Wes Annac

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The Voice Within: It Doesn’t Matter What You Believe

Photo by PocahontasBrandy, 2013
Photo by PocahontasBrandy, 2013

An intuitive message by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness

The ‘voice within’ is just that – an inner voice that you can connect with and receive advice, guidance and general assistance from along your developing spiritual path. You can call your inner voice whatever you want, and the most popular label it’s usually given is the ‘higher self’.

It doesn’t matter what you call this voice that constantly assists you, nor does it matter how your refer to the numerous spiritual guides you each have at your disposal, who wait for any opportunity to help you along your difficult but necessary evolution back into the higher states of consciousness you seek to anchor onto earth.

The biggest factor that stops people from connecting with their inner voice is the unwillingness to believe that any sort of ‘higher self’ or spiritual guides exist or seek to help them along the spiritual path. We do exist and we do want to help you, but we’d never force our assistance onto anyone – especially those who are unwilling to believe in it.

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Being Aware of Awareness

Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness

“If, then, I were asked for the most important advice I could give, that which I considered to be the most useful to the men of our century, I should simply say: in the name of God, stop a moment, cease your work, look around you.”
― Leo Tolstoy (1)

A reader recently mentioned an interesting idea, which is that we can be aware of awareness.

How can we do this, you ask? From my perspective, the best way is to act on the things we become aware of. Awareness is a concept that doesn’t receive as much attention as it should, and if we’re more aware of it, we might make choices each day that are aligned with it.

Most of us consider ourselves spiritually aware, but how often do we act on the things we’ve learned? How often do we actually put our lessons into play? If we really ask ourselves these questions, we might find that we haven’t expanded or lived up to our awareness as much as we could be.

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5 Questions You Might Have About Channeling

Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness

The basic philosophy that underlies channeling and the ‘new age’ community is that there are higher, spiritually refined planes of existence beyond the physical earth. In these realms are believed to exist all kinds of spiritually evolved entities who, in service to Source, attempt to communicate with beings in lower realms.

Their objective is to connect with us and help us spiritually evolve, and a lot of different channeled messages glitter the internet these days. There are messages that claim to come from angels, archangels, extraterrestrials, ascended masters – the list goes on and on.

While each message is unique, they all share a common theme, which is that the channeled entity gives spiritual advice that’s meant to help us learn, grow and refine our consciousness to the point that we can spiritually evolve.

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Why Take Creativity So Seriously?

Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness

I’ve written a lot about my passion for music, and like a lot of people, I think it’s the language of the soul. It connects us with the spiritual realms in a direct and intense way, and playing it is one of the best ways to stay in touch with our essence; the aspect of our consciousness that’s constantly connected with the higher realms.

I don’t think I could ever stop playing music, but I recently decided to make it more of a hobby than something I pursue full-time. It’s a talent I still have yet to fully develop, and after working for months to develop it, I’m realizing that I’ve started to take it too seriously.

Singing is the main aspect of it that I’ve taken too seriously, because I put too much pressure on myself to sound ‘good’. Singing is something that you want to be good at if you want to seriously pursue, and this decision stems from the fact that after months of relatively consistent practice, my voice isn’t quite where I want it to be.

The decision to make music more of a hobby is actually liberating, because it allows me to free up time for other pursuits like writing, meditation, developing the blog and, when it’s warm out, getting out to nature and feeling the good vibration Gaia constantly radiates.

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Failure Isn’t Failure Until We Give Up

Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness

Failure is an illusion we’ve convinced ourselves is reality, and we’ll have to be willing to fail a few times before we achieve any kind of success. Failure isn’t meant to stop us from doing the things we fail at – it’s meant to help us realize and overcome our shortcomings so we can learn, grow and refine our creativity.

When we feel like we’ve failed at something, the first thing we usually want to do is give up. The impulse is there to just stop; to quit doing the things we have so much trouble with, but we can’t give in to that impulse if we want to hone our craft.

