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God Tells Three Stories

God said:

I ask you: How are you today?

You answer: “Fine, thank You.”

If you think a moment, you realize this is your true answer. Listing your complaints is only skin deep. If you really and truly knew you were standing right before Me, it would surprise Me if you would give Me a list of all your recent irritations. I know you wouldn’t. For one thing, you might be so dumbfounded at My appearing and My question that you might be struck dumb. Perhaps, at the moment, you would not be able to think of one thing you need or even most desired a moment ago. It’s possible that My appearing right before you is all you could think of if you could think at all.

Let me tell you an old story from long ago times. It may be a true story of an old very poor man who was so good and worthy that I, God, visited him on Earth and asked him what I could give to him as a reward for all his goodness and the understanding and merit he held those in who had less than he. With all, he shared his crust of bread.

This old man didn’t race in with a whole list. He thought a few moments and then asked for only one thing:

“God, do You mind? Could I have a little butter with my bread?”

What a simple story of humility pure and simple without trying to be humble.

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Daily Message ~ Monday May 22, 2017

Dear Ones, we understand that it can be hard to wait in faith and trust for your manifestations to take on shape and form. But holding the space for their creation is even more important than the original inspiration for the dream is.

If you just found out you were pregnant, you would not insist the baby be born immediately. You would understand that it is in the midst of a process of growth and gestation, and that takes time. You would create the perfect environment for all of that to occur and would know that rushing it would be harmful. And despite your excitement, you would trust the process and divine timing, knowing when the time is perfect your baby – your new creation – will enter the world.

It can help to apply the same knowledge and wisdom to anything you wish to create. Honour the unfoldment with the complete faith and trust that even if you do not know what processes are that are occurring behind the scenes, they are all working together seamlessly to serve your dream until it is ready to be born into your physical reality.

That is exactly how you hold the space and stay in delicious anticipation without giving up on your creations before they have the time they need to take form. ~Archangel Gabriel

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For Yourself And The Greater Good

Begin again…… begin again…. begin again.  Just when you are becoming comfortable and sure of the most recent changes, here comes another wave that catches you off guard and sends you spinning.  Never fear, darling one!  The Universe is not doing this to purposely keep you off balance.  It is sending exactly what you can handle in any given moment.  Once you realize this very simple truth, things will become easier and gentler.  Remembering is the key.  This is what you came for; for yourself and the greater good. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 5/21/2017

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What you should do or should not do is not the way. Just watch, be alert, and sometimes if you lose alertness, then be alert to this non-alertness. Don't create a problem. Sometimes you will miss. Sometimes you will forget completely that you were to be watchful. So be watchful of this non- alertness. It is okay. You missed the point, you missed; don't create a problem about it, again watch it. You watch anger, sometimes you forget. You become angry, then you remember - watch again.

Don't create a problem out of missing the point, out of forgetting again, out of getting identified with the anger. Don't feel miserable, don't pity yourself and don't repent. When you have forgotten, you have forgotten. Now be watchful about this forgetfulness, and remember. Because the only point is to remember whatsoever is happening. Inattentiveness is happening - watch it. Simply go on watching, and soon you will understand a new dimension within you, and that dimension comes through watching. Problems start disappearing.

Nobody can control anger. Through controlling, you become miserable. This whole sad lot of humanity is so because of controlling. Nobody can control. If you control, the poison enters into every fiber of your being. Just watch, and observation becomes transformation. And when you observe, it is not a question of 'should' or 'should not'.


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Could Life Be a Crocodile?

God said:

From where you sit, you don’t know how Life can explain itself and its varied appearances and reappearances. It seems to you that Life walks on stage any way it wants. It’s difficult to see that Life takes responsibility for its actions, reactions, or inactions, yet, all the while, it is Life that holds all the cards.

Life seems to trudge along or leap along regardless of what you think of it. You see contradiction and a lack of merit in how Life plays its cards. You have not always seen Life bend over backwards to be helpful to you.

The Mechanics of Life are a mystery. The whys and wherefores seem to be obscured if not outright uncalled for, as you see it.

You may lie back, yet Life always furrows ahead. Life has so much vitality and drive. You have never found Life napping.

