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When Love Takes Over

God said:
How big can a heart of love grow? There is no limit. There is no limit on love. Let your heart be a ripe peach, bursting with juice. Or a pomello. Or a luscious watermelon! Let your heart be a giant fruit of love. Feel your heart filling up with love right now. As your heart fills with love, you are rising. Like a balloon, you rise to Heaven. The love in your heart brings you here.

I pump love into your heart. The more love, the lighter your heart, and the higher you rise. Love is self-propelling and self-perpetuating. Love is the sap of the universe. It runs through everything. It runs through you. It nourishes your blood. It oxygenates you.

will's picture


God said:
My beloveds, We spend eternity together. Eternity is encapsulated in this precious wave of Our Oneness. Our Oneness is the ocean. You experience eternity as a crest of a wave you call time.

If, in the world, you could have only five words, what would they be? Oneness, Eternity, Infinity, Love and Joy? These are the words that occur to Me on this wave of light you call time. What words occur to you?

If you could have another five words to use, might they be Mystery, Treasure, Adventure, Life and Diversity?

And so you could continue with layers of words that tell the story.

Perhaps I left out some major words. Creation would be one. God by whatever name I am called would be another.

Words of the relative and Divine mingle, and divisions are made but not clear. All words divide. All categories divide. With words, it is as if you took an apple (Oneness) and cut it into pieces, and made piles. One pile would be the near apple pieces here. Another pile would be the far slices there. Another pile would be big and another would be small. And so is life sorted into piles of words, and more and more categories are made on the outskirts. Even categories go on forever. There is no end to categorizing, it seems.

will's picture

You Are God's Love

God said:

Think of where your attention has been — on the dribs and drabs of life — when all the time your attention could have been on Our togetherness, Our waymaking, Our beauty, Our gifts, Our intelligence.

Your attention has been on little typos of life, omissions, repetitions, and unhappy possibilities.

Now swing your attention to the possibilities of wondrousness. Swing your attention to one possibility, the possibility that We are One, and that together We are greatness in the making. What are you if not in the making?

You who are complete have not completed your awareness. That is all that needs to be completed. And that is a neverending completeness. There is always another hem to sew further on.

will's picture

What Gives You Joy?

God said:

Keep coming back to what gives you joy inside.

Maybe your paid job consists of moving a lever, and that does not give you joy. You have to move the lever, and yet it is not your joy. Perhaps writing poetry is your joy, or reading is. Or dance. Or painting. Or numbers. Or computer programs.

Consider that you are your own child. Give your child the treats that make it happy. Happiness is not incidental. It is not something to overlook. It is essential, and you have the responsibility of providing yourself with happiness. You can’t wait for happiness to descend on you. Wrest it from the universe, beloveds.

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God's Dream of You - Heavenletter #380

God said:

Now that you know greatness resides within you, you will begin to more easily see the greatness within others. You don't have to. It is not something you are ordering. It is something you will begin to see. You will see a whisper of greatness in others. I am there.

It takes great courage to continue on earth, plagued as you are with your thoughts and your fears. You believe that your life on earth is a running of the gauntlet, and you are out of breath. And this gauntlet continues. There is hardly a respite. You long for the still waters where you can drink and sit a while.

will's picture

Put Down Your Bow and Arrow

God said:

There is no distance between Us. There is no time. Therefore, it takes no time for Us to come  together. You think of speed and soon and now and hurry up. Not necessary to worry about speeding up or slowing down your evolution. You don’t have to keep your eyes on your progress all the time. Question not. Don’t panic. You are evolving.

When I speak of your Awareness of Our Oneness, I don’t mean that you have to go out and shop for it. This is not an emergency. Your Awareness is a natural part of your growth. Certainly, you can attend to it, yet it’s not really your province to hurry it up. Your Awareness is inevitable. Have you been looking for safety, perhaps racing toward your evolution as you would a bomb shelter? Urgency is an idea you have. Concern is an idea you have. Prevention is an idea you have.

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Light through the Window

Gloria to God:

Dear God, what would You like to say to me this fine morning?


You are a morning star barely visible in the new sky at dawn. This is your dawn, Gloria. This is dawn awakening in you. This is the dawn of your heritage.

You are at the peak of your life, and all the world stands before you. You stand on earth, and your feet revolve the ball of the earth. Whatever motion, you are on top. You are a whirling dervish. Your soul whirls.

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Ride the Waves

God said:

When you live every moment of your life as the moment it is, you know every moment that occurs as precious. Otherwise, there is a tendency for you to dally with your take on Life – a tendency to, in effect, take a slow-motion picture of Life.

When you analyze excerpts of Life backwards and forwards, when you analyze what occurs, you are not experiencing Life any longer, for then you experience Life on pause. You have put Life aside, so to speak. You experience your preoccupation with Life. You may be fraught with Paraphernalia of Life at a distance from Life itself. Analyzing Life is not the same as living Life.

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Heal Your Own Heart, Beloved

God said:

If I were a military general, I would pin medals on you. For every deed of yours of goodness and mercy, I would honor you with a marching band and drum rolls. Of course, I am not a military general, and I bless and honor you heart and soul. Even if you mess up, I am not deterred.

Messing up even serves. When you gee instead of haw, or haw instead of gee, you may know better next time.

I know your perfection. I have always known it. You may learn hit and miss, yet you are learning. Learning and growing is reason for honor and celebration. Do not think of me as a hard-nosed God. I am a God of Love.

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Unravel Your Love

God said:

As the moon reflects the light of the sun, so do you reflect the light of God. Who can say that it does not? The moon may be called the lesser light, yet can God’s light, wherever it shines, be less?

Certainly it seems so to you. You perceive many shadows , distortions that darken My light as it shimmers through the shades of the world. Beloveds, distortions are distortions. Any distortions of My light can only be the semblance of My light distorted. My light waves are My light waves. Knit them, crochet them, macramé them, and they are still My light, and My light is inalterable. Take away warp and the woof, and you have My light shining in all its original glory.


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