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Knowing the Glory You Are

God said:

When did you wander into the shoals of Earth and accept this alcove you seem to sit in as the Whole Truth of you? How amazing that this portion of Life falls to you on the Beautiful Creation of Earth. It is beautiful, you know. Look at a Sunrise or Sunset. Look at One Leaf of a Tree.

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Soldiers of Good Fortune

God said:

Let Us sail the seas today. Let Us float. Let Us be afloat in Joy.

What does it mean to be on vacation but on vacation from woe, weariness, and worry? Yes, I understand the desire to escape fear and whatever you may see as drudgery and fault in yourself and others – and the Stars.

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The Beloveds of My Heart

God said:

In Life, upon what do you depend? Everyone and everything? Or, worse, nothing at all? A pittance? Loneliness? Regret? Sense of Isolation? Abandonment? Fear?

What is this Peace and Balance in the world you seek? From where and whence do you manifest the Desirable? How is it that you attract the fearsome to you? How is it that you consider fear and let it enter your Life? Let fear be in a shambles, not you, not My Child Whom I hold in Innermost Love.

No longer attach yourself dependently here, there, and everywhere. You gulp, for you may see yourself as a fragile leaf blown about in the wind, seemingly without solidity -- hapless, rootless. How reckless-seeming is the surface of Life when, all the while, you are deeply rooted in the Blessedness of the Universe. Know your Blessedness. It is yours.

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Come to the Sanctity of Green Pastures

God said:

Once upon a time, a world was born. So far as you have been aware, you are a passing fancy, currently active. No one knows your deadline. You must know this isn’t the story I tell. I know you firsthand. I know firsthand that you always existed. There is no day you were not. You are as Eternal as I am. You and I have ever been living in Infinity as One. Never were you not. Furthermore, you are far greater than you ever conceived yourself to be. You’re definitely not a new kid on the block.

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This Is How Life Is

God said:

Just be. No necessity to wear make-up of one kind or another, neither bright nor pale. You are made for more than yourself alone. This does not mean you are made to please others. Please yourself as well and please My Heart, Beloveds. This is how you serve the world.

You don’t have to be up to the minute in your Life. You aren’t a supposition. You aren’t an antic. You are you, and you are real even as, in the world, you are far more than the personality you may have limited yourself to.

Recall yourself to Grace. Be of One Mind with Me. Be of One Heart with Mine.

We shall divvy-up the Glory of Life. As big as a mountain or as small as a pond, let’s make merry while the Sun shines. Let’s make merry even when the Sun doesn’t shine, yet nevertheless is. Life is good however it is dressed. There is nothing like Life. Find all the fault you like, and still nothing equals Life in rain or in shine.

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Invite the Sun

God said:

Better to be a friend than not a friend. Better to love than not to love. Better to be at Peace than in turmoil. You may have learned otherwise – you may have learned the opposite.

Perhaps, in childhood, you learned that Life was to be turmoil and that the littlest disturbance was better than Peace at all costs. You perhaps learned to prefer commotion as a way of Life. Life interfaced, and wildfire was preferred to a field of daisies. Perhaps Peace and Silence are the last wishes you place high on your wish list.

You may forsake Peace, for, in peace, you can hear your own thoughts. Frankly, you may not choose to hear your own thoughts.


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