You may have wondered on occasion whether Life is a crocodile who smiles at you just before he snaps you up. Are you just to be a tasty tidbit for a sly crocodile? How on Earth can Life hop, skip, and jump around as if without a care in the world and leave you in a quandary?

Who on Earth could dream up what Life gives? Life can do whatever it feels like. There can be no explanation for Life, yet you may wish that Life would explain itself to you if not give you a full apology forthwith. It cannot be right that Life treats you as it has on one occasion or another.

No matter, this is all play. I, God, am speaking to you, yet you doubt.

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Why Washington Took Al-Qaeda in Syria off the Terrorist List

by Daniel McAdams

It might come as a surprise to many Americans that their government does not classify al-Qaeda in Syria as a terrorist organization. The reason it refuses to make the determination would shock them even more.

The Syrian franchise of the organization involved in the 9/11 attacks on New York and Washington has long gone by the name Jabhat al-Nusra (Nusra Front), and was sent into Syria by the head of al-Qaeda in Iraq, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Baghdadi went on to launch the rival breakaway group ISIS, while Nusra maintained its status as al-Qaeda’s boots on the ground in the war against the Syrian government.

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Daily Message ~ Sunday May 21, 2017

As you continue upon your enlightenment journey, you start to recognize how important balance is, for it is through a balanced state that can experience your alignment with Source, and from there navigate your life from your heart.

So how do you stay in a more balanced state? You simply ask yourself, in any situation, “What do I need to add to this situation to get back to balance?”

This is such an important question, for several reasons. First it allows you to accept the situation as it is without pushing against what is unwanted. You are not trying to resist, or take away, or separate anything. It is not making anything wrong, it is merely assessing what is required to shift into a state that allows greater alignment and balanced movement, which is flow. It is focused on forward movement.

Adding to the situation is using your mastery. It is calling forth an energy you can choose for the highest good of all. It is simply turning up what is desired, so to speak, to support yourself and others moving forward.

So for example, you may find yourself in a situation where there is conflict. Rather than making people wrong for their emotions or behaviour, you can decide to bring the energy of love, calm, and peace to the whole, which would create greater possibilities for balance, much as a buoy can offer stability in choppy waves, should someone wish to grab onto it.

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How to Begin

God said:

In Life, sometimes you are on the horns of a dilemma. Sometimes you have to be blunt, and sometimes you have to simply be quiet. What a talent it be would be to always know which is which.

Never do I wish to tell you to be away from your Truth. Never do I wish to tell you to be rude either. There can be Truth, and there can be Courtesy, and sometimes, alas, there doesn’t seem to be an between either.

I do not urge you to be mealy-mouthed or insipid, nor do I tell you to tear someone down and flatten them, nor do I urge you to be duplicitous. Beloveds, in this world, sometimes the kind thing to do is to make yourself clear. This is the dilemma.

Sometimes you have to come out and say something that you don’t really want to say. It may be your responsibility to say if not your desire. Try as you may, there are times when it is right action to say what has to be said, and then there are instances where it is right action to be silent. Or, a lot may depend upon the two personalities and the specific situations. You may have to rely on your intuition rather than intellect.

Maybe you have to get away from the idea that it is unkind to speak up. Honesty can, indeed, be the best policy. Sometimes you have to keep your hands off and let Life take care of itself. I don’t mean just for your own benefit, dear ones, but for the benefit of all. Yes, sometimes in Life it is for you to keep your hands off. What a blessing to know when.

GFP Newsletter - 5/20/2017

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In anger try to understand what is happening. In hate, in love, in relationship, try to understand what is happening. When you feel sad, try to understand what is happening, and you will simply be wonderstruck! If you try to understand what is happening in anger, you will immediately feel a change of quality. Something is already changing through your watching. The anger is no longer the same; the violence of it has disappeared. It is still a cloud hanging around, but there is no aggression in it. Go on watching, and you will feel that even that cloud is disappearing; rays of the sun are entering.

Watching anger, anger disappears. Watching hate, hate disappears. If you can watch anything, immediately a new dimension has penetrated into it. The watcher has come in, and the watcher is the greatest phenomenon in the world. God comes through your watching, not through your actions.



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