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Inspiring Police Program To Help Addicts Changes The Face Of The "War On Drugs"

by Whitney Webb, True Activist

A Massachusetts police department success in treating addicts instead of simply incarcerating them has led similar programs to be adopted in 28 different states.

Drug addiction in America is an ever-growing epidemic and a “war” that we are losing. Throwing addicts in jail has proven ineffective given the nature of drug addiction and so hundreds of police departments around the US have started using drug treatment as an alternative to imprisonment. For instance, the Gloucester County Police Department in Massachusetts has created a revolutionary new policing strategy called the Angel program, aimed at getting addicts the help they need, instead of putting them in handcuffs. This program has had so much success that it has turned heads and convinced other law enforcement departments to follow their lead.

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Shocking Fast Food Statistics & How You Can Begin To Eat Better

by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

We all know that people are eating a lot of fast food, and in many cases a lot more than they should! In fact, some experts recommend no fast food at all, as it virtually isn’t going to do your body any favours – even if you are choosing the so-called “healthy” options on the menu. It appears that the health conscious community is growing, so surely this number has gone down, right?

Well, actually not! I’m from a very small town in Northern British Columbia, and when I heard that a Burger King was opening I was in complete shock. I just didn’t realize that these restaurant franchises were still on the upward climb and that people were choosing to eat this food enough to make it worthwhile for companies to continue opening new locations.

I guess because of the way I have been eating over the past several years I’ve been living in a bit of a bubble and have been unaware of what everyone else is up to!

I decided to look into this a bit more and find out just how much fast food is still being consumed on a regular basis, worldwide.

GFP Newsletter - 2/26/2017

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Nobody is lower and nobody is higher. There many be lower steps and there may be higher steps but they are all connected in one symphony.

Love knows no judgment, that's why love can do miracles.


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There’s A Hidden Network Of Psychedelic Temples Under The Alps

by Jennifer Sodini, Collective Evolution

Damanhur is a commune, ecovillage, and spiritual community that was founded in 1975 by a man named Falco Tarassaco. It is situated in the Piedmont region of northern Italy about 30 miles north of the city of Turin, in the foothills of the Alps.

It is best known for its otherworldly underground tunnels that feature a cathedral dedicated to awakening the divine spark present in every human being, known as the Temples of Humankind. Called the “Eighth Wonder of the World,” what makes these temples so extraordinary is that they were dug (almost) entirely by hand into the heart of the mountain in which they reside.

From the official website for Damanhur:

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A Soul in Costume

God said:

There is such a thing as Destiny.

You are destined. You grow to your Destiny. Ultimately, you are destined for Greatness. You are destined for Greatness right now.

You may be destined to be an artist, or you may not be destined to be an artist.

You may be destined to be a schoolteacher, or you may not be destined to be a teacher. You may be destined to learn.

You may be destined to do what you are doing right now -- a bookkeeper, a truck driver, a politician, a writer, even a Godwriter. Remember? There are no accidents.

Your Destiny also can change of its own accord, or it may not.

It seems uncanny, yet where you are right now, comfortable or not, is where you are destined to be, short term or long term.

Your ultimate Destiny is your awareness of Our Oneness, often named Enlightenment.

The fact that Destiny exists does not make you helpless. In Life, you are swimming to shore. Everyone has his own way of reaching shore, some direct, some all around the block or all over the world. You are the one swimming.

You are destined to travel, for instance, or you are destined to stay home. No one is a pilot by mistake. Or soldier, sailor, tinker, tailor etc. No one is where he or she is by mistake. Of course, you may see error, yet what you see as error is leading you or pushing you on to your furthermost Destiny.

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Hungarian Brewery Gives Free Beer To Those Who Adopt Rescue Dogs From Local Shelter

by Amanda Froelich, True Activist

This brewery is offering a free, personalized crate of beer to anyone who welcomes a formerly abused dog into their home.

Business owner Tamas Szilagyi doesn’t just run the Mad Scientist Brewery in Budapest, Hungary, she advocates for the adoption of rescue animals. It’s because she’s a self-proclaimed animal lover that the entrepreneur created a campaign which offers a free, personalized crate of beer to anyone who adopts a dog from the nearby shelter.

Global News reports that all of the dogs came from the Noe Animal Sanctuary, which has rescued abandoned and tortured dogs from abusive homes since 1992. Approximately 1,000 animals – from dogs to deer, to cattle and foxes – are cared for by the sanctuary.

Szilagyi explained the reason the brewery is offering a free crate of beer to those who adopt by saying,

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Daily Message ~ Sunday February 26, 2017

Enlightened decision making asks, "Where does my soul call me to go? How can I be my highest expression of self? What would bring me joy? What feels right? What allows me to shine in my truth and divinity to be of greatest service to myself, my planet, and all humanity? What supports me in knowing and expressing the love that I am?" ~Archangel Gabriel


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Congresswoman Who Says US Funds ISIS Just Got Back from Syria: Here's What She Found

by Darius Shahtahmasebi, The Anti-Media

Democratic Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, the lawmaker who accused the U.S. government of funding and arming ISIS and introduced a bill to prevent it from happening in future, recently disclosed that she met with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad during her recent trip to Syria. The move has reportedly angered many of her fellow congressmen and women.

Upon returning from the war-stricken nation, Gabbard released the following statement in the form of a press release:

“My visit to Syria has made it abundantly clear: Our counterproductive regime change war does not serve America’s interest, and it certainly isn’t in the interest of the Syrian people.

“As I visited with people from across the country, and heard heartbreaking stories of how this war has devastated their lives, I was asked, ‘Why is the United States and its allies helping al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups try to take over Syria? Syria did not attack the United States. Al-Qaeda did.’ I had no answer.”

GFP Newsletter - 2/25/2017

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I never judge anybody - love knows no judgment. I don't see that somebody is good and somebody is bad. To me you are all one energy, different manifestations, and all are needed to make an organic unity.



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