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Refined Oils, The Popular Yet Toxic Ingredient Found In Many ‘Healthy Foods’

by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

The drive to being a health conscious person is becoming more and more common as we uncover the truth about how many of the everyday foods we eat are produced. In turn, people will stop eating these products, which inevitably forces manufacturers to use better products, or just less artificial ingredients to keep up with consumers’ demands.

I believe that knowledge about refined cooking oils is the next “big thing” in the health movement for people to start watching out for and eventually stop purchasing. These oils wreak havoc on our digestive systems and certainly cause a lot more harm than good. If you have switched to coconut oil for cooking that is a huge step in the right direction, but unfortunately, these unhealthy oils are found in almost all processed and packaged foods, including those that are often marketed as “health” foods.

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How To Heal Your Mind, Body & Spirit By Reconnecting With The Elements - TruthTheory

by Luke Miller Truth Theory

In times gone by- before all the distractions and technological advances we had a deep connection with all the elements. In alchemy (the ancient practice which gave birth to chemistry) the elements were spoken of as the building blocks for all matter.

The 4 elements are- earth, water, fire and air, and all matter is considered to be a mixture of one or more of these elements. It is though that connection to the elements in their purest form can have a healing effect and each of the elements are linked to different aspects of the human spirit, body and psyche. In this article I am going to explain how in some ways we are collectively disconnected from the elements, the connection of the elements to our mind, body and spirit, and how we can reconnect.


The earth element is the ground below our feet and holds all the characteristics that you see in the earth. In nature the earth holds roots, and this is what connecting to the earth element does for us. The earth is related to the root chakra, which is your foundations, security and being grounded.

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How LED Lighting May Compromise Your Health

By Dr. Mercola

Can light affect your health? In this interview, Dr. Alexander Wunsch, a world class expert on photobiology, shares the hidden dangers of light-emitting diode (LED) lighting that most people are completely unaware of.

In fact, this could potentially be one of the most important video interviews I've done, as it has enormous impacts — not only on preventing blindness as you age but it is also a pervasive hidden risk factor for sabotaging your health.

Largely as a result of energy efficiency, there's been a major transition to using LED as a primary indoor light source. In this regard, it worked like a charm, reducing energy requirements by as much as 95 percent compared to incandescent thermal analog sources of lighting.

However, the heat generated by incandescent light bulbs, which is infrared radiation, is actually beneficial to your health, and hence worth the extra cost.

There are major downsides to LEDs that are not fully appreciated. LED lighting may actually be one of the most important, non-native EMF radiation exposures you're exposed to on a daily basis.

GFP Newsletter - 2/27/2017

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A fanatic Mohammedan is connected by his fanaticism to other Mohammedans. A fanatic Christian is connected by his fanaticism to other fanatic Christians, it is the fanatic element that connects them. Here, nobody is a fanatic.

How can you be a fanatic with a man like me, who takes nothing seriously?

I have never in my whole life taken anything seriously because I don't see the point, why one should take things seriously. Life is really such a joke, so hilarious.


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Trump Budget To Add ‘Historic’ $54 Billion To Military Spending

Trump wants to add 10 percent to the "defense" budget.

By: Tyler Durden, Zero Hedge

As observed earlier in the day, as part of the leaked preliminary Trump budget, the president was set to unveil major spending increases for U.S. defense offset by cuts to federal agencies, and other non-defense sectors. And on Monday morning, the first details emerged, including that the boost to defense spending is expected to be about 10 percent, or some $54 billion, and will be revenue neutral, offset by cuts in non-defense areas, and will not “add a dime to the deficit.” As Trump said, he is seeking a “historic increase” in military spending.

“This budget will be a public safety and national security budget,” Trump told state governors at the White House. “It will include an historic increase in defense spending to rebuild the depleted military of the United States of America at a time we most need it,” he said.

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Bioactive Glass - The Future of Dental Fillings

by Joe Battaglia, PreventDisease.com

Mercury amalgam fillings are now a well known toxicity to the body of both dental patients and dentists themselves. Specific resin composites used now by many dentists are safer, however insufficient research has been able to validate long-term health implications. Engineers have made some promising findings about the ability of 'bioactive' glass which may be not only the safest of the three, but perhaps even provide some of the minerals needed to replace those lost to tooth decay.

It will be noted that most of the 170,000 dentists in this US who work with amalgams do not think exposure to dental mercury causes any harm what-so-ever. And why should they since they were taught in dental school that amalgams don't release mercury.

The film You Put What In My Mouth? explores why dentists are unaware of manufacturer warnings and the elevated exposures during these routine dental procedures.

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The Light of God

God said:

Do you think that commitment requires a lot of determination and discipline, as if commitment comes spectacularly from dint of will? This is not how I see it. Commitment comes not from any kind of determination except for the happenstance of the depth of your desire. Commitment is something that comes your way, and you don't have a say about it. It walks in bidden or unbidden. It’s there, or it’s not.

A great artist by dint of his love for expression has to paint or sculpt. Art is so needful of expression that the artist has no choice. The same for a musician. He must play his flute. A composer must compose. He chooses, yet he has no choice.

A great artist still has to clean his paintbrushes. He cleans his brushes by dint of necessity. Cleaning his brushes is an outer necessity. His art is an inner necessity. The artist of magnitude paints because he cannot help himself. May everyone have such a deep desire within that he or she cannot withstand.

A baby wants to nurse, and a mother wants to nurse her baby. It is no sacrifice to take care of her baby. It is what the mother desires to do.

Of course, many people on Earth live by the sweat of their brow. They have a schedule, and they follow it. They go to work at 8 a.m. and get off work at 5 p.m.

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This Innocent Prisoner Went From Felon To Lawyer Because Someone Believed In Him

by Brianna Acuesta, True Activist

This man went from proving his innocence while in prison to helping others prove theirs as an attorney.

When Jarrett Adams was just 17 years old, he was arrested and subsequently wrongfully convicted of sexual assault after being charged alongside two other boys of engaging in a group assault during a trip to the University of Wisconsin. While one of the boys was acquitted, Adams and the other boy were each found guilty and Adams was sentenced to 28 years in prison.

While it’s sad that Adams and the other boy were wrongfully convicted, it’s even worse when looking at why such a wrongful conviction occurred in the first place. The boy who was acquitted was able to hire a private lawyer, who located an alibi witness and presented conflicting evidence, but the other two couldn’t afford a lawyer and settled for court-appointed attorneys.

Adams’ lawyer did not attempt to contact the alibi witness, nor did they offer any sort of defense for the accusation. Other than the testimony from the victim, there was absolutely no evidence linking Adams to the crime, yet he was convicted and sentenced to a lengthy prison term.


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