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God said:

Perhaps one day you just walk into a department store, and you are handed a piece of paper with a number on it. It is possible you are holding a winning ticket.

How easy it is to win something just like that without effort. You were innocent. You walked into a store. You have a chance to win something, and so nice when you do actually win it. It is a blessing to feel lucky. Just that – lucky! You wear a big smile. The Universe has just blessed you. It blessed you from out of the blue. You are pleased.

This is how I desire you to feel at every turn in the world – favored by the Universe. The Universe looks forward to blessing you. The Universe is all for you.

No need and no way to verify a winning lottery ticket ahead of time. You can't. Who said you have to know ahead of time? No one except you perhaps. Dear One, you don't even have to have a long list of reasons why you should win, deserve to win, or must win. When you win, you win. You got tapped on your shoulder. You just had to be there within reach.

When it comes to Happiness in Life, I most assuredly request that you enter into Life fully with your heart secure.

Without discussion, open up that heart of yours. I never advise that you urge your heart to sulk. There is no way I suggest you discourage yourself from coming out ahead. Never do I want to hear you say or intimate:

"Naw, I'll never win."

Be your own booster.

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A Good Citizen of Life

God said:

What, for God's sake, has convinced you that you are the judge and jury of Life? Live your life, yet it isn't for you to be a holy critic of Life. What if you would be a Good Citizen of Life and be amiable with yourself and Life? Let Life make its twists and turns. There is more to Life in the World than your correcting of it.

Here is what I have been hearing from your heart and mind:

"Thank You, God, for this experiment -- these Waves of Life as they apply to me. These waves are not mine. They pass by me. They are Infinite, these Moments in Time that sometimes may seem to trespass against me. It seems that my regard for Life is made of Habits of Thought.

"Sometimes I hesitate to accept Life. I measure it instead. I do not really see Life as Holy. Too often it has seemed to me that Life has no right to go here and there and take me with it as though I were a tender heart and soul. I am a Mover of Life, yet I personally am not Lord and Master of Life even as, in the final analysis, I hear You say that I, like You, am the Indweller of All Life.

"If only I, this individual as I perceive myself, would get past this Mirage of Time, give myself a Stay of Execution, as it were. At present, I stomp around, perceiving myself as fragile and vulnerable, when the Truth is that nothing untoward can happen to me. I am Infinite. I am Eternal. All this temporariness I am convinced of affects me as much and as often as I allow it to. It is a theory I carry with me, when, as Pure Being, I carry nothing with me. I have no possessions.

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Sing a Song of the Sea

God said:

No one wants to feel heartache. You want none of it. No one wants any of it, and yet you may be mired in heartache just the same. Where do you go from here?

There is no virtue in heartache. Not even one day or night of it is worthwhile for you or for anyone, nor for the world. How do you undo heartache, this contagious malaise that you may allow to drag you down, sometimes day after day, one day on top of another.


Let Us uplift the world at large. Let's uplift all hearts and declare a new independence upon Earth. Be a sovereign independent soul who travels on Earth with a purposeful destination in mind and in heart. Let go of any sense of desolation you may crowd yourself with.

Come to the mountaintops with Me.

You are like the prow of a ship as it furrows through the sea. Always forward, you forge ahead through the Waves of Your Maiden Sea Voyage. You get your sea legs, and you deliver your wares.

When was a boat ever meant to pick up sludge along the way? It is for boats to sail the waters and calm the seas.

Each of you, My children, has your own bloodstream within you that is like your own personal ocean. Ocean waters are to be cool, and your bloodstream is to be calm as you buoy life for smooth-sailing.

Consider your personal voyage a Sail across the Waters of Life. You are like a ferryboat. Be an easy-going ferryboat while you are at it.

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You Are My Beloved

God said:

Life is out of sight. Dimensions of Life are out of sight. Unless you see all, you see only part. Nevertheless, even if you can't see all, you can know all. There is within you a talisman that goes far beyond your intellect. You can accept all I say. You can believe all I say.

