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Energetic & Meditative Rituals with Spirit - Faye Naturales

by Ulonda Faye, Faye Naturales

There is a special energy that surrounds each and every one of us.  Special, in the sense, that it is an energy of our very own.  Each one of us carries a unique energetic vibration with specific codes and patterns.  We journey into the path deeper as we awaken these dormant codes and energy fields.  Knowing that everything around us is alive and filled with energy, we walk the path with great humility and respect for all.

“How do we tap into this energy?”, you may ask.  At each moment, we can connect with our greater energy field as well as with the energy field of the collective.  Most often, it happens as we set an intention to make it an important aspect of our day and life path.

Specific rituals can help us tap into and balance this energy as well.  We set the intention to flow with it and connect with it, and we create specific rituals to encourage a deepening of this process.

I start and end my day, with this very intention, along with others, and I have specific rituals for my specific soul journey.

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As this shift continues, little victories will be won.  Your Earth plane is getting used to different ways of thinking.  The process that was slow (very slow) at first will gain momentum.  Remember, it is best to let things develop as they would naturally.  This will give you the time to step into the person that you are meant to be now.  Yes, it may be challenging and a little scary, but you can do it! ~ Creator


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Daily Message ~ Wednesday December 13, 2017

Many of you understand the importance of balance, but think it is one static place you must find. But balance is not one unmovable alignment. True balance comes from movement and flow.

Think of being on a bicycle. It is very difficult to balance on a bicycle if you are not moving. But as soon as there is movement, your balance comes back very quickly.

Dear Ones, the energies are always moving, as will your balance point. That is the beauty of working with surrender and flow – it will always lead you to the find exactly what is required for your balance and forward movement.

It is the ebb and flow of the universe that creates an overall balance. If you stop and listen to your body and surrender to its own divine intelligence, it will let you know exactly what you require and how to get there.

Knowing your balance point might change every day depending on what your own unique needs are and what the energies are supporting will help you start to see the flow as what it really is, a tool that supports you in your wellness and comfort. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 12/12/2017

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Life is a play. There is nothing to be achieved out of it, it itself is the goal; there is nowhere to reach, it itself is the Ultimate. Life is not moving to achieve some goal, it is not going anywhere. It is just like children playing, you cannot ask them: For what are you playing? What is the purpose? They will laugh at your foolishness. They will say: We are simply playing. It is so beautiful! Profit is not their concern, and profit should also not be your concern, but play.


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What Will the World Be without You?

God said:

You may worry about everything under the Sun no matter what. You are so tied to Life on Earth as if Life can only be one prescribed way and not another. If you could, you might well control everything under the Sun. You would keep everything in place just as it is now. Contrary to what you may speculate about Life, no matter how much you may begrudge how Life has treated you, Life is enduringly dear to you. One way or another, perceived or not perceived, you know Oneness deeply. You just don’t let on to yourself.

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Birth Control Pill Officially Linked to Increased Risk of Breast Cancer

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Some predict that in coming years cancer rates will climb to 1 in 2 adults, and in the throes of such a serious cancer epidemic, all eyes are on causes and cures. Hormonal birth control has long been suspected of contributing to the risk of developing cancer, and this claim is further supported by a European study of cancer rates in women who use this hugely popular method of birth control.

Looking at a large swath of data collected on Danish women using hormonal birth control, researchers note a link to the development of breast cancer, coming to the following conclusions:

“For those who had been taking some form of hormonal contraceptive – whether orally, via an implant, patch, IUD, or vaginal ring – the risk of getting breast cancer was comparatively increased.

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12 Dec Daily Message ~ Tuesday December 12, 2017

May you replace your worry with intention, your wounds with healing, your fears with faith, your lack with abundance, your loneliness with connection, your hopelessness with dreams, your judgment with acceptance, your anxiety with peace, and your yearning with love. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Breathe Deep, Practice Patience

This shift is going to bring many extremes.  You may have already begun to notice them.  Those you thought were more ‘middle ground’ will swing far beyond what you thought.  You may even be participating in it.  Do not be dismayed!  Oftentimes, these deep, personal shifts are the soul deciding where to settle for the most effective inner change.  And, in finding that inner balance, you will be able to affect change in your world.  This is your chance to practice the patience you have been speaking about to others.  (Smiling)  Breathe deep and know that all is well. ~ Creator


GFP Newsletter - 12/11/2017

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Again and again.... Life is an eternal recurrence, death is just a rest. You need not be worried about it, you simply live. And if you live then you are not serious. If you are afraid of death, then you are serious. To be sincere is one thing, to be serious is another. A man who loves life is sincere, authentic, but never serious. Life is not like an illness. If you are looking at death and are obsessed with death, then life is just serious - then you will become a long-face. You may move to the monasteries, to the temples, go to the Himalayas, but you will remain a long-face. It is fear that has taken you to the monastery.

Remember, an authentic religious person is not fear-oriented, he is love-oriented. A really authentic religious person becomes religious to enjoy life more, to enjoy it deeply and totally. He is not scared.

A real religious man looks at life as a game: it is not business, it is a game. Hindus call it LEELA, a play; not even a game but a play.

There is a difference between a game and play. Children play, but you even make a game out of play. Then it becomes business-like, then even in playing you are seeking victory, success, gain, profit.



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