God said:
What, for God's sake, has convinced you that you are the judge and jury of Life? Live your life, yet it isn't for you to be a holy critic of Life. What if you would be a Good Citizen of Life and be amiable with yourself and Life? Let Life make its twists and turns. There is more to Life in the World than your correcting of it.
Here is what I have been hearing from your heart and mind:
"Thank You, God, for this experiment -- these Waves of Life as they apply to me. These waves are not mine. They pass by me. They are Infinite, these Moments in Time that sometimes may seem to trespass against me. It seems that my regard for Life is made of Habits of Thought.
"Sometimes I hesitate to accept Life. I measure it instead. I do not really see Life as Holy. Too often it has seemed to me that Life has no right to go here and there and take me with it as though I were a tender heart and soul. I am a Mover of Life, yet I personally am not Lord and Master of Life even as, in the final analysis, I hear You say that I, like You, am the Indweller of All Life.
"If only I, this individual as I perceive myself, would get past this Mirage of Time, give myself a Stay of Execution, as it were. At present, I stomp around, perceiving myself as fragile and vulnerable, when the Truth is that nothing untoward can happen to me. I am Infinite. I am Eternal. All this temporariness I am convinced of affects me as much and as often as I allow it to. It is a theory I carry with me, when, as Pure Being, I carry nothing with me. I have no possessions.