You can believe that you live in a Universe vaster than you have any idea of. You can outdo all your past knowing and all your past ignorance and return to your original innocence that is wise beyond intellect. Intellect can scoff even at a wonder.

You are a wonder. Everyone on Earth is a wonder. You are wondrous. You are a Masterpiece of My Art that I created free-form. There is no one else on Earth like you. There is no one person in all the world like you. There never was another one just like you, and there will never be again. Think of it, no two snowflakes are alike. What Wondrousness then, can you not be?

Neither individuality nor universality is to be taken as so-so. If there is more than mortar and tendon that go into the making of a building, there is greater that goes into the making of a new human Being. No matter how many babies are born in a day, there are no assembly lines. There is uniqueness innumerable times a day. This is not new. This has never been otherwise.

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Ride the Waves

God said:

When you live every moment of your life as the moment it is, you know every moment that occurs as precious. Otherwise, there is a tendency for you to dally with your take on Life – a tendency to, in effect, take a slow-motion picture of Life.

When you analyze excerpts of Life backwards and forwards, when you analyze what occurs, you are not experiencing Life any longer, for then you experience Life on pause. You have put Life aside, so to speak. You experience your preoccupation with Life. You may be fraught with Paraphernalia of Life at a distance from Life itself. Analyzing Life is not the same as living Life.

If you just lived Life as it comes, you would not have irritation, annoyance, franticness, being out of sorts, etc. nor would you have the need to defend your displeasure. You would be Pure Being in love with Life as it flows to and fro. You would live the Truth of Who You Are. You would not contemplate yourself as if you are only an Object of Life when you are Life Itself. You wouldn't be caught up in the throes of anxiety. You wouldn't wonder what is the matter and what you must do about it. If you were not trammeled with your simulated dissection of your Life, you would adore Life as it delivers itself. You would not be so puzzled by it. You would live Life on Earth more in Living Color. There would be no more dirges.

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The Highest Fruit on the Tree

God said:

Think of all you want to occur. No longer think in terms of what has not yet occurred, as when you see yourself as forlorn and abandoned. What a difference your angle of approach makes. What a difference the door whose knob you turn makes in your life. By all means, enter the Gate of Opportunity. Don't pay any attention to that shadowy door of defeat.

When you see two entrances, choose the one that offers what you want. Don't think of burying your dreams – absolutely not. Open wide all your dreams. Whatever it is you dream of, know that it lies within your reach. Reach for it.

At the same time, be open to even more treasures than you know how to ask for. Desire to receive. Desire to be open to your desires. Your desires come from somewhere. You don't have to know where. Acknowledge that I created you capable of reaching the Highest Fruit on the Tree.

Mind you, this doesn't mean that you are owed all you desire. Deserving and being owed are not the same. You are not being mistreated or underserved by not receiving every desire you hold in the palm of your hand. Remember, there is always more out there waiting for you.

Possibly you have been thinking that the world conspires against you. Earth Life is not out to get you, entrap you, flail you, or deceive you. Earth Life is looking out for you. Tremendous opportunity awaits you. More keys on the piano are playing for you, cheering you on, and embracing you far more than you dare believe. The world amazingly makes connections for you.

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"What Am I Waiting for, God?"

God said:

I hear you. I hear you say:

"Beloved God, how tense I am. Please help me to calm down. I am wound tight like a clock. I alarm myself with my intensity. If only I could let go. What do I think I am doing? And for what? It isn't that I have to hold onto this that is called Life forever, yet I do not have to spend my Life in some kind of panic that I don't even know why I have it or what it's about. Unwind me, dear God. Let me be with You, and be a staunch supporter for You and the Kingdom of Heaven that You spread before us.

"I scatter my gift of love from You and replace it with a huge panic. Well, God, this is a far cry from what I ask of myself and of what You ask of me. I say I want to serve You far and wide, yet I seem to serve You one kind of rue or another.