We can’t let that impulse stop us, and little do we know, the success we seek is right on the other side of our failures. In most cases, a closed and rigid mind is what causes us to greet failure with the impulse to give up, and we might want to call on love and spirit if we want the strength not to quit.

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Transcending the Illusion of Time

Taken from Quotesvalley.com

Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness

I wrote the following for the 132nd issue of The Culture of Awareness Weekly Newsletter, which I offer for $11.11 a month. Income from the newsletter helps my family and I get by, and you’ll find the option to subscribe at the bottom of this post.

To begin for this week, I’d like to give my perspective on the importance of transcending earthly concepts that can keep us from exploring or expressing our spirituality. There are plenty of things here on earth that stop us from shining our light, and one of the most confining concepts we experience is time.

As we’re learning, time is an illusion we’ve convinced ourselves is reality. While we won’t all-out transcend our experience of day and night if we stop paying attention to time (nor will the days, weeks and months cease to go by), we’ll make life a lot easier for ourselves because we’ll no longer let it confine us.

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Staying Balanced: Can We Let Go?

Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness

“The truth is, unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless you forgive the situation, unless you realize that the situation is over, you cannot move forward.” - Steve Maraboli (1)

If we want to emotionally survive in this world, we’ll want to learn to roll with the punches and let things go. Things will happen each day that we’d rather ignore or hide from, and the best thing we can do is embrace them and ask ourselves how we can solve the problems they’ve presented.

Or, we can hide away and hate the world for the challenges it gives us. It’s easy to stay rooted in our own negativity, which can pop up at random times over silly things that, when we look back on, we wonder why we reacted so strongly to, but happiness will seem further and further away if we do.

I’ve had plenty of experience with the self-created negativity that comes with facing challenges, and it’ll get us down and keep us from shining our light all day if we let it. It’s far more worth our time to willingly meet the challenges we face as we flow through life, but as long as we let it, the mind’s rigidity will keep us from handling challenge in a centered way.

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Enlightenment and the Middle Ground

Taken from Filipinofreethinkers.com

Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness

“Knowing others is wisdom; Knowing the self is enlightenment; Mastering others requires force; Mastering the self needs strength” – Lao Tzu

I write about enlightenment so much because of its importance to the spiritual path, especially for the person who has unresolved habits and tendencies that keep them from raising their vibration. I’m not saying we shouldn’t take any advice we’re given with a grain of salt, however, and we should always be discerning with the things we learn, no matter who they come from.

Only the advice we receive from within should be taken with minimal discernment, and even when it comes to inner guidance, we’ll want to take what works for us and let the rest fall away.

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Planetary Healing: The Little Things We Can Do

Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness

I wrote the following for the 132nd issue of The Culture of Awareness Weekly Newsletter, which I offer for $11.11 a month. Income from the newsletter helps my family and I get by, and the option to subscribe via PayPal can be found at the bottom of this post.

This week, we’ll talk about the little things we can do to heal the earth. A lot of big things obviously need done to restore our world to its once pristine condition, and we’ll make those big changes when everyone can come together, but until then, we can ask ourselves what small acts we can do to make things better for mother nature.

By making small changes, we can facilitate the much larger changes that need made before the earth can be a fully restored, healed world that provides its people with all the resources we need without us exploiting it or personally profiting from its resources.

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Which Creative Path is Best?

Credit: Jackieleasommers.com

Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness

“An essential aspect of creativity is not being afraid to fail.” – Edwin Land

I wrote in a recent ‘Wisdom with Wes’ column about sticking to a certain few creative outlets, because we don’t want to burn ourselves out or scatter ourselves trying to work hard at all of them.

We can make the few we pursue better if we stick with them, work hard and express plenty of patience, but like I said in the column, we can’t really develop ten different creative outlets. We can still enjoy the things we aren’t great at – we just don’t want to make them a priority.

I’ve reached a point in life where I’m asking myself what I really want to do; what I want to be known for. I’m not trying to be egotistical, but I want to decide, once and for all, what creative paths I want to stick with. I can pour myself into them once I know for sure, and I think writing, music and intuitively communicating are the best things for me to pursue.


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