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Cheney, Rothschild, And Fox News’ Murdoch Violate International Law By Drilling For Oil In Syria

Backed by Murdoch, Cheney, Rothschild, and others, Genie Energy has been granted drilling rights in Syria's Golan Heights region.

By: Claire Bernish / The Free Thought Project

After concluding the flow testing phase, Afek Oil and Gas will now begin analyzing samples drawn from the Ness-2 drilling site, euphemistically dubbed “Deborah’s Well,” in the Israeli-occupied region of Syria known as the Golan Heights. New Jersey-based Genie Energy, Ltd., Afek’s parent company, claims a dubious cadre of investors cum war profiteers, including Rupert Murdoch, Dick Cheney, Lord Jacob Rothschild, James Woolsey — as well as a number of current and former U.S. politicians.

Prior testing at a separate Afek site did not meet expectations, so the company sought other “sweet spots” in the area. Analysis of samples from additional wells will be performed by Afek scientists in conjunction with “external international experts.”

To understand U.S. involvement in the quagmire in Syria, Afek’s oil exploration is of critical import.

GFP Newsletter - 4/9/2017

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When all the religious leaders of a country condemn materialism, attachment to body, attachment to this, attachment to that, and start teaching people tastelessness, celibacy, the country starts shrinking. It stops being creative. It drops its sciences, its technology. It starts following these great religious people, not knowing that you cannot follow them. You are destroying the very ladder they have climbed up on!

And it is very easy for them, standing on the roof, to tell you, "Destroy this ladder, it is useless.


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Mercury JUST Went Retrograde Again, This Time In Taurus & Aries - Here's What It Might Mean For You

by Carmen Di Luccio, Collective Evolution

Mercury is once again going retrograde starting off in Taurus and ending in Aries. This is when it appears to be going backwards from our geocentric (Earth-based) perspective. It officially begins on April 9th/10th and lasts until May 3rd/4th. Some of its well-known disruptive effects may have already started to be noticeable for you in the days leading up to its start, and in some cases even a few weeks before.

Mercury rules over communication and transmitting information or data as well as the mind and its ability to analyze and discern. Commuting, reading/writing, mechanical/moving parts, the internet and anything else related to communication technology such as phones/computers are all under the rulership of this planet.

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Why Japan’s School Lunches Put Other Countries’ To Shame

by Jessica Murray, True Activist

Japan's new food program is a huge contrast to current plans in the US.

A recent article has delved into the reasons why the Japanese nation is so successful, particularly exploring the details within their school lunch program. This has come at a time when the US is considering cutting the funding that provides school lunches for underprivileged children, which is in huge comparison to Japan who places a high priority and focus on their school children’s healthy meals on a daily basis. Whilst the US claim that there is not enough evidence to show that feeding kids improves their academic results, Japan points to the importance of regular homemade meals, according to recent reports.

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Within God you have your eternal and endlessly joyful existence.

Humanity has chosen to awaken, it’s as simple as that!  However, although in truth the awakening has already occurred, it does take time to come to fruition for you because the illusion is largely about time and its passing, and until your awakening happens you are time-bound within your collective dream, the illusion.  It is unreal but, because you intended it to seem very real, it does seem utterly real to you.  That, of course, is very confusing for you, and because the vast majority of the human population believes that the illusion is absolutely real that is how it appears to you.

What is presently occurring is the unraveling of the collective belief in the illusion, and because of that you see apparent chaos, confusion, and conflict in many places across the world as the beliefs that hold it in place are released.  Remember, beliefs are restrictive and limiting opinions that, as humans, you hold and trust, but which are largely invalid.

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Know Your Intentions

God said:

If the idea of loving everyone and everything is too much for you to take in, then think along the lines of creating Good Will instead. This may be more palatable for you. It is well within your scope to create Good Will. It doesn’t seem so far out to you as loving everyone and everything and believing that you can.

Whatever you may be dealing with, consider creating Good Will. Give yourself a chance. You don’t have to be perfect in this overnight.

Now, be sure you know that this advice is not saying that you are to pander or to cater to anyone. We are speaking of far greater than building egos. You are not trying to win points. You are intending to contribute to Peace on Earth and Good Will to All the People on Earth and to all of Earth itself.

Be gracious to the land itself. Love the Earth itself and all of nature.

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Nigerian Court Rules Coca-Cola Products Unfit for Human Consumption, Citizens Call for Boycott

by Amando Flavio, AnonHQ

The Coca-Cola Company is now in deep trouble. Many people have come to realize in recent times that products of the company do more harm to their health. In fact, all Coca-Cola products have no recorded important nutritional value.

According to health experts, people who drink just 330ml of Coca-Cola would have their blood sugar levels increase dramatically within 20 minutes. If they continue to drink Coca-Cola continuously, they are likely to have serious blood pressure problems.

As a soda drink, it also contributes to obesity. In 2016, it emerged that Coca-Cola and Pepsi have been funding up to 96 health groups in the United States to mislead the public that their products have no links to obesity. When this was made public, Coca-Cola issued a statement denying the claim.

What else can the company do than to deny the claim? Coca-Cola has since increased its advertising campaigns in order to continue to poison its consumers to death. We’re not intentionally scaring you, we’re just pointing out the facts. Soda drinks, including Coca-Cola, are nothing but poison.

In the West African country of Nigeria, a court has ruled that two products of Coca-Cola – Fanta and Sprite – are not safe for human consumption.

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Inward Or Outward

You can put on nice clothing and, although it makes you ‘look good’, it does not make you respectable.  You can report a theft, but this does not make you honest.  You can do the right thing when no one is watching, but this does not give you integrity.
Each of these things is a daily practice, first with yourself then with others.  If you do not have these things within, then all else is an ‘outward appearance’. ~ Creator



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