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Why Am I Here?

God said:

Because time does not exist, there is no hurry. Therefore, there is no urgency, no emergency, no rush. There is nothing depending upon anything. In terms of Life in the World, there is no depending upon a whole lot anyway. So where does your sense of urgency and breathlessness come from? It comes from your attention on depending upon certain conditions.

You intend your rented sense of urgency as a condition to bring you what you want. I too want Life to bring you what you want. At the same non-time, I don’t desire you to insist upon Life the way you exhort it, for it is the have-to that entraps you. Free yourself from your attachments, and you free your Life. Sometimes you want to tie Life hand and foot. You want to make Life your slave. No, you are not to entrap Life, do you see what I mean? Do you get it now?

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No Matter What

God said:

More or less, you thought the world had been brutal to you, and now you wonder about yourself and your culpability in it all. Now you count yourself in. Once and for all, perhaps you are getting real.

Have you been seeing yourself as others see you? What an awakening. This is not the kind of awakening you had desired. You had wanted to be right, meaning that you had been wronged. It may be that you had deceived yourself all along. How little did you know, and how sure you were you knew it all. You are taken aback a peg or two. This could be about time. This is revelatory awakening is actually not a bad thing at all.

What a world it would be if there were no justification nor indication of right and wrong. No one would be imperious. Life would just be.

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Walk Like an Angel

God said:

What if I were to tell you that, on My Behalf, you can let go of holding on and begin to allow yourself to be akin to an angel? No longer are you to exult in disharmony. No longer are you to feel beleaguered and find arguments to extend even internally with yourself at great length. Have you thought that arguing and finding fault enhance the world and the Word of God?

You have the wherewithal to please and be pleased rather than to be displeased.

Bestow harmony. Harmony is a blessing. What is all this fuss you have made about how so-called others in the world treat you? Must you go around feeling put upon? What if you would expend greater Good Will and make Good Will shine on Earth?

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I See You Beautiful

God said:

You don’t have to be wrapped up in circumstances. Pretty much circumstances are how you rate yourself in terms of the world. I see you Beautiful. The world and I, as you know by now, don’t see you in the same way.

The world may have taught you that this and that matter. You don’t have to be a certain way for Me. Not at all. I do not demand that you live on a so-called better area of town. I don’t require where you live at all. I do not recognize homeless or palace or mansion or hovel. I don’t require a certain wardrobe of you or education. You don’t need to have a new car to be loved by Me. I am Light and Love. I see with My Eyes and not those of the arbitrary world. I rate you. I rate you not by appearances or anything at all. I Love.

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The Work Police Are Not Chasing You

God said:

When Life is too busy, you are too distracted. It really is in your mind that you are too busy. You may be out of your mind being over-busy.

Perhaps speeding up isn’t the answer. Your mind is too busy as it is simply bouncing off being too busy. You have the same hours everyone else has. The heavy sense of being too busy is a habit of mind. It keeps you from getting down to the business of getting the work done.

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What Will the World Be without You?

God said:

You may worry about everything under the Sun no matter what. You are so tied to Life on Earth as if Life can only be one prescribed way and not another. If you could, you might well control everything under the Sun. You would keep everything in place just as it is now. Contrary to what you may speculate about Life, no matter how much you may begrudge how Life has treated you, Life is enduringly dear to you. One way or another, perceived or not perceived, you know Oneness deeply. You just don’t let on to yourself.

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The God Train

God said:

Take advice from Me. Let go of everything you have always thought in regard to your own value. No longer will you downplay your True Self.

You are My Self. We can say that you are the Fledgling of Me. Can I make it any clearer than this? You come from Me. You are My Child. I love you. You are My Inheritor. I would like you to listen to Me. Let even an inch of what I say enter into your Heart and your Soul and radiate from you to every corner of the Universe. No effort on your part. I will accomplish this Reality and Self-Realization on your behalf. It is in the bag, Dear Ones.

You and I are One. We are of the same Dimension, or, We can say, of the same Unlimited State that goes beyond Dimension. There never was a moment when you and I were separate. You have long-held the idea of separation and the impossibility of Oneness with Me. Now I press Oneness into your hand and from there swiftly into your Heart.

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The Language of Oneness

God said:

You are not a Pretender to the Throne. You are the Inheritor of the Throne. Any way you size it up, this is who you are. You are not an Imposter. The thing is that you may be the last to know. What a fine kettle of fish this is!

Stand upright right now, and be the first to know. Claim yourself. You are ultimately the sparkle in My Eye. It is you I see, and it is you that I look at directly before Me.

There is no distance between Us, Beloveds. Not even a hair’s breadth. You are My One Love. You are the Oneness of which I speak. I whisper in your ear. I look you in the eyes. I see Bright Light zooming all over the world, and the Light is Ours. Come, be in step with Me. We have a cadence, you and I.

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God said:

Surely you don’t think you are meant for suffering in whatever form suffering may appear to you at one time or another. When you feel in the doldrums, don’t add insult to injury. Now it’s about time to get your head on straight once and for all. Detach from the concept of having to hold on to all you hold onto. The Truth is you have to let go.

I know very well you would not destine the whole population to unmitigated suffering. Even you know enough to know that happiness also exists and is happily bestowed.

Sure, that suffering seems to exist is undisputed. The idea that unhappiness is all you have the right to claim is pure slipping the wool over your own eyes. You are made for Happiness. Never would I claim Happiness for Me and for Myself alone and leave you high and dry.

If We are One, and I say We ARE One, then Happiness is to be shared right and left.

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Let All the Sunshine In

God said:

From this moment on, when you are aware that you are worrying, blow yourself a kiss from Me and substitute something else for the worry. Often your worries are imagined. You put yourself in a precarious place. You do realize that you are doing this, don’t you? You bet on worries. You may even feel amiss without something to feel on edge about.

When you recognize that you are worrying, replace your worries with something else for a few moments, if you please.


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