-met to yourself. Find out what you are about. “Getting to know you, get to know all about you.” Get to know the simple Truth about you. For sure, you are not what you have carelessly seen yourself as. Oh, yes, you bought the propaganda the world sells, and you stick to it. How loyal you have been to past thinking.

Pay it forward doesn’t mean to keep carrying all your baggage. You never were what you thought and went along with. Because once you didn’t know any better is no reason to stay the same.

Change is the name of the Game of Life on Earth. Let the Sun Rise and you rise with it, Dear Ones.

You own the Whole Theater, the whole stage. You are the Star, the One and Only. This doesn’t mean you are to be vain or selfish. This means you are alive. You are the Revealer, the Actor before the Camera. You are also the Director, the Cameraman, the whole show, all that there is, you, the Real You, that is.

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Love High Like a Bright Light

God said:

My Love for you is a given. It is not a bonus. It is not a reward earned. My Love is not a sometimes thing. My Love for you is that which never changes. My Love is absolutely yours throughout Infinity. This is how it is.

You perceive division, however. This is another way to say that, to your eyes, My Love for you is dependent upon how I package it. I tell you that My Love never goes up or down.

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You Are Already Invincible

God said:

You stand on the Vestibule of Life. And what you may ask is: What is actually the Vestibule of Life? The answer is: The Vestibule of Life is Love.

You may view Love as a fortress that you feel compelled to build. If you make your Love a fortress, you build the fortress yourself. You arm yourself. You bring the fortress to Life. You build it, and you may make it tall and impenetrable. Even partially opened Love isn't Love enough. Your choice is to break down the fortress. Let Love break down all closed doors.

Love amounts to the Highest in the world, and Love will take over the world. Do you think I exaggerate? Not at all. Love is taking over the world. Love is taking over the world right now.

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From Whence Cometh Godwriting? VI

God said:

There is no one path to Godwriting I can hand to you. No definite step to Godwriting exists unless We call Surrender the One Step. This may well be so.

As for laws of Godwriting, the only law for Godwriting that exists is naturalness, which means letting Godwriting be what it is. Otherwise, no laws, yet there is letting go of the extravagance of your individuality and your say-so and the extent of your participation.

Surrender to your Wholeness. This is to say to Surrender to Oneness. Surrender isn’t holding on tight. Surrender is letting go of your individuality. Let go of all that you may hold onto. Drop out of the past. Carry it no further. Let go of all you insist Life has got to be or should be according to your individual will. My Will, not thine, Beloveds. Let go of presumptions. Let go of fears that Surrender may take anything away from you, except, perhaps, short-sightedness.

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From Whence Cometh Godwriting? V

God said:

In order to Godwrite, easy does it. Let go of ideas of grandeur or perfection. Have no expectations of being dazzled. Simple Godwriting is good. Simple Godwriting opens yourself to the Heights where you really are.

On the other hand, you may have great anticipations anyway. I don’t ask you to strain to banish your anticipation and dreams. Effort to refrain from your desires is no less effort than having to have superlative Godwriting.

Do We understand effortlessness more effortlessly now?

There is nothing for you to be concerned with about Godwriting. If I am the Godwriter, this relieves you of responsibility. Lean back and Godwrite. Put your feet up and Godwrite. Recline in bed and Godwrite. Be at ease with Godwriting.

You don’t have to be dressed to the nines. Nor is your Godwriting a test of any kind. I do not look for a stellar performance from you, not at all. I look for no performance from you whatsoever. None.

The best you can do is to relax with Me. You can’t force yourself to relax with Me, of course not. Force is trying. Nor can you try hard not to force yourself.

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From Whence Cometh Godwriting? IV

God said:

When My Words are on the tip of your tongue, this is Godwriting.

We are One. Long have you sought to know what I think about and how I think and how I may surprise you. The simple easy process of Godwriting will fill an emptiness that you may have been yearning to fill.

There are more surprises you would like to have. They are yours, all yours. More Delight in Life is waiting for you greater than you can imagine.

If you have been dragging your feet, now start dancing. Sure, start ahead of time. This is the way to do it. Of course, get onto the Dance Floor of Your Anticipation right now. Godwriting is the Dance Floor. Glide into this Grand Dance of Life.

For Heaven’s sakes, don’t stand like a wallflower waiting for the music to begin. Start the tempo yourself. I speak to everyone.

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A Day Just for You

God said:

Give yourself a break today. Slumber late if that is to your liking. Hang around the house if this is what you would like. Cook up a storm. Or go on a picnic. Go to yard sales. Turn over and sleep again and get what is called all the rest you want. This is a day I bequeath to you as yours.

What do you want to do on this day that I give to you today? What do you want to make of it? You can make anything at all of it that you wish to make. Want to recline? Give it a whirl. This is your Day.

You may not be aware of what a good day-off can mean to you and all the other Onenesses that share this day with you. Regardless of how much a slug-a-bed you may be today, this day is in your best interest, and it is for you.

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Drama! Lights! Camera! Action!

God said:

The theme of drama in the world is utterly dramatic and long-lasting in its effect. Drama makes you sit up twice.

The Drama of Life is an essential theme to step away from. Run from drama like the plague. Enter Life and enjoy Life for itself and not for its spotlight. Live your Life. Live your Life simply and not congregate around the drama or glamour or timbre or tremor of it.

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Make Life New!

God said:

There is nothing like Life on Earth.

Where else would you find all these twists and turns and otherness aside and apart from Oneness?

Not in Heaven, and not in all the other isles where Beings may abide. Only on Earth is there such a mix, such a mix of one thing or another, a mix of coincidences that congregate, and are still greater than the sum of all the parts. In fact, now remember a Glorious Oneness upon Earth. Life has had you fooled, Dear Ones.

There is something going on, and it is Life. Life is Life, yet Life on Earth is a mystery of mysteries. We might also call it the Holy of Holies.

What an Adventure you live and skate on. There is a volume of other Adventures you live amongst and apart from what you know you partake in. Sometimes you star in the stories, and sometimes you have walk-on parts, or you are even part of the scenery, as if no more than a painting on the wall. Nevertheless you are involved. You play a Great part.

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Life Is What You Make of It

God said:

There is Life, and there is Life.

Life is what you make of it. This is Life on Earth.

What you make of Life says a lot about you.

Remember that you are not to judge. You are not to weigh even your own Life. Let Me take that back and look at this from different angles. I mean, really, who can sum up Life, for Life is ongoing.


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