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God said:

Surely you don’t think you are meant for suffering in whatever form suffering may appear to you at one time or another. When you feel in the doldrums, don’t add insult to injury. Now it’s about time to get your head on straight once and for all. Detach from the concept of having to hold on to all you hold onto. The Truth is you have to let go.

I know very well you would not destine the whole population to unmitigated suffering. Even you know enough to know that happiness also exists and is happily bestowed.

Sure, that suffering seems to exist is undisputed. The idea that unhappiness is all you have the right to claim is pure slipping the wool over your own eyes. You are made for Happiness. Never would I claim Happiness for Me and for Myself alone and leave you high and dry.

If We are One, and I say We ARE One, then Happiness is to be shared right and left.

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Internet Has Raised $400,000 For Homeless Man Who Gave Woman His Last $20

by Dulce Ruby, Collective Evolution

Just last month, a 27 year old woman named Kate McClure found herself driving down a New Jersey road close to midnight when her car ran out of gas. As her initial response was to get back on her way, but instead she decided to walk to the nearest gas station. But then, as she began to do so, a homeless man named Johnny warned her against it.

As a precaution, he suggested that she stay in her car and lock the doors. He then went ahead and offered to fetch the gas for her. Because McClure didn’t have any cash on her, she didn’t want to accept his offer. But that’s when Johnny did something amazing: he used his last $20 to help her get back home safely.

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Daily Message ~ Saturday December 9, 2017

Many of you are so committed to your enlightenment journey, you worry if you are doing enough. You wonder, am I good enough? Am I loving enough? Am I grateful enough?

Dear Ones, you are always enough! The very fact that you are an individuated aspect of Source energy automatically, through your birthright, ensures you are always delightfully and divinely more than enough. Even if you have made what you consider to be mistakes, you are learning and evolving and experiencing, which continues to drive the shift on your planet.

But to reassure you further, the fact that you worry about being good enough or loving enough or grateful enough, by its very nature, indicates that you are, for it is foremost in your thoughts and intentions.

You are kind and mindful and caring beings. Celebrate your innate goodness, your desire to show up as the divine and loving beings you are, and know you are doing a marvellous job. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Moving Forward

Please remember why you chose to be here now.  You were called and responded to a great need on your Earth plane.  You do not have to understand the full extent of why, just know that you are doing the best you can to facilitate this momentous change the best way you can.  You are doing a wonderful job, my love!  Keep up the good work! ~ Creator

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Mercury Retrograde In Sagittarius: Redefining Beliefs and Aspirations

by Carmen Di Luccio, Collective Evolution

Mercury began its latest edition of its retrograde process on December 3, which will last until December 22/23. In the weeks and especially days leading up to it, we start to notice its effects, as Mercury slows down and comes to a stop before moving the other way.

Mercury retrograde is famous for the problematic effects it often has on communication technology, transactions, motor vehicles, anything with moving parts, and commuting in general. We could experience some challenges, misunderstandings, and errors around our communications, numbers/details, and commerce, as well as changes, cancellations, or delays in our schedules. We may also feel more challenged when we are doing excessive analytical work without using our internal guidance.

Although there is a higher probability of experiencing more of these problems during this time, they won’t necessarily apply to every situation. Some people may not notice these energies as much, depending on what types of things they are doing and how the astrology is playing out unique to the person’s astrological blueprint.

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Daily Message ~ Friday December 8, 2017

If you are experiencing doubt or resistance, stop and ask yourself, “Is this fear?” Is the fear based on anything concrete or is it due to the unknown of the future?

If the fear is concrete, explore your feelings around it. Is this a cycle or pattern? Does this match who you are today vs who you were when it started? What is looking for release? What wants to be acknowledged and healed? Are you seeking your own love, reassurance, and guidance? Is your inner child?

If your fear is simply of the unknown, it is an opportunity for you to embrace your inner creator. What would you like to experience? Do you have clarity on where you’d like to go? Once you do, surrender into what you would like or your highest experience, which will activate your team of helpers and shift you into co-creation. The true fear is not of the unknown itself, it is of unconscious creation.

Your fear is always giving you an opportunity for greater self awareness and to show up for yourself in an empowered way. If you explore why it is there it will help you shift from being a mystery to yourself and an unconscious creator into being a conscious co-creator. When you know what you have ordered, there is no need to be afraid of what will arrive. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Let All the Sunshine In

God said:

From this moment on, when you are aware that you are worrying, blow yourself a kiss from Me and substitute something else for the worry. Often your worries are imagined. You put yourself in a precarious place. You do realize that you are doing this, don’t you? You bet on worries. You may even feel amiss without something to feel on edge about.

When you recognize that you are worrying, replace your worries with something else for a few moments, if you please.

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Guiding Light

The question I am hearing repeatedly is, “How do I navigate this change?!  It is so massive!”  From the beginning, when anyone wanted to travel through uncharted territory, they looked to the stars.  The unwavering light of Polaris carried them to new destinations.  It may have been challenging and scary, but it could be and was done!
My darling one, whenever you feel you have lost your way; look for the One Light, your unchanging source of Unconditional Love.  It will always guide you in the right direction. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 12/7/2017

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Orgasm is the involvement of the total body: mind, body, soul, all together you vibrate, your whole being vibrates from the toes to the head. You are no longer in control; existence has taken possession of you and you don't know who you are. It is like a madness, it is like a sleep, it is like meditation, it is like death.





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