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The Microbiome In Your Body Thrives With Regular Physical Contact

Hugging helps the immune system, cures depression, reduces stress and induces sleep. Gut bacteria also appears to thrive with regular physical contact, suggests new data that shows 'huddling' actions lead to a synchronised microbiome.

Beneficial bacteria in the gut are known to attack pathogens, manufacture vitamins and even act as anti-cancer agents. Recent research has strengthened the scientific understanding that the microbes that live in your gut may affect what goes on in your body.

"When people with different gut microbiomes interact, they share their symbiotic bacteria through touch," said Aura Raulo, lead author and graduate student at Oxford University's department of zoology.

"I might host a bacteria in my gut that is well-behaved, and fits my symbiotic gut community, but might turn out to be an invasive pathogen in another person who is not accustomed to it."

The animal data, published in the Journal of Animal Ecology, have implications for human health as microbes refine immune defence. By sharing microbial allies and enemies infections are reduced by opportunist pathogens in a show of cooperative immunity, the team from Oxford University suggest.

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The God Train

God said:

Take advice from Me. Let go of everything you have always thought in regard to your own value. No longer will you downplay your True Self.

You are My Self. We can say that you are the Fledgling of Me. Can I make it any clearer than this? You come from Me. You are My Child. I love you. You are My Inheritor. I would like you to listen to Me. Let even an inch of what I say enter into your Heart and your Soul and radiate from you to every corner of the Universe. No effort on your part. I will accomplish this Reality and Self-Realization on your behalf. It is in the bag, Dear Ones.

You and I are One. We are of the same Dimension, or, We can say, of the same Unlimited State that goes beyond Dimension. There never was a moment when you and I were separate. You have long-held the idea of separation and the impossibility of Oneness with Me. Now I press Oneness into your hand and from there swiftly into your Heart.

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Daily Message ~ Monday December 11, 2017

As you finish up this year and move forward into the energies of 2018, many of you think about changes you’d like to make in your lives. This is a wonderful practice! But did you know that making your new year resolutions before the solstice can help you be more successful in implementing those changes?

The solstice is a powerful time of reflecting on how far you have come, and from this new energetic platform, what you would like to create and experience. It utilizes the power of the planets to energetically lock in the progress you have made since the last solstice, and marks the end of an old phase and the beginning of a new phase in a sacred way.

So if there are changes you would like to make in your life, if you begin to incorporate them for the solstice, even in small steps, you will support yourself by energetically anchoring those changes in a much greater and easier way than waiting until the new year.

Waiting until the new year to make new changes not only misses the energetic support of the solstice, it also involves trying to make positive changes while being challenged by shifting into the energies of a brand new year. It can take several weeks (sometimes all the way to the first equinox) to get fully comfortable and integrated into the energy of a new year, and attempting to make big changes during such a time can be quite challenging.

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Manifesting Feelings

One of the most important things to remember in this very moment; whatever you are feeling now can change!  You may believe that manifestation is for ‘things’ only.  Think again, darling one!  Just as you would bring physical objects into your life, it is completely possible to bring feelings of joy, love, peace, family and success as well.  The sticking point is to decide whether you are ready to let go of what is holding those things back for you.  It is a new time and is your choice, it has always been your choice. ~ Creator


GFP Newsletter - 12/10/2017

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Look at the flower that bloomed this morning.... Just near the flower there is a rock. By the evening, the flower will be gone but the rock will be there, because the flower is more alive and the rock is not so alive. The flower is dead by the evening. What do you want? - to be a rock-like phenomenon or a flower-like phenomenon? Why does the flower die so soon? - because it is so alive, so intensely alive that death comes quickly; it doesn't linger on. The flower was not dragging; it lived the moment, it lived totally - it danced under the sky, it enjoyed the sun, the breeze. For a moment it was eternity.

The flower laughed, the flower sang, the flower did whatsoever was to be done, and by the evening, the flower was ready to die - and without a single tear in her eyes, without weeping and crying.

Look at a dying flower - the petals have already fallen on the ground but you can never say that it is ugly - it is beautiful in death also. Then look at a man dying; he becomes ugly. Why? - because of the fear. Fear makes you ugly. If you are too afraid you will become more and more ugly. The flower is fulfilled; now the time to rest has come and the flower is going to rest, and when the rest is over the flower will come back.


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How Strong Is Your Intuition? It Might Be The Highest Form of Intelligence

by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

This article was inspired by one published in Forbes with the same title. Who would have ever expected to see Forbes, a finance publication, post something about intuition? This is a surefire sign that times really are changing.

So, if you’re thinking, intuition has nothing to do with intelligence, then you’re not alone. Because intuition is so difficult to measure and observe. The dictionary definition of intuition is as follows:

“1. the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning.”

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The Language of Oneness

God said:

You are not a Pretender to the Throne. You are the Inheritor of the Throne. Any way you size it up, this is who you are. You are not an Imposter. The thing is that you may be the last to know. What a fine kettle of fish this is!

Stand upright right now, and be the first to know. Claim yourself. You are ultimately the sparkle in My Eye. It is you I see, and it is you that I look at directly before Me.

There is no distance between Us, Beloveds. Not even a hair’s breadth. You are My One Love. You are the Oneness of which I speak. I whisper in your ear. I look you in the eyes. I see Bright Light zooming all over the world, and the Light is Ours. Come, be in step with Me. We have a cadence, you and I.

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Daily Message ~ Sunday December 10, 2017

Dear Ones, we understand that many of you are much more comfortable with giving rather than receiving. But asking for help when you need it is essential for moving forward in your life expressions with greater ease and comfort. The holiday season is one where imbalances in giving, receiving, and asking and being heard often come much more into focus.

You see, asking for help allows people to help you appropriately. If others know you will ask for help if you need it, it takes the guess work out of things. It allows them to put their focus elsewhere, rather than scrutinizing others to see if they are being honest about what their needs are.

Just like working with your own guides who must honour your free will, which means you must ask before they have the permission to help you, asking others for help is clear communication of what your needs are. It supports healthy boundaries and allows others the pleasure of being of service to you.

During the holiday season where so many of you find yourselves overworked and overwhelmed, we urge you to move into healthier balance. Ask for help if you need it. Give help if others ask for it and you are able. Clearly communicating your needs and allowing others to step up to assist is a wonderful way to avoid the resentment that can come from taking on too much in martyred service.

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Honesty & Integrity

As you move forward from this pivotal point in time, please keep in mind that the only things you truly own are your honesty and integrity.  Being transparent and maintaining that transparency will be of the utmost importance in the coming months.  Being true to yourself will keep your centered, grounded and connected to the whole.  How you see yourself will, ultimately, be how others see you.  Embrace all that is good and The Universe, as always, will respond in kind. ~ Creator


GFP Newsletter - 12/9/2017

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You are self-conscious but not conscious of yourself; you are aware but there is an ego. You are aware of the total - the trees, the sun's rays, the breezes blowing, the birds singing, your activity - the digging of the hole, the mud coming out - you are aware of everything except yourself. If you became conscious of yourself, in that moment an orgasmic feeling would happen. It is like deep love, it is like sleep, it is like death. You will come out of it totally different and new.

If you don't move into a let-go, life cannot happen to you. It happens through that passage when you are not. When you are not standing in the way, then life happens to you, then you feel fulfilled.

When you are fulfilled there is no fear of death. When there is no fear of death, you become more and more capable of let-go.



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