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Who Are You?

God said:

Look, not everyone has to be like everyone else. Not everyone has to be outgoing. Not everyone has to be the life of the party. Not everyone has to go solo either.

It is perfectly all right to be as you are.

If you like your solitude, like it.

If you like your eggs fried sunny side-up, that’s fine. If you like your eggs in a omelet, so be it.

will's picture

Rising to Greater Heights

God said:

To live for yourself alone has gone out of style. It doesn’t satisfy. Oh, for a time, perhaps, and then you find out that what you at first found satisfying isn’t satisfying any longer. It doesn’t satisfy enough. It is far from enough.
For one thing, you are hard to please, and you change your mind. Another thing is that it becomes tiresome to please yourself.  
It’s not that you are to forget yourself in the world, yet when you actually encompass the whole Universe, you understand that in service to others is how you do serve yourself.

will's picture

Naked Truth

God said:

When you talk to Me, really talk to Me, your ego walks away. That is one of the beauties of talking to Me. You are not able to load yourself up with pretense when you appear before Me.

Your subterfuges leave, and there is you, and there is I, and We restate your life. We restate your take on life.

Naked were you born, and naked will you leave. Naked here does not mean unclothed. It means true, honest, real, unpretentious. You, without all the ruffles you have put around yourself, you, in your being.

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An Embracing Peace

Heavenletter #4772 Published on: December 18, 2013

God said:

To be true to Me and true to yourself is to love. That’s it. It doesn’t have to be loud bounding love. It can be a calm state of love, or, We can call it an embracing peace.

Such love gives no offense and takes none. Rather than in a stew, you are in the calm waters. In other words, you are always resting in Me where there is no disturbance. There are no interruptions or disruptions. We can say that you rest in green pastures.

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What Can Be Lost in Love? | Heavenletters

God said:

This is an expression in the world: “All good things come to an end.” This expression does not express Truth, not at all.
In the Heaven I live in, nothing comes to an end. You understand this, yes? Life does not end. Soul does not end. Where I am, everything is True and everlasting. Beauty is great Truth everlasting. And love. Yes, of course, love.

will's picture

True Grace

God said:

Humility is no more nor less than knowing you don't have to have your own way.

This is a nice big insight. You don't have to be first in line. You don't have to be first in life.

You are not obsequious, yet you can easily let someone else go first. You can let Me go first, My Will not thine.

This is a great secret to life. The humility I speak of is not about acting modestly, you understand. It is not about a role you play. It is not about being polite. It is not about anything but how you see life and what is important and what is not. You can let life go its way. Life is served, and you can skip along. You can traipse rather than march. You are no longer a foe of life. You are no longer an obstructionist.

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The Heart of God Awaits You

God said:

What have you got when you’ve got it? What have you got when fame, wealth, authority are yours? What have you got? It is as if nothing. You can never be what you possess. What you possess is a trifle.

You do not own. There is nothing to own. What there is is to be. It is something for you to be the God-given heart and soul that you are. You ARE. You ARE My Very Self, My very Self-less Self. You are Myself, My Very Self, scattered to Earth in seeming fragments of Myself, and, yet, at the same time, beyond what seems to you, I am My One Self, and you are My One Self too.

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The Glory of Love

God said:

Love flows in an unending stream of itself. Although love may be categorized, love is love. It is not interchangeable with anything else and yet, unlike oil and water, love can merge with anything. There is not anywhere that love does not go. And yet, unbelievably, love is not always welcomed. If love were always welcomed, there would be no wars and no unhappy homes.

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You Are a Vibration of Energy

God said:

Of what is life made if not of you? You are a prerequisite of life and a proponent of life. It is you who makes My dreams come true, or it is you who runs away from My dreams. You play, not only a part, but an important part of the play and display of life on Earth no matter how you dissemble or resemble.

Your existence is like a battery that charges up life, or you are like the moon that moves silently and lights the world whether it is noticed or not.

Certainly, you cannot deny that you have energy, a vibration of energy, and you mount the stage of life, and you sing a song and you dance a dance. You may even be off-stage, quiet in the background, and, just the same, in the background, you stir the actors spotlighted on the stage.

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What Do You Think You Must Atone For?

God said:

Sometimes you seek the ultimate of yourself. No matter how fine you are, tomorrow you want more of yourself. In this way, you are never satisfied.

The cry of More! More! may be asking too much of yourself. You may whip yourself to a frenzy. You may not let up on yourself. You may ask too much of yourself. You may not love yourself enough -- or why would you keep berating yourself? What do you think it is that you must atone for?

I teach forgiveness, yes? No, I don’t even teach you forgiveness, for what do you think you have to be forgiven for? If you have been a scoundrel in a previous Life, so you have been a scoundrel. That was then, and this is now.

Be good to yourself. How can you be beautiful to others when you frown so at yourself? Love yourself first, and then others will be drawn to your Love.


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