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Daily Message ~ Friday September 8, 2017

Dear Ones, there are energetic shifts that occur that may affect you in different ways. Some are energizing, and make sleeping difficult. Some energies require you to be very still but awake in order to integrate. Some require you to be in a deep sleep so you are most out of your own way in order to receive it. But all of the energies you receive are for your growth and expansion.

There are some things you can do to assist you in the process. The first is listen to your body. It has an innate intelligence that always knows exactly what you need. If you feel like you need rest, give it to yourself. If you crave certain foods, understand your body is looking for those nutrients and fuel it with what it is asking for. Drinking ample water is always recommended, as dehydration is common.

Acceptance is key! If you feel energetic intensity, rather than resisting, embrace it. Intend to accept the incoming energy whole-heartedly and with appreciation. A simple yet effective affirmation is, “I am shifting gratefully with grace and ease.” The fact that you are receiving these energies speaks to your own growth and readiness and is something to be celebrated.

GFP Newsletter - 9/7/2017

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When somebody demands, you will feel a sudden feeling not to give; because one wants to share, one wants to give, but one wants to remain one's own master. If you have to fulfill a demand you become a slave.

Nobody wants to be a slave.


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Drug Company Caught Faking Cancer Patients to Push Deadly Opioids for Profit

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer
Waking Times 

If the opioid crisis is to be resolved, opioid manufacturers must somehow be held to account for criminally pushing addictive and deadly products onto the public. While some cities and states are already suing pharmaceutical companies over this, and some pharmaceutical executives have been arrested on conspiracy charges, a new corruption case highlights the methods companies are using to create addict customers.

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You Can Change Your Mind

God said:

The dearest of My Children make assumptions. Of course, if you are to undertake any project in Life, you have to start somewhere. You can’t wait until you are infallible before you begin. You now begin with a premise. And a premise is not locked in stone. Your premise and assumptions and conceptions and misconceptions can bend and swerve and grow. You start somewhere, and your bases also change. This is a part of Life on Earth.

In the overall History of Life, once the Earth was considered flat, and now it is considered round. Ideas change. Man’s mind changes.

You know a lot. Certainly, you have learned a lot. And, yet, sometimes it can seem as though you have learned nothing at all. Often you are caught in your tracks. It may even be a good place to be to know that you don’t know all that you had hoped. Yes, Life surprises you often enough. It can be a surprise you love, or it can be a surprise that leaves your head spinning.

There is much delicacy in Life. You want to have confidence, yet you don’t want to be over-confident. God forbid that you be a know-it-all. You sure don’t want to be entrenched in one point of view when, in this world, there are all possibilities.

With this awareness, you would throw out all prejudices. How much more time and Love would you now have available? How easy living would be. How free. How enjoyable when nothing has to be designated as you may have thought it must.

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Daily Message ~ Thursday September 7, 2017

So many human beings are living lives that are a fraction of what is available to them. There are several reasons for this.

As children, most of you were conditioned to be careful, to not be reckless, to play it safe, to settle in and be satisfied with what was known. You were taught the pervasive belief your parents had, which was the known was safe, where the unknown was unsafe.

This is exactly how limiting belief systems occur - they are passed on from generation to generation until pioneering souls push the boundaries and new possibilities are discovered and accepted.

Many of you are in a phase where your soul wants more. It wishes to move beyond what you have known into the realm of endless possibility. That is because so many of you are pioneers, driving the shift of consciousness on your planet.

Don't be afraid to think beyond! Beyond what you have already experienced, beyond what you have known, beyond what you think is possible! You are creators - powerful, mindful, beautiful creators who are integral in the creation of the new earth.

Cast your net wide! Co-create with your guides and helpers by setting an intention to have your next grandest experience and leaving room for the universe to respond with potentials you couldn't have imagined.

Dear Ones, it is time to release the fear of success and the fear of failure and start to embrace the value of experience - all experience! You are ready to expand and self express like never before and you are well prepared for it, so go forth and SHINE! ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 9/6/2017

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When somebody thinks himself or herself beautiful, there is a constant demand: Look at me, I am beautiful, appreciate me. And beauty is a delicate phenomenon - you cannot demand. If you demand, in the very demand you have become ugly. If you demand, I repeat, the very demand makes you become ugly, because demand is ugly. If you demand and you are asking for it too much, nobody is going to give to you. Your demand becomes aggression - it is violent, and how can violence be beautiful? How can aggression be beautiful?


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How Two Young Surfers Are Cleaning Up The Ocean

by Joe Martino, Collective Evolution

It should be clear to us by now, we need to become more mindful about how we treat our environment. I recall as a kid being taught about littering in school and how we all needed to make an effort to stop it. It seemed so prominent back then. I remember going out into the school-yard and cleaning up litter as part of our awareness as to just how much trash is out there.

As I got older I felt that littering became much less of an issue with trash receptacles everywhere and seeing less garbage on the ground. But has it really translated to change? And has it happened everywhere?

Let’s talk about the ocean for a second, as of 2015 it was estimated that there are 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic debris in the ocean. This is broken down into two types. 269,000 tons of plastic floating on the surface of the ocean, and about 4 billion plastic microfibers per square kilometer littering the deep sea.

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Like a Hyacinth in Spring

God said:

Devotion is an actuality. Devotion certainly isn’t something you let go by the wayside. You may wonder where it is, this devotion you are supposed to have which, so far, does not descend nor arise in your Heart. You are not opposed to having it. When is it your turn? When will the devotion that may be buried within you wake up?

You have gathered that love from you to God is to blossom within you somehow somewhere, that High Devotion will grab your wrist and swing you high. How long can this Ringing of Devotion elude you? What can it be that keeps devotion just out of your sight? Have you been skipped over? Maybe devotion isn’t in your bailiwick this time around. Maybe you are to let it go.

Beloveds, in terms of a Grand Devotion, even a large-scale devotion with capital letters, it will come to you. Look, there it will be like a hyacinth in your garden, one early day in spring, a bulb buried in the ground, as if by itself, will burst forth to say: “Here I am!”
Like Spring, Devotion will spring up, and it is yours. You don’t have to water a hyacinth.


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