"With all my heart and determination of will, I want to serve You whipped cream and blueberries and strawberries in beautiful glass bowls that extend beyond the Universe. Instead, I am uptight and serve You stiffened unbending tension raucously. Am I really so misbegotten? Am I all bluster without substance?

"What is it I am trying to do? What am I exploding about? Am I to be a firecracker when I desire to be a well-wisher and peacemaker on Earth? God, what is my difficulty here? Is it too much attention on myself? Do I wear clothes that are too tight?

"God, as I appear to myself now, I am a wild card. There is no accounting for me. There is no accounting for my tension. What is so hard about letting bygones be bygones.

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Heart of the Matter

God said:

My children cry out: "Why not joy, God? Why not joy? Is there any reason at all not to unfold joy on this fertile Earth?"

There is no reason at all. Anything less than joy is just a smoke-screen, a cover-up for Love, as if you can't smile and be glad to. The cover-up is something you insert to hide the Love you keep in reserve. Is love too much for you? Why not simply Love and let Love be voiced in every intention? Harmony all, nothing less. Peace unto two dear children or a hundred dear children at a time. No more dancing around the Heart of the Matter of Love.

You know, everyone desires Love. For the time being, desire to be simply at peace. Desire peace between two individuals who have more Love than they know what to do with. There is no good reason to dissemble where Love is. Do you really think it is safer to pre-empt Love and turn it into a drama where Love pretends to be not? Cultivate Love.

It is not for My children to pretend they Love any more than it is for My children to pretend non-Love.

If Love were flowers, would you not Let Love Bloom? It is definitely not your call to stuff Love in a corner somewhere. It is not for you to get back to Love sometime. No, it is for you to open wide the portals of Love and not deny it or block it. Love is now and definitely not to be shunted aside. Love is not an orphan. Love is the most beloved child of all.

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Ah, the Relative World

God said:

Beloved Ones, do you believe you know just how everything in Life is supposed to be? You may be certain that Life isn't to appear the way it does, yet Life has appeared in this way. You protest. You may protest big time, yet, where does protest get you?

Life may not be a snap for you right now. There may well be nothing jolly about the situation you find yourself in. Sooner or later, some way or another, you have to make peace with Life as it appears right now, whether or not Life at the Moment is your favored choice or not.

To be in a difficult situation is hard enough. To be in a difficult situation is extra hard when you refuse to bend. Make peace with Life and the people in it.

Let go of your attachment to your thoughts being correct, and Life at fault. Fault is not the question. Fault doesn't make your heartache better. In fact, fault bolts you to where you are. Prove wrong-doing to the hilt, and, still, you are where you are.

Let's get you unstuck. Once there was a story about a man who was in severe pain because of his right big toe. There was no lessening of the pain he experienced until – until he was wounded in his left knee as well. Then the sore toe wasn't so sore. This tale points out how it is that everything in the world is relative.

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Bridge of Life

God said:

Life can bruise you, particularly when you get into the details. Better to stay out of the details. You are not an attorney in Life who is responsible for bringing up all the misdemeanors that are evidenced in your life. You are not counting. You are not counting misdeeds nor are you counting disappointments and others' intentions. Drop them. Let them go. There is no real fulfillment in finding anyone guilty. How far do you think vindication goes? Where does it get you but smug?

Let offenders walk away from your life. Let offense go away. As you walk through Life, some people will walk beside you at a comfortable pace. Others may pass you on the right or on the left. Others may walk into you or elbow you. This is a toll you pay for walking on the Bridge of Life. Look not for cause and justification to smolder or to battle.

The Life You Live is not meant to be like the Dodgem at a county fair. You don't purposefully crash into others. You have been knocked aside, and you have barreled into others. You have entered the fray, and you have run away from it.

There is a Master Plan that is to lift you higher. Lean back a little. Don't take so much to heart about another's actions and reactions, and don't make too much of your own.

Life is not meant to be made of retaliation. You are not to be a predator. Leave Life alone. You don't have to wrap Life up neatly. You don't have to settle scores. You are not in the payback school of thought. Be in the Let Go School of Life and Love.


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